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Learn Science at Scitable. Free university lectures - computer science, mathematics, physics, chemistry. Richard Feynman videos. Videos This page has been recently updated.

Richard Feynman videos

The Fantastic Mr Feynman - BBC documentary, May 2013 Feynman's 1984 lecture on Tiny Machines (79 minutes) Richard Phillips Feynman - The Last Journey Of A Genius (full version, 54 minutes) The Challenger - BBC movie (full version, 89 minutes) Richard Feynman - Los Alamos From Below (audio, 69 minutes) The Character of Physical Law - The Messenger Series of Physics Lectures: Fun to Imagine: The Douglas Robb Memorial Lectures: Take the World from Another Point of View: BBC Horizon 1964 - Strangeness Minus Three The Pleasure of Finding Things Out: The Distinction of Past and Future Quantum Mechanical View of Reality 1 Quantum Mechanical View of Reality 2 Quantum Mechanical View of Reality 3 Quantum Mechanical View of Reality 4 Feynman on Wave Particle Duality Elementary Particles and the Laws of Physics - The 1986 Dirac Memorial Lectures Joining the Challenger Commission Evidence to the Challenger Commission On computers (75 minutes) Playing bongos Home.

Polymers - Concept, How it works, Real-life applications, Key terms. Motion Mountain - Download the Free Physics Textbook. Communicating at an unknown rate. InnerSuper. WebElements Periodic Table of the Elements. 10 of the Most Dangerous Chemicals in the World. Interesting — when I was in the Army, it was called CBR (chemical, biological, radioactive).

10 of the Most Dangerous Chemicals in the World

I wonder why they changed the order and the initials? Pressure from Jay Leno? NBC was for Nuclear, Biological, Radiological. I think it might have been for memory's sake, which might have something to do with the tv studio indeed - but maybe just for giggles. The military does not always make sense. When were you in? I was in back in the late 70s. I remember atropine was one of the drugs that was used to treat the immediate effects of nerve gas exposure. And we're supposed to believe that our benevolent government has truly decided to destroy all our VX stockpiles.

I dunno, we've got much more targeted, devastating methods of wiping ourselves off the planet these days. I was in in the 90's. The Official String Theory Web Site. Cell Cycle & Cytokinesis - Cell Cycle Regulation and the Control of Cell Proliferation (Cell Growth + Cell Division) Cell Cycle Research - General resource with links to relevant recent literature, news and job listings.

Cell Cycle & Cytokinesis -

(Ion Channel Media Group) Cell Division - Undergraduate-level lectures on cell division. (Cell Biology Lectures, Mark Hill, University of New South Wales, Australia) The Eukaryotic Cell Cycle and Cancer - Introduction to the eukaryotic cell cycle as it relates to the genetics of cancer. (Phillip McClean, North Dakota State University) (Just above Beginner's Level) ICRF FACS Laboratory Cell Cycle Analysis - Methods for cell cycle analysis using flow cytometry. (FACS Laboratory, Imperial Cancer Research Fund, UK) The Interactive Fly: Evolutionarily Conserved Pathways (Society for Developmental Biology).

See also the Apoptosis, Cell Senescence and Signal Transduction pages. The Evolutionary Psychology of Human Sex and Gender. By Daniel Pouzzner, 2000-Apr-11/12 Sexuality is an indispensable mechanism whereby biological evolution bridged the immense gap between asexual/Lamarckian unicellular organisms, and the now plainly preeminent humans.

The Evolutionary Psychology of Human Sex and Gender

For tens of millions of generations, the lineage leading to humanity has been formed and continued exclusively by sexual procreation. Logical Fallacies and How to Spot Them. Logical Fallacies and How to Spot Them In the Evolution vs.

Logical Fallacies and How to Spot Them

Creationism debate, it is important to be able to spot all the logical fallacies that Creationists tend to throw around. This essay covers many bare essentials of logical thinking, as well as ways to critically evaluate an argument. The logical fallacies listed here are the ones most often used by Creationists, although Creationists have, to date, used almost every single logical fallacy in existence to "prove" their case. Each fallacy will have its own little paragraph, describing it, why it is fallacious and how to counter it. THE STRAWMAN ATTACK: The strawman is, perhaps, the most heavily-employed tactic used by Creationists. "Evolution is a ridiculous theory! This is an example of a strawman attack. Spotting a strawman attack isn't that hard. Strawman attacks, once exposed for what they are, are not all that difficult to counter.

Do Humans Matter? Scirus - for scientific information. Lectures. Lectures. Physics I: Classical Mechanics - Download free content from MIT. Physics 20b: Introduction to Cosmology - Spring 2010 - Download free content from UC Irvine. Personal and Historical Perspectives of Hans Bethe. UC Berkeley - Download free content from UC Berkeley.

The Scale of the Universe 2.