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Facebook. Trippy Visuals. History. Maps and Statistics. World Statistics, Country Comparisons. Websites. Blogs. Browsing deviantART. Artist Communities. Patterns. Philosophy. Philosophy since the Enlightenment, by Roger Jones. The Virtuous Life. Justice: What's the Right Thing to Do? List of fallacies. A fallacy is incorrect argument in logic and rhetoric resulting in a lack of validity, or more generally, a lack of soundness.

List of fallacies

Fallacies are either formal fallacies or informal fallacies. Formal fallacies[edit] Main article: Formal fallacy Appeal to probability – is a statement that takes something for granted because it would probably be the case (or might be the case).[2][3]Argument from fallacy – assumes that if an argument for some conclusion is fallacious, then the conclusion is false.Base rate fallacy – making a probability judgment based on conditional probabilities, without taking into account the effect of prior probabilities.[5]Conjunction fallacy – assumption that an outcome simultaneously satisfying multiple conditions is more probable than an outcome satisfying a single one of them.[6]Masked man fallacy (illicit substitution of identicals) – the substitution of identical designators in a true statement can lead to a false one.

Propositional fallacies[edit] Top 10 Schools of Philosophy. Miscellaneous Through history, various forms of philosophy have developed.

Top 10 Schools of Philosophy

Many have fallen by the wayside but a number have stuck. This is a list of the top 10 schools of philosophy. 10. Solipsism Nothing exists; Even if something exists, nothing can be known about it; Even if something could be known about it, knowledge about it can’t be communicated to others. - Gorgias (485-375 BC) Solipsism is the idea that one can only know that one’s self exists and that anything outside the mind, such as the external word, can not be known to exist. Solipsism is often associated with nihilism and materialism. 9. Everything is determined, the beginning as well as the end, by forces over which we have no control.

. - Albert Einstein (1879-1955) Determinism is the philosophical theory that every event, including human cognition and behaviour, decision and action, is determined by an unbroken chain of prior occurrences. 8. . - John Stuart Mill (1806-1873) 7. . - Epicurus (341-270 BC) 6. . - Thomas H. 5. Western Philosophy. The Socratic Method. The Socratic Method:Teaching by Asking Instead of by Tellingby Rick Garlikov The following is a transcript of a teaching experiment, using the Socratic method, with a regular third grade class in a suburban elementary school.

The Socratic Method

I present my perspective and views on the session, and on the Socratic method as a teaching tool, following the transcript. The class was conducted on a Friday afternoon beginning at 1:30, late in May, with about two weeks left in the school year. This time was purposely chosen as one of the most difficult times to entice and hold these children's concentration about a somewhat complex intellectual matter. The point was to demonstrate the power of the Socratic method for both teaching and also for getting students involved and excited about the material being taught. The experiment was to see whether I could teach these students binary arithmetic (arithmetic using only two numbers, 0 and 1) only by asking them questions. 1) "How many is this?

" Virtue Ethics. Environment. Travel. Places to Go. Science. Science. Science. Richard Dawkins. - Big Questions Online. Body Mods. Tattoo Stuff. Vintage.