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Bienvenue à la Classe de Français: A Novice Low Unit - Madame's Musings. In planning for the upcoming year, I really struggled with how to approach my introduction to French 1.

Bienvenue à la Classe de Français: A Novice Low Unit - Madame's Musings

I have so many goals for these students, including: I want to encourage the natural excitement that new learners have.I want them to realize that language learning is fun.I want them to understand that they are responsible for their own learning.I want them to realize that they already have skills that they need to understand French resources.I want to move them to start learning some aspects of the target culture AND (most importantly)I want to help them achieve a Novice Low level of proficiency.

With these goals in mind, I designed the first unit as a sequence of lessons in which I would present a few basic words and phrases and then the students would complete a series of learning stations designed to help them acquire the vocabulary. Here’s a quick explanation of the stations I’ve designed for each lesson, as well as links to some of the materials I’ve created. . Teaching language through songs: Reacting to the music – Mme Moghtader.

Current practice for teaching language using songs seems to be word clouds and cloze activities.

Teaching language through songs: Reacting to the music – Mme Moghtader

A word cloud is a jumble of words and the student circles the words that are heard in the song. This is a solid listening activity as are cloze activities, where the students fill in the missing words in the song lyrics. I have used both strategies to help give my students something to support them as they listen to songs that otherwise might be overwhelming. I also see teachers use a song to give students examples of grammar to then have an indirect lesson on grammar. 6 French Language & Culture Podcasts for Students. 6 French Language & Culture Podcasts for Students Podcasts are more than just a technological fad: they can be great tools for learning, both independently and in a more formal classroom setting.

6 French Language & Culture Podcasts for Students

Whether you’re a French instructor, a student learning on your own, or a history buff in search of facts to share at parties, this list of French Language & Culture podcasts has something for everyone! News in French helps you learn everything you need to know, in the language you want to know. Jeu des 4 coins. My Classroom - Page 2 of 3 - Mrs.Harkonen's French. LE BLOG DE MADAME BIRTWISTLE: October 2016. This autumn half-term, I worked closely with the primary languages co-ordinator in one of the primary schools where I teach French in order to organise a French afternoon.


Such an event (a French day/a special week or term of activities related to France) can be a great way to fire up children’s passion for language learning and their curiosity about the French language and culture. There are a multitude of reasons for creating time in the busy school calendar to run a French day. Not only does it give you the opportunity to explore aspects of French language and culture in more detail, but it also provides many exciting ways for children to learn together, cross-phase and even cross-school if you collaborate with your feeder high school. A French week is also a brilliant way to bring together the whole community: children and adults in the school, parents, governors, local businesses, the local press and social media. 1.

Règles de jeux de plein air pour enfants et adultes. 68 jeux sportifs pour travailler la motricité en maternelle. About our stories. “Is this really free?”

About our stories

Yup. For now, anyway! “How do I print the stories?” You should just be able to go to your browser's "print" menu and hit the print button. You should get a nice print version of the story. Before you do that, make sure you've opened or closed any translations, as needed. World Language Laboratory: Pursuing Proficiency – MVHS World Language Department Curriculum Development Project. LangFan – Я говорю… You speak… On parle… Everyday adventures in an ordinary classroom. Edweiss. Cécile Lainé – Just a French teacher passionate about growing alongside her students. Ma revolution française - Thematic Units. Fun French learner games + lessons website for kids + adults.

French YouTube Channels: 10 Youtube Channels to Take Your French to the Next Level. Toutes nos compréhensions orales d'un seul coup d'œil! Pinterest. French TV Series Available on VOD Platforms. Here is a list of some of the best French TV series available on VOD platforms in the U.S.

French TV Series Available on VOD Platforms

With themes like politic (A Very Secret Service and Marseille), sex (Borgia, Maison Close and Versailles), murder, suspense (Braquo, The Bureau and Witnesses), humor (Call my agent), and art, they are definitely worth a watch! SELECTION - In alphabetical order A French Village (Un village français) In June 1940, German military forces invade the fictional village of Villeneuve, along the French-Swiss border in the department (province) of Jura, France. The village is thrown in disarray by the occupying German military, which quickly takes control of all aspects of Villeneuve life, including the subjugation of the local government and police. Created by Frédéric Krivine, Philippe Triboit & Emmanuel Daucé. Le Café des Rêves Episode 1. Téléfrancais! - Episode 1. FRANCE 3 - Film "Français qui sommes nous ?" Où est-ce que nous allons? Les endroits en ville en publicités.

Pinterest. Pinterest. Jeux des 7 familles gratuits à imprimer sur les animaux, la nourriture. Possessive worksheet for kahoot. Coloriage tour eiffel en Ligne Gratuit à imprimer. Calendrier des fruits et légumes de saison à imprimer en PDF. kIaBYM yEFoOo e0tqXVaEXIPrY. Aatfrench. 15 Ways to Add Francophone Culture to Your French Classes - World Language Cafe. We all know that Francophone culture is an important part of language French, but we often don’t spend as much time as we should teaching our students about the cultures of the French-speaking peoples.

15 Ways to Add Francophone Culture to Your French Classes - World Language Cafe

Let’s be honest, most of the time, the French culture that accompanies our textbooks is pretty weak, and we’re so busy creating lesson plans for the basics of language learning, that we run out of time for culture. Today I’ll be sharing 15 cultural activities that you can use in class, plus free resources (Nationality Partners, France and Canada video clips, photos, and facts). If you want them right away, sign up below and you’ll get an email with the access information for my Free Resource Library – where are these freebies are waiting for you. [mc4wp_form id=”37197″] You know you need to add more culture to your classes if: Francais Jeopardy Template. Sites pour le français. French: Independent Learning Folder by - UK Teaching Resources. Le Talisman brisé. Edweiss. Passeport pour le français. Où est le chat? - alain le lait - prépositions - French prepositions. Événements.

Jouons ensemble. Création facile d'un petite poussin de Pâques indispensable à la fête !

Jouons ensemble

MATÉRIEL Rondelle de bois Coquille d'oeuf Pompons Yeux mobiles Plumes Feutrine Pistolet à colle Les pompons, les yeux mobiles, les plumes et la feutrine sont disponibles sur le site Worksheet Preview by Jenny Burke Blended Worksheets. Amélie Pepin. Vocabulaire de Pâques. French Songs ; traditional French songs ; where to find lyrics and music ; chanson francaise ; Frenchwordsphrases. French Revolution Educational Materials. EMC Enseignement moral et civique. 1 les symboles de la re publique Coloriage. DDM: les symboles de la république. Les symboles de la république Des fiches cycles 2 et 3 pour bien cerner cette notion .

DDM: les symboles de la république

French class: "THE BEST OF FRENCH COMPOSERS" Les grandes grandes vacances. En complément de la série animée « Les grandes Grandes Vacances », Francetv éducation et Les Armateurs proposent un jeu d’aventure en quatre épisodes, de type Professeur Layton, sur le thème du quotidien des enfants pendant la seconde guerre mondiale.

Les grandes grandes vacances

Le jeu, destiné à un public d’enfants entre 8 et 12 ans et à la famille, se déroule sur la période 1935-1945 et permet d’aborder les principales thématiques de la série : l’exode, le rationnement, les réquisitions, la vie en territoire occupé, la résistance, le marché noir, le troc… Le joueur incarne à tour de rôle, Ernest et Colette, les deux principaux personnages de la série et va accomplir des missions tout le long des épisodes. L’objectif est d’obtenir des indices, de récolter des objets pour débloquer des étapes du jeu ou encore de résoudre des mini-jeux de réflexion (taquin, puzzle, infiltration et objets cachés). FFI french listening assessment prompts printables.

French Listening Assessment Ideas. Share on Facebook50 shares on Facebook Looking for French listening assessment ideas? This post is for you then! You can’t help your kids move forward if you don’t know where they are right now. Assessing students’ proficiency in key skills is essential. In this post I share informal ongoing assessment ideas for your French classroom. Today, we’ll be talking about different ways to assess students’ French listening skills. ACTIVITES SEMAINE DE LA CHANDELEUR. Petit guide interactif de Paris. Un plan de Paris. La Vie Parisienne - French Chansons From the 1930s & 40s (Past Perfect) Full Album.

Musiques Françaises du Moment (2015 - fin 2014) Focus on Function in a Unit about Women’s Rights for Intermediate French Students - Madame's Musings. As some of you might know, I had the great honor of interviewing Laura Terrill, co-author of The Keys to Planning for Learning (purchase here) as part of a #langbook discussion on Twitter. (Our interview was featured in this podcast.) As I read the 2nd edition of this crucial text, one new understanding that I gained was the vital role that language functions play in teaching for proficiency. Francophone Africa : a novice cultural unit – Cécile Lainé. Here is 2-week cultural unit on Francophone Africa for Novice learners. I just finished running it with my 7th grade class, made couple of tweaks based on how I want to run it next time, and I am now sharing it with you. It is input-based and focuses on three Intercultural Can-Do (Investigate): In my own and francophone African cultures I can identify everyday foodIn my own francophone African cultures I can identify some elements of a classroom and a school scheduleIn my own and francophone African cultures I can identify some artists and musicians, their styles and contributions.

20 Arabic words that are now French slang. Promoting Awareness with Food and Gaspillage – Chui Prof. We have just finish DF 3A and B for my 6th graders. One important aspect of food I like to go over is GASPILLAGE or waste. There are many different resources we have to go over this topic. Here are a few plus some others taht are out there. 1 JOUR 1 ACTU has a cute little video that I open the topic of GASPILLAGE with. I show them it and ask them to figure out what GASPILLAGE means in English. L'heure - Le Cours de Français. Si vous avez déjà mangé 24 de ces 30 choses, vous avez grandi en France. Quiz - Quizizz. SoufFLE de pub gourmandes de France et plus... Identité: Spécialités culinaires et produits du terroir. French Teacher Facebook Page Resources – Google Drive. Gastronomie française. Dossier fruits et légumes. B. Texte : les Jeux olympiques d’hiver.

Amélie Pepin. Teaching language through songs: Reacting to the music – Mme Moghtader. Carte interactive : spécialités régionales françaises. Unité 6 by Fanny Grosse. Conjugaison d'être. Firefox and Chrome users: install a shortcut (Firefox or Chrome) then type "conj être" in your address bar for the fastest conjugations. être 'être' is the model of its conjugation. indicatif. Culture générale. Languages - French - Ma France.

Francophone Africa : a novice cultural unit – Cécile Lainé. Alice in Paris Submergee au marche. Qui décide de ce qu’on mange à la cantine ? French Interactive Readings. • French The Interactive readings allow you to pause the audio and see what's being read. Click on any word, and the audio will jump to that location. Use the arrow keys to jump backwards and forward within the audio. See translations and definitions by placing your cursor over punctuation marks and underlined words.

The Face: French: Vocabulary. French topics. Manie Musicale 2018. Fwd: french films on netflix. Primary French Resources. Animals Adjectival Agreement Colours Countries Family Food Games Gender Greetings Intercultural Understanding In town Jobs Miscellaneous Months and days Monolingual dictionaries Numbers Opinions Parts of the body and monsters Phonics Planets Playground games and pastimes Plurals with Matisse Reading texts Saying your age and birthday Scheme of Work School Time Transport Verbs Weather and points of the compass Where do you live?

Word mats Sound files (vocabulary, rhymes, songs and listening activities) KS2 Scheme of Work Greetings Sample dialogues for saying and spelling your name (PDF 40 KB) added 01.09.15 Greetings sample dialogues (PDF 38 KB) added 13.8.15 Greetings and saying how you feel sample dialogues (PDF 46 KB) added 13.8.15 Saying your name and age bunting (PDF 70 KB) added 23.02.15 Asking and saying your name (PDF 632 KB) added 30.9.14 Asking and saying your name (alternative) (PDF 634 KB) added 17.1.17.

Online games for learning French language. All French language learning exercises are completely free to use, do not require registration, and are suitable for both school kids and adult language learners. French language acquisition games that French learners can study with, that teachers can incorporate into lesson plans, or that can be used used in homeschooling environments. An introduction to listening, reading, comprehension and communication in the French language.

Vies de collégiens. A site about proficiency-based foreign language instruction.