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Desktime: Shared Spaces and Coworking

Desktime: Shared Spaces and Coworking
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The LEAN Sprint Experiments power breakthrough discovery in both the Scientific Method and our adaptation of it for entrepreneurship: Herein lies the key to breakthrough in both: If your guess disagrees with experiment, it is wrong. It doesn’t matter how beautiful your guess is, how smart you are, who made the guess, or what their name is… it is wrong. – Richard Feynman But while experiments are highly effective at testing guesses, simply running experiments is also not enough. This begs the question: “Where do good guesses or ideas come from?” The answer is that good ideas can come from anywhere. This is exactly what the LEAN Sprint is designed to do. What is the LEAN Sprint A LEAN sprint is a time-boxed iteration cycle for sourcing, ranking, and testing new ideas. We have successfully applied LEAN Sprints both internally in our team and across several dozen entrepreneurial teams at both startups and large organizations. 1. 2. 3. The 5 Stages of a LEAN Sprint There are five stages to running a LEAN Sprint.

Amsterdam sera neutre carbone dès 2015 grâce à Cisco Par Frédéric Bordage - 02/10/2008 La semaine dernière, j’ai eu la chance de participer à la “Connected Urban Development (CUD) Conference” organisée par Cisco à Amsterdam. L’évènement avait pour objectif de présenter les avancées de la ville d’Amsterdam en matière de lutte contre les émissions de CO2, et de rendre publics les premiers résultats du programme CUD de Cisco. Avant de nous intéresser au programme CUD en détail, j’aimerais vous présenter le retour d’expérience de la ville d’Amsterdam. C’est Bas Boorsma, responsable du programme Connected Urban Development (CUD) à la ville d’Amsterdam qui est chargé de trouver des solutions. Allié à Cisco, la ville d’Amsterdam a donc lancé un programme pilote de re-localisation du lieu de travail de certains de ses salariés (25 pour commencer). La ville a fait son calcul. Au final, “nous avons réussi a sortir les déplacements de l’équation tout en faisant gagner du temps à nos employés. L’initiative de la ville d’Amsterdam n’est pas isolée.

Test Your Creativity: 5 Classic Creative Challenges Fascinated by how brains and creativity work, we frequently share new research on the 99U twitter feed, showing how everything from drinking alcohol, to taking vacations, to moving your eyes from side to side can make you more creative. What’s particularly interesting, however, is that most of these studies rely on just a small group of core creativity tests – and you don’t need any special lab equipment to take them. Below, we’ve collected five of the most commonly used creativity challenges for your self-testing pleasure. While creativity “testing” is far from an exact science, trying your mettle at these challenges could yield insight into when, where, and how you’re most creative. Or maybe it’ll just be fun. 1. Developed by J.P. Hold papers togetherCufflinksEarringsImitation mini-tromboneThing you use to push that emergency restart button on your routerKeeping headphones from getting tangled upBookmark The test measures divergent thinking across four sub-categories: 2. 3. 4. 5.

The Coworking Magazine Which is the most peaceful country in the world? Despite an increase in geopolitical tensions and an upsurge in violence in certain parts of the world, last year saw the overall level of global peacefulness remain stable, according to the latest Global Peace Index report. Four regions experienced an improvement in peace: Europe, North America, sub-Saharan Africa and Central America and the Caribbean. The remaining five regions – Asia Pacific, South America, Russia and Eurasia, South Asia, and the Middle East and North Africa – saw a deterioration. The MENA region is ranked the least peaceful in the world and saw the most significant changes compared to the previous year as violence flared across Iraq, Syria, Libya and Yemen. Overall, 81 countries became more peaceful while 78 countries were worse off. The Global Peace Index, issued by the Institute for Economics and Peace, ranks 162 independent states covering 99.6% of the world’s population. The 10 most peaceful countries The 10 least peaceful countries

Equilibre entre vie privée et vie professionnelle : Du télétravail au nomadisme digital ? Voici une vidéo de TEDx Paris (Technology Entertainment Design), particulièrement intéressante. Nicole Turbé-Suetens, animatrice du réseau Distance Expert, est une fervente partisane du télétravail à temps partiel. Car comme elle le souligne, avant de télétravailler il faut se connaitre, et lorsqu’on télétravaille, il faut se rencontrer. Le télétravail est l’avenir du travail Selon elle, tout le monde y gagnerait : - L’employeur qui aurait alors des employés beaucoup plus décontractés, mieux concentrés, plus productifs, moins absents ! - Les salariés qui auraient enfin, quelques heures de plus à consacrer à leur vie privée, enfants, familles et autres activités personnelles. - Les collectivités, les communes qui conserveraient une partie de leur population, au cours de la semaine, contribuant au développement des activités de ces communes. J’ai la chance de télétravailler très régulièrement, plusieurs jours par semaine de chez moi et même de l’étranger. Ce n’est pas pour tout le monde !

illustrator tuts Since its release, Adobe's Illustrator has grown to become the designer's right-hand man when it comes to creating premier vector graphics and elements. There's so much you can do with it that it can be difficult to know where to start. Happily, we're here to round up the best Adobe Illustrator tutorials, covering everything from illustration to logo design, adding depth to your typography and much more, to help you get the most from this amazing app. Jump directly to a section using this handy category guide, or just get started browsing the whole list! With so many to choose from, you're sure to find a project to inspire you, whether you're using an older version of Illustrator or are signed up to the Creative Cloud. Here goes! Adobe Illustrator for beginners: 11 top tips If you're just starting out with Illustrator, here's a fantastic guide to some of its tools. Setting up a new document Essentials of the Pen and Pencil tools Creating objects with the Shape tools Empty list

Apremy - Escuela de negocios La Cantine Contactez-nous Pour organiser un événement ou pour toute autre question. Réservez un espace Réserver nos espaces pour vos événements. Suivez-nous S'inscrire à la newsletter : Venez travailler Réserver en ligne une place de coworking ou une salle de réunion. Rejoignez la communauté Voir et rejoindre ceux qui gravitent autour du Numa. Du 5 au 7 mai, OuiShare Fest revient et met les communautés à l’honneur Publié le 04/04/2014 OuiShare, association et communauté internationale des acteurs de l’économie collaborative, est heureuse d’annoncer la seconde édition du OuiShare Fest à Paris du 5 au 7 mai 2014, le festival de l’économie collaborative, qui sera consacré cette année à l'Âge des communautés. Lire la suite Intersection - UX Paris Following the success of our 2012 book Intersection about strategic design in such environments, this conference aims to bring together enterprises, practitioners and experts from a large variety... Découvrez nos locaux ! Agrandir le plan Connectez-vous au RDC En savoir plus

Fostr | Support, Follow & Cultivate Creativity All professions require certain competencies, whether you are a musician, an athlete, a pilot, a doctor or an architect. And it is fair to ask of any professional if he/she has the the necessary skills to carry out the job at hand. Yet, the same doesn't seem to apply to entrepreneurs. Being an entrepreneur is in fact like any other profession, and through a combination of education, training and hard work you can develop the necessary competencies and mindset in order to be successful. TrepCamp has been developed to empower tomorrow's entrepreneurs with a solid understanding of the art of entrepreneurship. TrepCamp is designed for those who dream about starting their own business but are uncertain of where to begin. Do you want know more?

Norman Foster's Eco-City of the Future: Sustainable, zero-waste and car-free Norman Foster is one of the most respected architectural professionals in the world. With his ambitious goals in high tech architecture, he gave Great Britain and the entire world numerous architectural wonders. He is mostly renowned for having designed the famous Hearst Tower in New York City, the Gherkin in England and the Hong Kong International Airport in faraway Asia as well as. His portfolio is proof of well over 40 years of experience and high architectural professionalism. His true passion for sustainable architecture and the “green” field is proven through his next project, which is the creation of the world’s first carbon neutral city, called Masdar City (Abu Dhabi UAE). The City of the Future. Image source The city (also called the “walled in city”), will feature and have implemented all the renewable energy and sustainable architecture/technology patterns. Image source Image source Renewable energy and clean technology are the top leading ideas for creating Masdar City. Cost.

Franco-German Cultural Fund - Brand Identity on Behance [FR] LE CONCEPTNotre proposition s’articule autour de la notion d’échange croisés. L’allemagne est symbolisée par un axe horizontal, et la France par un axe vertical. Une couleur est attribuée à chacun de ces deux axes. La superposition des deux couleurs au croisement des deux axes symbolise la collaboration, le dialogue et l’échange interculturel entre la Fance et l’Allemagne.Le lien d’échange et de collaboration est renforcé par l’utilisation commune du mot «fonds». En effet, ce mot est le seul qui soit identique dans les deux langues. C’est donc légitimement qu’il a sa place au centre du logo, au centre du croisement. [EN] THE CONCEPTOur proposal is based on the notion of cross exchange.

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