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Bōnen no Xamdou – Regarding Enemies Lecture « Kitsune\’s Thoughts. How To Argue. Arguing is one of those things most people do but few people do well. Many do not understand what a logical argument even is or how to do it correctly. Yet arguing is an essential skill of critical thinking. How we argue reflects how we think, how we evaluate our own conclusions, and how we challenge the beliefs of others. Even the very purpose of arguing is often misunderstood. I have arguments almost every day. The beauty of a logical argument is that it is, well… logical. Likewise, if two people have come to different conclusions about a factual claim, then one or both must be wrong. Keep in mind, this only works if the arguments are about factual claims, not subjective feelings or value judgments. An excellent example of this is the abortion debate. Structure of a Logical Argument Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, our arguments all follow a certain basic structure.

Examine your Premises There are three types of potential problems with premises. Logical Fallacies. Math doesn't suck, you do. Every time I hear someone say "I suck at math," I immediately think he or she is a moron. If you suck at math, what you really suck at is following instructions. This shirt is birth control. Sucking at math is like sucking at cooking. I'm tired of eating shitty food because you're too much of a dipshit to follow a recipe. Also, I'm tired of hearing people brag about how they can't cook like it's some kind of badge of honor. It's like a race to the bottom with you people. Math is exactly like cooking: just follow the recipe. Math isn't some voodoo that only smart people understand. Theoretical math is cool as shit. Ever heard of Pascal's triangle? No, because you're too busy saying the same tired excuse every other dickhead spews out about math: "when will I ever use this in life?

" First of all, if you're leading your life in such a way that you never have to do math, congratulations, you are a donkey. Why is math the only discipline that has to put up with this bullshit? Don't like it? Jing. Known types According to Bumi, there are, at least technically, eighty-five distinct types or "degrees" of jing, although only the main three have been mentioned: Positive jing, corresponding to advancing or attacking. Negative jing, corresponding to retreating or evading. Neutral jing, corresponding to waiting and listening, or, as Bumi described it, "doing nothing".[1] Positive jing Positive jing is an aggressive expression of chi. Negative jing Negative jing is mostly exercised in airbending, reflecting the Air Nomads' pacifistic lifestyle and their philosophy that all life is sacred; they assert that fighting is only to be used as a last resort when conflict cannot be avoided.[2] Airbenders are more mobile fighters compared to earthbenders and possess a highly dynamic fighting style; to "avoid and evade" is recognized as a typical airbender tactic.[3] Neutral jing Neutral jing is stated to be the key to earthbending.

Quotes "I don't understand. Trivia References External links. Top 20 Logical Fallacies - The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe. Introduction to Argument Structure of a Logical Argument Whether we are consciously aware of it or not, our arguments all follow a certain basic structure. They begin with one or more premises, which are facts that the argument takes for granted as the starting point. Then a principle of logic is applied in order to come to a conclusion. This structure is often illustrated symbolically with the following example: Premise1: If A = B, Premise2: and B = C Logical connection: Then (apply principle of equivalence) Conclusion: A = C In order for an argument to be considered valid the logical form of the argument must work – must be valid. Also it is important to note that an argument may use wrong information, or faulty logic to reach a conclusion that happens to be true.

Breaking down an argument into its components is a very useful exercise, for it enables us to examine both our own arguments and those of others and critically analyze them for validity. Examine your Premises Ad hominem Straw Man. We return thanks to our mother. Zentips. - Rules of Life, Life Quotes, Tumblr Quotes, Relatable Quotes, Inspirational Quotes. Brotips™ Man Knowledge #2,691. 28 pieces of computing advice that stand the test of time. Technology never stops moving foward. Hardware gets faster, and operating systems gain new features and (we hope) finesse.

This is natural computing law. But just because computers are one big exercise in evolutionary progress, that doesn't mean certain computing maxims ever go out of style. Take, for example, the nuggets of wisdom in the following list. All of these things are as true today as they were 2, 5, and in some cases even 10 or 20 years ago. Below, we give you the best pieces of computing advice we've ever heard. When in doubt, punch out If something isn’t working on your PC, don’t wring your hands and yell at the screen. Expect your battery to let you down It's simply Murphy's Law: Your laptop or tablet will poop out the moment you need it most. Crowdsource your troubleshooting Back everything up Never get caught with just one copy of anything that you want to keep. Remember that thumb drives are your friends Look to last year’s model for a better value Skip the extended warranty.

Thirty Rules of Chess. What Is Intelligence, Anyway? What Is Intelligence, Anyway? By Isaac Asimov What is intelligence, anyway? When I was in the army, I received the kind of aptitude test that all soldiers took and, against a normal of 100, scored 160. No one at the base had ever seen a figure like that, and for two hours they made a big fuss over me. (It didn't mean anything. The next day I was still a buck private with KP - kitchen police - as my highest duty.) All my life I've been registering scores like that, so that I have the complacent feeling that I'm highly intelligent, and I expect other people to think so too. Actually, though, don't such scores simply mean that I am very good at answering the type of academic questions that are considered worthy of answers by people who make up the intelligence tests - people with intellectual bents similar to mine? For instance, I had an auto-repair man once, who, on these intelligence tests, could not possibly have scored more than 80, by my estimate.

Consider my auto-repair man, again. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra | Laws Of Vibrational Energy. The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success by Deepak Chopra The Law of Pure Potentiality Take time to be silent, to just BE. Meditate for 30 minutes twice a day. Silently witness the intelligence within every living thing. Practice non-judgment. We have unlimited pure potentiality all around us. We need to be open and ready do not lock you into one thing.

The universe is gives us the ability to manifest and do what we like we just have to know how to get it. The Law of Giving and Receiving Today bring whoever you encounter a gift: a compliment or flower. The Law of Karma Every action generates a force of energy that returns to us in like kind. The Law of Least Effort Accept people, situations, and events as they occur. The Law of Intention and Desire Inherent in every intention and desire is the mechanics for its fulfillment. The Law of Detachment Allow yourself and others the freedom to be who they are. The Law of Dharma Seek your higher Self. I use the seven laws and it has change my life. [ENFP] 9 Insights on Life. "What Does Love Mean?" See How 4-8 Year-Old Kids Describe Love Article - Relationships Article.

By:Ladan Lashkari A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds: "What does love mean? " The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think... "When my grandmother got arthritis, she couldn't bend over and paint her toenails anymore. Rebecca - age 8 "When someone loves you, the way they say your name is different. Billy - age 4 "Love is what makes you smile when you're tired.

" Terri - age 4 "Love is when my mommy makes coffee for my daddy and she takes a sip before giving it to him, to make sure the taste is OK. " Danny - age 7 "Love is when you kiss all the time. Emily - age 8 "Love is what's in the room with you at Christmas if you stop opening presents and listen. " Bobby - age 7 (Wow!) "If you want to learn to love better, you should start with a friend who you hate. " Nikka - age 6 (we need a few million more Nikka's on this planet) "Love is when you tell a guy you like his shirt, then he wears it everyday.

" Men Who Dress Like Men. Ancient Civilizations. Jellyvampire-1304892000.jpg (750×12291) 2928636_460s.jpg (460×2913) My Next Life. What You'll Wish You'd Known. January 2005 (I wrote this talk for a high school. I never actually gave it, because the school authorities vetoed the plan to invite me.) When I said I was speaking at a high school, my friends were curious.

What will you say to high school students? So I asked them, what do you wish someone had told you in high school? Their answers were remarkably similar. I'll start by telling you something you don't have to know in high school: what you want to do with your life. If I were back in high school and someone asked about my plans, I'd say that my first priority was to learn what the options were. It might seem that nothing would be easier than deciding what you like, but it turns out to be hard, partly because it's hard to get an accurate picture of most jobs.

But there are other jobs you can't learn about, because no one is doing them yet. And yet every May, speakers all over the country fire up the Standard Graduation Speech, the theme of which is: don't give up on your dreams. Upwind. Mind = Blown. 30DrSeuss_quotes.jpg (620×1900) Challenged cartoon by Stuart McMillen - Recombinant Records.

Things to put on my wall

Bruce Lee Quotes (Author of Tao of Jeet Kune Do) 18 Rules of Living by the Dalai Lama. "Seven Blunders of the World" by Mahatma Gandhi. Philosophy since the Enlightenment, by Roger Jones. An Essay by Einstein -- The World As I See It. "How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists for other people -- first of all for those upon whose smiles and well-being our own happiness is wholly dependent, and then for the many, unknown to us, to whose destinies we are bound by the ties of sympathy.

A hundred times every day I remind myself that my inner and outer life are based on the labors of other men, living and dead, and that I must exert myself in order to give in the same measure as I have received and am still receiving... "I have never looked upon ease and happiness as ends in themselves -- this critical basis I call the ideal of a pigsty. The ideals that have lighted my way, and time after time have given me new courage to face life cheerfully, have been Kindness, Beauty, and Truth. "My political ideal is democracy. Amusing Ourselves to Death. 25 Beautifully Illustrated Thought-Provoking Questions. 405 Flares Facebook 137 Twitter 5 Google+ 194 StumbleUpon 1 Pin It Share 68 68 405 Flares × A question that makes you think is worth asking… At the cusp of a new day, week, month, or year, most of us take a little time to reflect on our lives by looking back over the past and ahead into the future.

We ponder the successes, failures and standout events that are slowly scripting our life’s story. This process of self reflection helps us maintain a conscious awareness of where we’ve been and where we intend to go. It is pertinent to the organization and preservation of our dreams, goals and desires. Remember, these questions have no right or wrong answers. Because asking the right questions is the answer. Here’s a sample of 25 recent thought questions posted on the site: Few extra questions Thank you for visiting, we hope you find our site, enjoyable, informative and educational. Be epic. Book - 9 insights on life.