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Class List Maker. iPad AND iPod Resources and Lessons. The 20+ Apps To Know About In 2013. Education got a lot more mobile in 2012 as in-school iPad initiatives , the iPhone 5 launch and online learning providers in general made classroom experiences more interesting—and don’t expect to see teaching head back to desktop PC’s in 2013. In fact, as MOOCs and hybrid programs continue to evolve, mobile should have an ever more significant role to play. Looking back at some of 2012′s most significant app launches and updates, Education Dive assembled a list of a few of the best apps on iOS and Android devices that we think educators should know about for 2013. Some of these are already out in the wild, and some are still twinkles in their developers’ eyes. All of 23 of them stand to be important, however, in the new year: 1. Spin is bringing interactive learning into the 21st century—the TogetherLearn mobile app allows online learners to virtually recreate traditional classroom elements. 2. 3.

Desire2Learn’s suite of options for its campus apps is always evolving. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. iPad classroom examples. BrainPop UK Bring learning to your fingertips with the BrainPOP Featured Movie app for the iPad, iPhone and iPod touch.

iPad classroom examples

Watch a different animated movie every day, then test your new knowledge with an interactive quiz – free! School wide subscriptions can be purchased to have full access to all the videos. Edexcel Past Papers Edexcel Past Papers allows you to download past papers directly to your mobile device, allowing you to revise anywhere at any time. iPads Making assessment meaningful. After spending two hours a day this week watching seventh graders fill in bubbles on our state's standardized test, I am finding myself thinking about assessment.

iPads Making assessment meaningful

Specifically, I am thinking about the many ways the iPad has enriched and strengthened our daily assessment practices -- and the value I see in authentic, embedded, process-rich assessment that informs and improves instruction. Technology like the iPad offers incredible ways to gather meaningful data that shows student thinking and creates a rich and detailed picture of learning. It can also make assessment more efficient, save teachers time, and open opportunities for more responsive teaching.

The iPad makes new assessment practices possible. First, just being able to hear a student explain his or her thinking is a transformative event. As I explained in an earlier post, the camera also adds a new layer to the assessment process. Other web 2.0 tools can help teachers gather critical assessment data. Amelia Mary Earhart. iPad AND iPod Resources and Lessons. iPad AND iPod Resources and Lessons. iPad Resources. Education Technology and Teacher Tools – Edudemic.

Sample Lessons - iPad in Education. Apps for Teachers / Special Needs. Best interactive iPad books of 2011 for kids of all ages - iPhone app recommendations - Lisa Caplan. All of these best iPad books for kids use digitization to enhance the reading experience, not divert attention from it.

Best interactive iPad books of 2011 for kids of all ages - iPhone app recommendations - Lisa Caplan

Where there are frills, I prefer to see them focus on education instead of playtime. There are great books for pre-schoolers but also for older kids, a somewhat under-served sector. 7notes for iPad Lets You Take Notes On-Screen with Your Finger. Middle School iPad Apps. Maths iPad Apps.

50 Must-Have Educational Apps. It’s time for holiday road trips and you know what that means: driving, flying, cranky kids, and… teaching opportunities!

50 Must-Have Educational Apps

What’s that, you say? Well, there is so much downtime during the holidays where kids and adults spend hours just passing the time… why not try out some new apps on your phone? Many of these apps were found by The Teaching Palette, be sure to check out their fantastic site for more helpful resources! From learning the ABCs to doodling, there’s plenty of terrific apps out there that will pass the time but also educate. If you have other apps you want added to this list, just add them in the comments. *Most of the links below are to the iTunes store which will open another window and/or iTunes. Top Charts - iPad - United States - Education. iPads in the Classroom. K-5 iPad Apps for Analyzing: Part Four of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy. We are all born with a natural curiosity that relies on our ability to analyze.

K-5 iPad Apps for Analyzing: Part Four of Bloom's Revised Taxonomy

It is how we initially learn to understand and make sense of our world. When Benjamin Bloom writes about the fourth learning stage, analysis, he primarily refers to our ability to analyze written content. But his statements have far greater implications. Every day, a barrage of information enters into the lives of our students through the Internet. It comes in the form of advertisements, Google searches, links on a Facebook account, a tweet, video on YouTube, an email, text message or even a homework assignment. Assisting our youth with critical thinking skills has never been more important. Analysis of the Elements: Differentiating This component requires the ability to dissect content, identify its parts, and differentiate between them. Analysis of Relationships: Attributing The relationship between the parts is what forms content. Analysis of Organizational Principles: Organizing. iPads in Schools.

7notes for iPad Lets You Take Notes On-Screen with Your Finger. 50 resources for iPad use in the classroom. Bloomsapps. Using Blooms Taxonomy in education is a highly effective way to scaffold learning for the students.


With the recent popularity and pervasive nature of iOS devices in school districts it is essential for educators to understand how to implement Blooms in the classroom using the apps that are available. While this list is by no means fully comprehensive, it will assist educators in getting started when implementing iOS devices in the classroom. This site will change almost daily as it will be updated with new and exciting apps! If you find any that you have worked with in your classroom please email or tweet @bloomsapps or @dmileham75 with your suggestions. Thanks for checking the site! Two Links to some iTunesU courses relating to iOS Integration: 1 iPad by Erie 1 Boards of Cooperative Educational Services ( Movie Making\Digital Storytelling Camera to PDF Free - cool little app that turns your device into a scanner.

iPad Apps for the Classroom (Presentation included) « Matt Britland. We have been looking into the use of iPads in lessons and considering the possibility of buying a class set as a trial.

iPad Apps for the Classroom (Presentation included) « Matt Britland

I am excited about this and think its a great move forward. However, how will we use them? What Apps will we use? As many people do not own one and some have not used one I thought it would be a good idea to put together a list of Apps we could use. Rather than simple say they need to be used for this lesson or that lesson, I thought it would be better to just say what the Apps can do. 50 Must-Have Educational Apps. iPad As.... iPads have exploded throughout schools and classrooms.

iPad As....

Their flexibility, versatility, and mobility make them a phenomenal learning tool. As teachers seek ways to integrate these devices, we recommend focusing on specific learning goals that promote critical-thinking, creativity, collaboration, and the creation of student-centric learning environments. Burley School App List. Teachwithyouripad.wikispaces. iPad Resources. Quick List Of iPad Resources For The Classroom. One question that comes into my inbox or on Twitter a lot lately is one dealing with iPads.

Quick List Of iPad Resources For The Classroom

Apps For Teachers: iPad/iPhone Apps AppList. Eric Jerman on Accessible iPad Apps. IPad Tips & Tutorials. Using the Back Button or Previous Page in the Safari Web Browser on the iPad A participant in my Master Class recently asked this question: How do I go “back” in Safari? Sometimes the “back” button works and sometimes it doesn’t. Here’s my reply: When you tap on a link on a webpage, one of two things generally happens: 1. The link opens in the same window, replacing the current […] Top 5 iPad Apps for the Art Teacher. For Christmas I got an iPad!

Top 5 iPad Apps for the Art Teacher

How very exciting, I know! Already I have a small collection of apps that I think are very art teacher friendly. And the best part is, all but one of these are free! Burley School App List. 50 really useful iPad 2 tips and tricks. 39 Sites For Using iPads in the Classroom.

Pages - Menu This Blog Linked From Here Sites to Follow Friday, October 7, 2011. iPad Scavenger Hunt. iPads and Tablets in Education.