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Transmedia Ready by Karine Halpern since 2010

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4D Fiction - Exploring the many dimensions of creative storytelling… Girlz In Web. 5min Media. Transmedia - Briefing Vol.1 -

Transmedia Marketing Branding

Zen Films: Transmedia Workflow. The first part of this post is over at Culture Hacker. The diagram below shows provides an overview of the workflow for delivering a transmedia project. You can view a better quality version here. Many of my earlier posts have looked at the development phase where we're trying to define the entertainment we hope to provide. This diagram looks at the full spectrum of activity from scoping your idea to delivering it. The process has been developed with brand clients in mind but it's easily adapted for filmmakers creating transmedia for themselves. If you right-click this link and "save as" you can download a project reference template (the "bible") that's already structured with this workflow. Please let me know if you think you've found anything in delivering working transmedia entertainment that's not covered. LARP. Live Action Role Play (n) Verb form: To LARP, LARPing, LARPed, etc. LARPs are a category of game in which players create characters and, acting as those characters, interact with other players and Storytellers/Game Masters to complete some sort of challenge, quest, or adventure.

LARPing traditionally has its roots in so-called "table top" games like Dungeons and Dragons or White Wolf's Vampire the Masquerade, however in table top games, the game mechanics are controlled by dice. In LARPing, game mechanics are usually controlled by rock-paper-scissors. Although some forms of LARPs do include foam weapons (known as "Boffer weapons") and medieval/fantasy costuming, others take place in the real world with current clothes and can be played in public spaces so long as players have an identifying object such as a red button or other signifier to tell other players who is involved in the game. I was LARPing last night and my Toreador character became Primogen of her Clan. Digitalbootcamp - home. Marshall McLuhan Speaks - Centennial 2011. STINER BROS. - about - We Create: Transmedia. Guagua Pública: Back Story. The back story for "Guagua Publica" I've focused all of my recent attention, since 2008, on the future of publishing.

And for me it's an extremely exciting time to be in the publishing industry. All the rules have changed and the old business models and terms of engagement all lead to a dead-end. A new industry is emerging on top of it that I call transmedia production. 2010 was pivotal year 2010 was a pivotal year for me as a publishing industry professional. Accordingly, I've been investing a lot of time with O'Reilly. Experience as micro-publisher As a micro-publisher I want to expand our reach. However, each us has become frustrated that we are not reaching enough people to actually manifest any influence. Transmedia Production Recently I've working on a model of transmedia production that will allow us to do it. In Puerto Rico we have a public provided bus system. Luckily, I was able to procure Are you on the bus? That's the way transmedia production will be. The Business of Storytelling: Trends, Articles, & Resources for Change.

Corner Prod. From e-Books to Immersive Story Worlds. About us. You maybe interested in using an App with your students but be confused as to which version of the App to select for your system. The Apps are designed to run on any platform or even from this site or a simple email to students, but you will need to select the correct option under “Platform Availability” on the detailed product information page. The system is the same for both Premium and Free Apps. The guide below should help you to make the correct choice. User with school or LEA based Learning Platforms (e.g. Moodle) or Learning Platform not listed in the Platform Availability list when you select a resource. You can purchase the resources from My Resource Cloud using the Generic embed option. When you select this option the purchased Apps will appear in the My Apps section of the site once you log in together with a URL to add to your Learning Platform as an icon or and a hyperlink within a learning resource or class area.

My Resource Cloud purchases can be run in any country. Kisskissbankbank : collectez des fonds pour réaliser vos projets. 8 No Time Left. Dear friends, We are happy, very happy, to meet so many of you Monday night during the 3rd No Time Left Festival. You were close to 400 to the City Hall of Paris to share with us this Evening event in the presence of Mr. Costa - Gavras, Honorary President of the festival. For your presence, for your participation, for your time, also, a huge "Thank you" to you all! 7 awards were presented : Lille Métropole Prize of international solidarity Abuela Grillo, Denis Chapon The Student Prize Tau Seru, Rodd Rathjen The Children Prize Abu the orphan and the magical tree, Julien Coquet and Gael Chevailler The Women prize What to Bring to America, Christophe Nassif The Cinema Prize Two & Two, Babak Anvari Grand Prix and The No Time Left special Prize Oscar Lalo Thank you to our winners, who gave us films as different as beautiful and impactful.

Thank you to the 297 filmmakers from 62 different countries and 25 filmmakers selected for making the Millennium live through their art. Very soon! The festival team. "GET IT ALL OUT" - a documentary - the improbable musical journey of John Creighton & Stick Against Stone. Ferran Clavell. Société production audiovisuelle, vidéo entreprise, réalisation film - Videoagency. CAMON Madrid | Transmedia Living Lab (27-28 mayo) : un album. Stellar Network. Upload video. Aggregate and curate video from multiple sources. Mix your pro, user gen, and web gathered content with


UniversCiné : VoD – Le meilleur du cinéma indépendant à télécharger Films en vidéo à la demande. WCN TRANSMEDIA GROUP. About us | Ledface Blog. Mozilla Firefox. Le premier magazine gratuit sur les communautés! | Le magazine des communautés. COMMUNICATION. StART Conference. API, Appify, Gamify. Merging+Media 2011 Transmedia Seminar + Lab.

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Please read and accept the waiver. All fields marked with * are required. US Zipcodes need to be 5 digits. Udemy (udemy) Transmedia is killing Hollywood will kill Transmedia : Brooke Thompson : And you, Mr. Transmedia Producer, are holding the gun. This was not what I had planned on posting today. I’ve got a post in the making taking a look at various things transmedia is used to describe and what is great (and difficult & challenging & wonderful) about each. It’s a good post. But then I read this. With that in mind, let’s look ahead to what’s on the menu for this year: four adaptations of comic books. I can hear the arguments now… “Brooke, you just hate franchises!” Wrong. Actually, no. The issue is that the loudest proponants of transmedia will point to all of these properties as successful examples of transmedia.

The one thing businessmen love as much as money is a buzzword. Enter Transmedia. The big loud voices will tell you that this is storytelling for the 21st century. They aren’t creating change. They’ll tell you that transmedia is all about the story (which it is) but then go on to provide examples of… franchises. So, Mr. I don’t blame you, Mr. And what happens then? Wikimédia France | Association pour le libre partage de la connaissance. Digital Media Wire | connecting people & knowledge.

Home page. Mathias Poulsen » Blog Archive » New to games & learning? I keep writing about how I perceive and work with games in education. If you are new to the field, however, there are far better ways to get up to speed. Why not listen to the worlds’ finest experts across research and practice? I always try to do that, and now I’ve attempted to aggregate some of the best videos from around the web & world, where truly inspiring and passionate people are introducing their perspectives on games & learning. Each video is accompanied by a few of the most relevant links as well as a brief introduction, yet I don’t want to take too much focus away from the actual videos; they’re what matters in this post. Sit back, watch ‘em all in a row, or come back later. There’s food for thought to keep you going for several days, I suppose. Enjoy. If there’s one person who really must be considered absolutely central to the field of games and learning, it’s James Paul Gee.

Here’s David in an enlightening conversation with Gee: Steve Peters. Fan films get serious. This article was taken from the October issue of Wired magazine. Be the first to read Wired's articles in print before they're posted online, and get your hands on loads of additional content by subscribing online No longer characterised by camera shake, badly made capes and dingy multistorey car parks, fan films, like Casey Pugh and Annelise Pruitt’s Star Wars Uncut, are growing in ambition.

Pugh and Pruitt divvied up Star Wars: IV into 15-second slices and crowdsourced fan versions of each segment, which were uploaded to The result has been nominated for an Emmy, and the trailer racked up 636,000 views. Pruitt says the mainstream studios are starting to get serious about fan releases. Here are four that WIRED has enjoyed. THE HUNT FOR GOLLUM Audience: Six million Budget: £3,000 Chris Bouchard spent his savings on “props and jam sandwiches” for cast and crew working for free on his Tolkien/Jackson tribute.

Max Giovagnoli – Head of : Gartner: 50% of Innovation will be Gamified by 2015. By 2015, 50% of companies that manage innovation and research will use gamification to drive innovation, according to a press release by Gartner. As gamification is just beginning and few public examples exist today, this finding means that the next four years are going to see rapid changes in management of the enterprise. According to Brian Burke, an analyst at Gartner, “Enterprise architects, CIOs and IT planners must be aware of, and lead, the business trend of gamification, educate their business counterparts and collaborate in the evaluation of opportunities within the organization.” The press release sites a few examples where changes are already beginning to take place including the World Bank’s Evoke, but the most interesting example is Idea Street.

Idea Street is an internal project of the United Kingdom’s Department of Work and Pensions, where employees interact and share ideas. Idea Street exemplifies some of the more general strengths of gamification, as explained by Gartner: My little notebook. Media: Cross-, Multi-, or Trans-? Argle. Seven Myths About Transmedia Storytelling Debunked. Over the past few years, transmedia storytelling has become a hot buzzword in Hollywood and Madison Avenue alike--"the next big thing" or "the last big thing" depending on whom you ask. Last year, the Producer's Guild announced a new job title, Transmedia Producer, a decision that has more or less established the term as an industry standard.

More and more companies are laying claim to expertise in producing transmedia content. But many using the term don't really understand what they are saying. So let's look at what people are getting wrong about transmedia. Myth 1: Transmedia Storytelling refers to any strategy involving more than one media platform. The entertainment industry has long developed licensed products, reproducing the same stories across multiple channels (for example, novelizations). Increasingly, broadcast content is also available on line. Myth 2: Transmedia is basically a new promotional strategy. Myth 3: Transmedia means games. Myth 4: Transmedia is for geeks. The Video Game Revolution: "Eight Myths About Video Games Debunked" by Henry Jenkins. Reality Bytes: Eight Myths About Video Games Debunked Henry Jenkins MIT Professor A large gap exists between the public's perception of video games and what the research actually shows.

The following is an attempt to separate fact from fiction. 1. According to federal crime statistics, the rate of juvenile violent crime in the United States is at a 30-year low. 2. Claims like this are based on the work of researchers who represent one relatively narrow school of research, "media effects. " 3. While most American kids do play video games, the center of the video game market has shifted older as the first generation of gamers continues to play into adulthood. 4. Historically, the video game market has been predominantly male. 5.

Grossman's model only works if: we remove training and education from a meaningful cultural context. 6. On April 19, 2002, U.S. 7. Much video game play is social. 8. Henry Jenkins is the director of comparative studies at MIT. Sources Gee, James. Grossman, David. The Art Of Immersion, Digital Storytelling And Transmedia. :: Sandbox Summit :: Geek Inc.

Dépasser le discours commercial et proposer le contenu de marque comme don généreux. Voici une autre partie de la séance de 2007 avec Raphaël Lellouche rédigée par Matthieu Guével. Nous y avons abordé la question du don que constitue le contenu de marque avec en référence Marcel Mauss et Paul Veyne. Le Brand content, en tant que contenu éditorial ayant un intérêt intrinsèque, sans obligation d’achat, se présente finalement comme un don fait par la marque à l’ensemble de ses auditeurs potentiels. Quels modèles explicatifs du don ? Le mécanisme du don est complexe, et mériterait à lui seul un développement détaillé. o Marcel Mauss dans son Essai sur le don a montré comment le don suscite des contre-dons, et institue la dynamique de l’échange dans la relation « gratuite ».

O Paul Veyne dans Pain et Cirque a bien expliqué le mécanisme de l’évergétisme, et la façon dont les notables romains donnaient au peuple des gratifications apparemment détachées de tout contenu lié au pouvoir, en échange de quoi le peuple leur prolongeait sa confiance. 1) Don et Contre-don o soit de plaisir. Transmedia Workshop. Strategies and Tactics For Marketers and Branded Entertainment Producers After two successful workshops in Los Angeles and Washington D.C., DMW and Starlight Runner are now for the first time bringing the Transmedia workshop, instructed by Jeff Gomez, to his hometown of New York City!

Two decades ago there was a fear that TV commercials would be less relevant as VCRs became ubiquitous. Today, right now, the issue is the fact, not the fear. So, how do you create branded entertainment beyond the soap-opera which consumers actually seek out and enjoy instead than taking bathroom-breaks to avoid? How do you approach creating branded content across different mediums such as online video, games and smartphones and still stay true to your brand identify? How do you turn your customers info loyal fans, eager to engage with your brand and spread the word to all their friends? Workshop Agenda Instructor Jeff Gomez, CEO & President, Starlightrunner Entertainment. Damien Giard. Je perds donc je pense - Blog

Noticias TransMedia. Distrify: the revolution in online film distribution and marketing. I Have Robots. United Spirit - Stratégies digitales pour les sports de glisse. Confessions of an Aca-Fan: The Official Weblog of Henry Jenkins. Shared Story Worlds | Beyond TV. Transmedia Storytelling. Several years ago, I asked a leading producer of animated features how much creative control his team exerted over the games, toys, comics, and other products that deployed their characters.

I was reassured that the distribution company handled all such ancillary materials. I saw the movement of content across media as an enhancement of the creative process. He saw it as a distraction or corruption. This past month, I attended a gathering of top creatives from Hollywood and the games industry, hosted by Electronic Arts; they were discussing how to collaboratively develop content that would play well across media. This meeting reflected a growing realization within the media industries that what is variously called transmedia, multiplatform, or enhanced storytelling represents the future of entertainment.

Let’s face it: we have entered an era of media convergence that makes the flow of content across multiple media channels almost inevitable. And it also makes economic sense. VODO - free-to-share films available through bittorrent. NM Incite. Not_available. Not_available. Not_available. Not_available. Walking the Edit - References. Transmedia New York City. Planning for Participation « Planning in High Heels. The MEMORO Project.

Transmedia activism

Transmediaactivism.wordpress. Conspiracy For Good. Transmedia Capital. Clinamen, graphistolages et écrivadrouilles : genèse d’un « transmedia ready  | «Chroniques du lièvre de Mars. Douglas Rushkoff. Transmedia Storytelling with Jeff Gomez. Looking At You - Official Site. Cross Video Days. Conversations transmedias. PRODUIRE TRNSMD. MIT (Jenkins) : Producing Transmedia Experiences: Stories in a Cross-Platform World. Transmedia Study Cases. Transmedia Tools. Transmedia francophone.

Transmedia Espagnol