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Android Performance Case Study, Falcon Pro. By Romain Falcon Pro.

Android Performance Case Study, Falcon Pro

(Building) The 7 Books of a Highly Effective Programmer. (Building) The 7 Books of a Highly Effective Programmer Like many programmers, I’m always on the lookout for the perfect programming book.

(Building) The 7 Books of a Highly Effective Programmer

Over the years I have tried to enumerate a few key examples, however after reading them all I am still left wanting. However, I recently came across a couple interesting blog posts 1 that motivated me that the only way to find the set of perfect books for programmers was to build them myself. 48 Psychological Facts You Should Know About Yourself. Psychology: 53 Mind-Blowing Things You Should Know About Yourself. How Can I Earn Some Pocket Money Online? You say Craigslist and all that comes to mind is "Horrible Bosses" ...

How Can I Earn Some Pocket Money Online?

Site Templates. Advice from startup executives on work-life balance. Emily Hickey, CMO of Hashable, mother Her career: Emily Hickey is chief marketing officer of Hashable.

Advice from startup executives on work-life balance

Before that the Stanford graduate was chief operating officer of PhotoShelter, cofounder of Yeah! Wireless, and VP of product management at Hot Jobs. Mary Meeker's Latest Incredibly Insightful Presentation About The State Of The Web. Six Keys to Being Excellent at Anything - Tony Schwartz. By Tony Schwartz | 2:21 PM August 24, 2010 I’ve been playing tennis for nearly five decades.

Six Keys to Being Excellent at Anything - Tony Schwartz

Lean startup metrics. Six failed businesses on, Dropmyemail’s John Fearon says, “I’m amazing” I wrote a response to the Forbes article about my Tesla comic. People Ignore Generic Photos Online, Study Shows. Screenshots via Jakob NielsenPeople look at pictures of real people online but skip over generic photos.

People Ignore Generic Photos Online, Study Shows

Even the most ardent Internet supporters will acknowledge that most Web sites are a hodgepodge of poor design and cluttered content. And so Jakob Nielsen, a Web site consultant and author of a number of books about design and user interface, has made it his personal mission to try to bring order to the tangled design of most sites. Mr. Nielsen’s weapons in the fight to clean up this mess include some eye-tracking software and research he chronicles on his blog. For his latest cleaning project, Mr.

Does China Have an Executive-Compensation Problem? Since China opened up to the world with its sweeping economic reforms in the late 1970s, and especially in the past decade as private-sector enterprises have mushroomed, the model of executive compensation in the country has increasingly mirrored ones in the U.S. and Europe.

Does China Have an Executive-Compensation Problem?

How is it, then, that Chinese executives are paid only a fraction of the compensation earned by their American counterparts in companies of equal size in the same industries? Or are they? In China, executive compensation above tens of millions of yuan (1 yuan equals 16¢) would be seen as astronomical and would cause an uproar. Nine Things Successful People Do Differently - Heidi Grant Halvorson. Turning 60: The Twelve Most Important Lessons I've Learned So Far - Tony Schwartz.

By Tony Schwartz | 10:25 AM May 1, 2012.

Turning 60: The Twelve Most Important Lessons I've Learned So Far - Tony Schwartz

Black-Scholes: The maths formula linked to the financial crash. 27 April 2012Last updated at 19:06 ET By Tim Harford BBC Radio 4, More or Less.

Black-Scholes: The maths formula linked to the financial crash

Why We Need To Take 20-Somethings Seriously. Google explains how it searches the internet in under half a second, if you can find the video. How to make money by traveling around the world. Why Every Monday Matters. What Zen Taught Silicon Valley (And Steve Jobs) About Innovation. Was the revolutionary circular scroll wheel on the Apple iPod inspired by kinhin, the Zen practice of walking in circles while meditating? There’s no hard evidence, but a new book, The Zen of Steve Jobs, suggests a connection. Children Full of Life (2 of 5) Melbourne brain study: Are musicians born or made?

MELBOURNE -- Neil McLachlan says he wants to do for music what Apple did for the personal computer.

Melbourne brain study: Are musicians born or made?

For over two decades, the scientist, artist and university professor has worked to increase music participation. "Only five per cent of people (in the West) who go through tertiary music education end up playing music,” the University of Melbourne associate professor said. “On the whole, music education has created an elitism around music performance that has caused the normal person to feel that they can’t play,” he said. McLachlan works in a multidisciplinary team at the university's Music, Mind and Wellbeing (MMW) Center, an initiative that aims to understand the relationship between our brains and music. "Music is to mental health what sport is to physical health” is a tagline often employed by McLachlan when talking about music education. After achieving this sound design breakthrough, McLachlan started thinking about how much more affordable instruments could be designed.

‘Kill the Indian First’ “We have no difficulty with Indians, they’re just like Thais,” gushed Mr Maneechote, who was helping us move house from one Bangkok lane to another. “They speak our language, they respect our customs, and they are kind, generous and gentle. It’s the Chinese we have trouble with.” The Guardian on Facebook. Living Like a Billionaire, if Only for a Day. Five Worst Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Pitching Angel Investors. Here's a look at the biggest blunders and how to avoid them. An effective elevator pitch can be crucial for entrepreneurs trying to secure funding from angel investors. How to Be Creative: The Science of Genius. Choosing Between Making Money and Doing What You Love - Leonard A. Schlesinger, Charles F. Kiefer, and Paul B. Brown. 10 tips on how to destroy employee morale. Helen Fisher studies the brain in love. Star Ocean. Star Ocean (スターオーシャン, Sutā Ōshan?)

Is a franchise of action role-playing video games developed by the Japanese company tri-Ace and published and owned by Square Enix (originally Enix). Creation and influence[edit] Design[edit] Dieter Rams: ten principles for good design. Annals of development: Dangerous delusions. How to Fix Location-Based People Discovery. Philip Cortes is co-founder of people discovery startup Meeteor. Follow him on Twitter @philipcortes. Is This the Best Startup Launch Video Ever? "Big Innovation Lives Right on the Edge of Ridiculous Ideas" Why You Have Your Best Ideas When You're Least Productive. 8 Qualities of Remarkable Employees.

Crossing the Bridge. How Companies Learn Your Secrets. Top Executive Recruiters Agree There Are Only Three True Job Interview Questions. Which is less expensive: Amazon or self-hosted?