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Colorado teen birthrate drops 40% with low-cost birth control : news. Privilege. 5 Structural Problems That Are Destroying America - John Hawkins - Page full. The biggest fallacy in politics is that we need "another Reagan" or more "Tea Partiers" in Congress if we want to save the country.

5 Structural Problems That Are Destroying America - John Hawkins - Page full

Thank you to the D.C. redditors who braved pouring rain to hand-deliver reddit's FCC comments. Yesterday, the FCC servers had melted down and reddit needed to file our official Comments in support of net neutrality so it could be considered in the initial comment period.

Thank you to the D.C. redditors who braved pouring rain to hand-deliver reddit's FCC comments

At the same time, reddit along with other major tech companies was meeting in NYC with FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler. So we don't have any reddit employees close enough in D.C. to hand-deliver them, so we needed your help again. We put up the call for help in /r/washingtondc and in just a few short hours an impromptu reddit meetup formed outside the FCC building. For those considering joining the military : videos. I feel so sorry for american families. Read the last line. Don't be leisure town, don't hold others back. Tell Your Story! Fred Rogers. Initially educated to be a minister, Rogers was displeased with the way television addressed children and made an effort to change this when he began to write for and perform on local Pittsburgh-area shows dedicated to youth.

Fred Rogers

WQED developed his own show in 1968 and it was distributed nationwide by Eastern Educational Television Network. Over the course of three decades on television, Fred Rogers became an indelible American icon of children's entertainment and education, as well as a symbol of compassion, patience, and morality.[2] He was also known for his advocacy of various public causes. His testimony before a lower court in favor of fair use recording of television shows to play at another time (now known as time shifting) was cited in a U.S. Supreme Court decision on the Betamax case, and he gave now-famous testimony to a U.S. Senate committee, advocating government funding for children's television.[3] Personal life Television career Early work. Life-Saving Drug Out of Reach.

Fixes looks at solutions to social problems and why they work.

Life-Saving Drug Out of Reach

Mark Kinzly saved two lives this week. But he wouldn’t have been here to help if a friend hadn’t once done for him what he’s now repeatedly done for others — provide overdose victims with Naloxone, the antidote that revived them. Overdose now kills more people in the United States than car accidents, making it the leading cause of injury-related mortality according to the latest statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. 5 Things Nobody Tells You About Being Poor. Your Next Expensive Disaster is Always Around the Corner Shit happens, always at the exact worst time.

5 Things Nobody Tells You About Being Poor

A tire blows on my car and, without a spare, it instantly becomes a paperweight. The 5 Stupidest Habits You Develop Growing Up Poor. #2.

The 5 Stupidest Habits You Develop Growing Up Poor

You Become an Obsessive Bean-Counter When You're Poor ... Remember that time you were cleaning out your wallet and found an extra $5 bill stuffed inside one of the pockets? Poor people are laughing their asses off right now because I might as well be asking if they remember the time they found an extra minotaur in the kitchen. A year ago today we proved (again) that love is stronger than terror. Where Good Grows - Recycle. WGG Use Terms These Use Terms form part of the Service’s Terms and incorporate WGG’s General Terms by reference.

Where Good Grows - Recycle

This means that the General Terms supplement these Use Terms and you are bound by them as part of your contract with WGG. Important Provisions Our Terms contain a number of words and phrases which have specific meanings and most of which are capitalised. Our Glossary contains these words and phrases. Binding Contract. American Biogas Council. "Poorest" president in the world. We all can learn from the successes of others. (I'm talking to you Obama.) Excellent description showing that eating healthier isn't as easy as spending a little more on the right foods.... : bestof.

The Side Effect Of Birth Control No One Ever Talks About. 28 Most Iconic Feminist Moments of 2013. During an appearance on Fox's Sean Hannity Show, Zerlina Maxwell was invited to speak about guns, rape, and violence.

28 Most Iconic Feminist Moments of 2013

As a rape survivor, she had a lot of notable reasons to shame conservatives who believe the solution to ending rape resides in giving out more guns. "I think the entire conversation is wrong. I don't want anybody to be telling women anything. Buddy bench at Roundtown Elementary to help foster friendships. Second-grader Christian Bucks came up with the idea after seeing one at a school in Germany during some research.

Buddy bench at Roundtown Elementary to help foster friendships

By Lydia Ann Stern For the Daily Record/Sunday News Updated: 01/08/2014 03:18:40 PM EST. 5 Popular Beliefs That Are Holding Humanity Back. #2.

5 Popular Beliefs That Are Holding Humanity Back

That Most of the Humans in the World Aren't People Images Let's talk about overpopulation and 1980s cartoons for a moment. Hanlon's razor. Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity. This particular form is attributed to a Robert J. Hanlon. However, earlier utterances that convey the same basic idea are known. Origins and etymology[edit] The adage was popularized in this form and under this name by the Jargon File, a glossary of computer programmer slang.[1][2] In 1990, it appeared in the Jargon File described as a "murphyism" parallel to Occam's Razor.[3] The name was inspired by Occam's razor.[4] Later that same year, the Jargon File editors noted lack of knowledge about the term's derivation, and the existence of a similar epigram by William James.[5] In 1996, the Jargon File entry on Hanlon's Razor noted the existence of a similar quotation in Robert A.

His First 4 Sentences Are Interesting. The 5th Blew My Mind. And Made Me A Little Sick. I wrote ‘What Do You Buy the Children of the Terrorist Who Tried to Kill Your Wife?,’ a memoir just published about my reconciliation with the Palestinian family of the man who injured my wife. Some people like it. Some hate me for it. AMA! : IAmA. Funny dancer kills it on stage. This Is What It Looks Like When The King Of The Nerds Gives Your Infant Daughter A Pep Talk. U.S. Wheat Banned in Japan, South Korea After Discovery of Monsanto GMO : politics. Welcome to Forbes. Hobo. Two hobos walking along railroad tracks, after being put off a train.

Student stands up to lazy teacher @ Duncanville, TX High School. Tipping and Tooting - A comic about people who wait tables. The Norwegian prison where inmates are treated like people. The first clue that things are done very differently on Bastoy prison island, which lies a couple of miles off the coast in the Oslo fjord, 46 miles south-east of Norway's capital, comes shortly after I board the prison ferry. I'm taken aback slightly when the ferry operative who welcomed me aboard just minutes earlier, and with whom I'm exchanging small talk about the weather, suddenly reveals he is a serving prisoner – doing 14 years for drug smuggling. He notes my surprise, smiles, and takes off a thick glove before offering me his hand. "I'm Petter," he says. No-bathing Weekend. Cards Against Humanity. Loud Commercials – When and How the FCC will Enforce the CALM Act Regulating the Volume of TV Commercials. Updated April 09, 2014 On December 15, 2010, President Obama signed the Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation (CALM) Act, requiring TV broadcasters to ensure that commercials air at a volume no louder than the programs in which they appear.

Every time I drive at night I can't believe those xenon/HID headlights are legal. What other things are legal that you think shouldn't be? : AskReddit. Degreed. How Costco Became the Anti-Wal-Mart. Toys 'R Us Catalogue In Sweden Shows Gender Neutral Toys And Playtime. The 8 Preventive Health Services that Women Start Getting Free Today. Starting today, about 47 million American women will have access to free preventive health services as part of a new provision in President Obama’s Affordable Care Act. Comprehensive preventive care coverage will now be provided for insured women enrolling in new health care plans or renewing their existing policies on or after Aug. 1, 2012. Oren Frank: Therapeutic Conversations: A Shameless Future for Mental Health. You've read it a hundred times: Mental health is the biggest modern maladie. Every year it affects more than 40 million Americans, kills more people than motor car accidents, and is responsible for more than $100 billion in indirect costs.

Millionaires to Washington: More Taxes, Please! Researchers Turn Fermented Biomass Into Gasoline With Palladium Catalysis. Pink Ribbons, Inc. (Clip) by Léa Pool. 01l7H.png (PNG Image, 600 × 2430 pixels) Escape your search engine Filter Bubble! DuckDuckGo does not collect or share personal information.

Wikipedia Takes America. Wikipedia Takes America is a campaign held each September to organize Wikipedia Takes Your City photo scavenger hunts across the United States, to coincide with the Wiki Loves Monuments photography contest in the United States and throughout the world. How it works[edit] 16 Things That Are Likely To Kill You And 1 That Is Not. Bill Marriott Also Dislikes Gay Marriage, But Here's Why People Aren't Freaking Out At His Hotel Chain. Conservative Gun Control Cartoon Gets Readers’ Attention. In Virginia, Developer Is on a Mission to Revive His Town. Google plans to pay gay employees more - Business - Careers. Why Nikola Tesla was the greatest geek who ever lived.

Could This Be The Most Upworthy Site In The History Of The Internet? Child Bride Has Marriage Annulled. Laxmi Sargara is Our Hero of the Day. Signmark. Direct Democracy for the European Union. Homeless Cats Go To Prison, Get Help From Convicts. Gesundheit means good health! Piano stairs - - Starbucks, Whole Foods Are Among World's Most Ethical Companies.

Lessons in Sustainability From Gandhi. The Expandable Mobile Mini House foldmobile-ed02 – Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World. Meet 6 People With Awesome Lifestyles Who Aren't Technologists. How to Convert a Bus into a Motorhome - Conversion. Earthbag construction. Projects. The 10 Hour Power Shower. The 1 Second Film. Part of the Urban Justice Center. Jack Abramoff - The Colbert Report - 2011-08-12. Richard Branson. Build Community Through New Organic Farm and Resource Center. Greenhouse/Guesthouse Part 1. How to build a PVC greenhouse. Stephen Colbert. Dwolla. Bunker Roy: Learning from a barefoot movement. Sister Cities International. 6 Extreme Ways To Land Your Dream Job - The No-Experience Resume For College Grads -