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The Steampunk Empire - The Crossroads of the Aether. The Aetheric Calliope. Le Steampunk : Fantasy à vapeur... ou néologisme de fantaisie ? Un mot pour une expérience.

Le Steampunk : Fantasy à vapeur... ou néologisme de fantaisie ?

Le terme « Steampunk » puise son origine dans une lettre envoyée par K. W. Jeter au magazine Locus. Dans ce courrier, l’auteur californien propose l’appellation de Steampunk, parodiant volontairement celle de Cyberpunk, pour qualifier les fantaisies victoriennes écrites avec ses deux acolytes, Tim Powers et James P. Blaylock . Les fantaisies victoriennes. Dès 1979, K. Pour l’anecdote, signalons aussi que Tim Powers a écrit un épisode de cette série qui a abouti à son roman The drawing of the dark, paru en France sous le titre (curieux) de Les chevaliers de la brune. Londres devient le cadre des aventures de gentlemen confrontés à des événements extravagants et/ou surnaturels et qui, à l’occasion affrontent des méchants truculents voire grotesques.

D’un jeu entre trois auteurs et d’un mot forgé par dérision fait-on pour autant un genre ? Des prédécesseurs et des continuateurs. Parcourons quelques ouvrages théoriques sur le sujet. Le proto Steampunk est né ! Steampunk. Brass Goggles:The lighter side of Steampunk. Posted by proteus on December 23rd,2013 Two things I love in one photo: [via Brian Kesinger’s Tea Girls] Posted by proteus on October 17th,2013 A Steampunk Badminton tournament sounds like a fantastic idea.

Posted by proteus on October 11th,2013 Our Forum User “Bolt Face” brings this lovely coverage of a Steampunk Coffee House from The Chive: Image from The Chive Many more images in the original article, and a discussion here on our forums. This clock may not be exactly “steampunk”, but it certainly tickles the dials-and-knobs delight! [Via Boing Boing] Posted by proteus on October 8th,2013 Described as inspired by Steampunk and Warhammer-like games, Diesel Tactics looks like an interesting project that’s still in development.

Posted by proteus on February 28th,2013 Hand made from savaged Arbutus, Western Red Cedar, and Black Walnut, these articulated Steamy Icarus wings are a beautiful handmade addition to any dirigible captain’s safety gear: And they’re not just static decoration, either: (more…) SteamPunk Magazine. Technology & Romance - Fashion, Style, & Science.


How to draw Steampunk Machines. There are a variety of different types of steam engines.

How to draw Steampunk Machines

They basically are just pistons in which steam pushes, and in a variety of ways via linkages, all end up with an axle spinning in a circular motion. Some steam engines can be reversed. There are three ways that this can work: 1) Engine can be reserved by linkages to change how the steam is piped in by a Stephenson's linkage, which usually looks like some sort of lever, complex looking linkages, with an arc piece that guides the lever. 2) For double cylinders, a valve can reverse the direction of the steam flow, and therefore the engine runs backwards. 3) clutch driven, the engines only runs in one direction, but with the use of gears, the drive shaft can be reversed. Flywheel This is usually a large heavy wheel, and it does have a purpose. The flywheel keeps the momentum going, otherwise the engine runs sporadically and can stall.

Oiler/ displacement lubricator These things are just what it sounds like, they lubricate. Gauges Gears.