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Les ERP. Créer des présentations interactives de livres augmentés en Open source | 10 outils web à connaitre pour booster vos présentations. Colourlovers : – Cette communauté vous propose des palettes de couleurs et des motifs dont vous pouvez vous inspirer afin de garantir la cohérence graphique de votre présentation. : – Vous souhaitez créer facilement une infographie, afin de par exemple présenter de manière plus visuelle les résultats d’une enquête ? Cet outil est idéal pour cela. N’hésitez pas à intégrer des morceaux de vos infographies dans vos PowerPoint ou vos Prezi (vos Prezi ? Patience, on y vient dans la suite de cet article). Moqups : – Un dessin vaut parfois mieux que de longs discours, surtout s’il s’agit d’expliquer à quoi pourrait ressembler une interface graphique. Utile par exemple pour présenter une proposition de design, c’est-à-dire un mock-up, pour votre nouveau site web. Pixl.r : – Pixl est un éditeur de photo en ligne extrêmement intuitif. Tutos Photoshop. Outils de veille gratuits. Reputation Tracker - Bookmark Finder. Find your Page's WuzzRank & Track your Social Media Reputation The Reputation Tracker will measure the Popularity of your page or website in Social Media.

With the help of the Reputation Tracker and by submitting your page's URL, you will be able to evaluate your WuzzRank and discover the total number of bookmarks in Delicious, Stumbleupon and Digg. Additionally you will be able to see the total number of shares, comments and mentions of your page on Facebook, on Twitter, on Google Buzz and on other Blogs. What is WuzzRank? The WuzzRank is a special rank that measures the popularity of a particular web page or article on the various Social Media Websites using a logarithmic scale from 0-10. The effects of WuzzRank on SEO Having a high WuzzRank indicates that your website or page is highly appealing to social media users. Social Bookmarking is a great help for users since they are able to store, exchange, comment or recommend links to other users.

BFR_ABD 2013 - Google : trucs et astuces pour les professionnels de... Go2web20. 3050+ Free Powerpoint Templates PPT and Free PowerPoint Backgrounds. The "Attention Method" for Effective PowerPoint Presentations - Ted This is a method of constructing effective PowerPoint presentations in a way that helps your audience pay attention to you and understand your ideas more fully. With Attention Method, the slides are designed to add power, emphasis, and deeper understanding to your well-scripted speech. You flip slides often so that, at any given time, your slides always support only what you’re saying and contain no distracting information. Instead of one slide with several bullets, each slide should contain one idea expressed in vibrant images and minimalistic text.

I developed this method while working at City Arts and Technology high school in San Francisco in 2008 and have continued to develop it over the years since. You can see an example of an Attention Method presentation here: Assessing with Outcomes from Samuel Merritt U Academic Tech on Vimeo. Before we talk about how to do it, let’s talk about the characteristics of a bad presentation. Too Many Words, Not Enough (Mental) Images Write a Script. The Art of the Slideshow. Images help us tell our stories — and engage our audience. We recently highlighted post sliders and gallery styles as features that add visual punch to our sites, and talked about how the juxtaposition of images can create powerful narratives.

Some bloggers take the idea of visual storytelling to a whole new level. We recently discovered the work of Barbara, the New York-based artist-blogger behind continuousdrawing. Barbara’s elevated the slideshow into a medium for her art. She draws on her iPhone and iPad, then uploads her images to her blog, where she transforms them into slideshows. As the slides flow by, the gradual changes create a hypnotic, animated effect. Image by Barbara at continuousdrawing Featured in Art of the Slideshow, this image is part of 140309 sequence, on continuousdrawing. 140309 sequence, from Barbara’s site, continuousdrawing. We recently caught up with Barbara to chat about her innovative use of slideshows. You have an MFA in painting and drawing. Like this: Free Stock Photography. Remue-méninges et pense-bête en ligne. Le remue-méninge (ou brainstorming en anglais) est un exercice qui consiste à rassembler le plus grand nombre d'idées ou de suggestions dans un temps limité, avec le plus faible degré de contrôle possible.

C'est un exercice de créativité, facilitant la recherche d'alternatives ou d'initiatives originales, hors des sentiers battus. Le meilleur équipement pour pratiquer le remue-méninge est sans aucun doute composé d'un mur au fond uni et de papiers adhésifs repositionnables, de manière à organiser les suggestions après la phase de production spontanée. Il est possible de pratiquer le remue-méninge en ligne, sans installation sur machine, grâce à des applications prévues à cet effet.

Globalement, ces applications proposent toutes le même service de base : sur une page vierge, les utilisateurs autorisés déposent des notes qui ressemblent plus ou moins aux célèbres penses-bêtes autocollants jaunes que nous utilisons régulièrement. Ces notes peuvent ensuite être réorganisées sur la page. Vocabulaire du Web. Booster une nouvelle page Facebook grâce à une base d’emails. Vous venez de créer une page Facebook et êtes à la recherche de vos premiers fans ?

Pourquoi ne pas utiliser vos bases d’emails, que cela soit votre newsletter ou les personnes avec qui vous échangez autour de votre activité ? En effet, Facebook propose un outil pour les nouvelles pages (jusqu’à 5000 fans) permettant d’importer une liste de contacts afin que ces derniers reçoivent une invitation à aimer votre page, suivez le guide et découvrez comment promouvoir gratuitement votre page… 1 : exporter ses contacts (newsletter, outlook…) Si vous avez déjà une newsletter pour votre site, exportez la base d’emails afin de l’importer dans l’outil Facebook. Rendez-vous ensuite dans l’administration de votre page Facebook et cliquez sur “Inviter des contacts emails” 2 : inviter ses contacts à aimer la page Facebook Une fois le fichier chargé, vous avez la possibilité de sélectionner l’ensemble des emails ou d’en cocher uniquement certains :

11 de 40 consejos para lograr RT en Twitter | Agencia de Marketing Digital:: 60 Flares Twitter 30 Facebook 15 Google+ 5 LinkedIn 10 inShare10 60 Flares × Será que, ¿Twitter es el preferido en 2013 por las empresas?. Lo que sí está claro es que grandes y pequeñas Marcas lo usan cada día más, convirtiéndose en parte esencial de su negocio en muchos casos. La pregunta es ¿Tienes seguidores?. ¿Escribes Tuits constantemente?. Lo más importante para lograr menciones en Twitter y RT está en conocer a quien van dirigidos y que tono usaremos para enviar nuestros Tuits.

Antes de llegar al punto de “vender por Twitter” debemos generar una comunidad, conseguir el engagement de tus seguidores con la marca. Para crear comunidad es necesario conseguir RT y menciones en Twitter, estas acciones te ayudarán en el crecimiento de tus seguidores y en el engagement de tu comunidad. Este artículo estará dividido en cuatro partes. 1-Completa tu perfil. 2-Incluye enlaces a otras redes sociales dentro de su Biografía, mostrando a tus seguidores que eres accesible.

Piktochart: Infographic and Presentation Tool for Non-Designers | Infographics | Best Info graphic Design. 10 sites pour créer une infographie. Les infographies permettent de visualiser plus facilement un ensemble de données parfois complexe. Une image est parfois plus parlante qu’un long discours !

Elles permettent de comprendre en un coup d’œil les principaux enseignements d’une étude quantitative par exemple. Certains utilisent également ce type de visualisation pour présenter leurs compétences au sein d’un CV original. De nombreux services existent pour réaliser facilement une infographie : nous en avons sélectionné dix. Réaliser une infographie en ligne Une référence, puisque l’outil a déjà permis de créer plus de 340 000 infographies ! Piktochart Ici aussi, il s’agit d’une référence : plus de 100 000 comptes ont été créés sur le site, vous pouvez donc utiliser le service les yeux fermés ! Il s’agit d’un outil très facile à prendre en main, qui permet de réaliser une infographie facilement. Une infographie représentant l’activité sur les réseaux sociaux What About Me Vizify Get About Me CV Gram Kinzaa. Run A Successful Multi-Platform Hashtag Campaign. Now that pretty much every social media platform supports hashtags, more and more companies are running campaigns either centred around a hashtag, or featuring one. Brands feature hashtags at the end of adverts, TV shows feature hashtags during the credits and celebrities use hashtags to advertise their appearances. In every instance, hashtags are used to drive conversation about a particular topic, but they can be used for a plethora of other reasons.Hashtags can be used to advertise new products and campaigns, to run competitions and contests, to ask fans for their input about a company development, and to associate a brand with a popular news item.

The best thing about hashtag campaigns, however, is they can be completely free. Of course, the more you (strategically) spend on a campaign, the more you will reap its rewards. Here are a few pieces of advice to follow when planning your hashtag campaigns.Promote It: Make It Interactive: Be Topical: Give Them An Incentive: The Digitals - Celebrating Digital Excellence. 26 Tips to Enhance Your Social Media Profiles. When did you last revisit your social profile on Twitter or Facebook?

Do you want to maximize the impact of your social networking efforts? Basic housekeeping tasks are necessary for maintaining complete and engaging profiles. Update your social network profiles. Image source: iStockPhoto. In this article, you’ll find 26 tips, an A-Z guide, with recommendations to help you get the most of your social network profiles. #1: Adhere to Image Sizing Requirements on Social Networks If your customer arrives on your Facebook Page and sees your profile picture as either too small for the space or out of focus, there’s a good chance they’ll develop a quick impression.

Here’s a helpful cheat sheet with dimensions for image sizes on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and more. . #2: Beef Up Your Site With Multiple Social Share Buttons We don’t always have the benefit of knowing our customers’ preferences for sharing content. Make it easy for customers to share your content where and how they want. Way Over to You. 28 astuces pour les débutants sur Adwords [Infographie] Animate your Twitter profile as a video | via Vizify. Ken's Fast Start 40: The Checklist to Help You Get the Most Out of Twitter | The SocialGrow Blog.

La gestion de projet informatique : conseils, méthodes et expériences... Premium Preview for SQL Database Guidance. Authors: Conor Cunningham, Kun Cheng Technical Reviewers: Morgan Oslake, Joanne Marone, Keith Elmore, José Batista-Neto, Rohit Nayak Windows Azure SQL Database has released a limited Premium preview for SQL Database. By reserving a fixed amount of capacity for your SQL Database and its secondary replicas, the Premium preview for SQL Database will deliver more predictable performance for cloud applications, relative to existing SQL Database Web and Business Editions. This paper provides guidance to help you determine if the Premium database that is available through this preview is right for your application and provides recommendations for tuning your application to get the most from this feature. SQL Database Background What Is Different in the New Premium Service? Reasons to Use Premium Service for SQL Database Understanding Resource Use Tuning Your Application Conclusion SQL Database Background What Is Different in the New Premium Service?

Reasons to Use the Premium Service for SQL Database. Here's Every Emoji Being Used on Twitter in Real-Time. It's Insane. The Portrait of a LinkedIn User in 2013. According to this infographic, two people join LinkedIn every second of every day. It then proceeds to ask “Then what?” “How are they using it and is it really helping them?” This infographic from Power Formula asks. According to the infographic, though LinkedIn has a paid option, 84.4 percent of people who use it use the free version of the social networking site. When it comes to first-level connections – that is, the people a user is directly connected to – the largest group is at 500 to 999 connections (21.7 percent). Looking at the numbers LinkedIn consultant and author Wayne Brietbarth provided Power Formula, the next largest group of first-level connections is people who have 301 to 499 connections (18.7 percent) followed by people who have 101 to 200 connections (15.9 percent).

As to sharing their first-level network with their first-level connections, most LinkedIn user share who they are connected to (63.3 percent). Connect: Authored by: Aaron Elliott See complete profile. 3 Social Media Automation Tools for Marketers. Are you drowning in social media tasks? Do you need better tools to help you manage your social media marketing? Automating some of the more repetitive tasks related to social media can help you be more productive and efficient with the execution of your social media strategy. To save you time and improve your marketing efforts, I’ll show you three social media tools that will deliver your content efficiently. #1: Be More Efficient on Facebook Post Planner, an independent application you install within Facebook, is designed to help you deliver content to your Facebook Page effectively.

Features: Automate publishing of selected content to your Facebook Page based on a time schedule that you predetermine.Identify trending content to add to your queue.Add your blog feed and publish your new posts automatically.Crowdsource content from other Post Planner users. Setup Provide Post Planner with the relevant permissions to post content on your behalf. ‘Post to’ is where you type in content to post. Twitter Cards : Pourquoi et comment les utiliser ? Les Twitter Cards ont fait leur apparition il a quelques mois. Leur déploiement se fait progressivement alors que la solution s’enrichit peu à peu. Découvrons l’intérêt de ces « Extended Tweets ». Que sont les Twitter Cards ? Twitter a jusqu’ici introduit 7 types de Twitter Cards : - Summary Card : Avec cette carte, le tweet contient une photo miniature, un titre et un résumé du contenu du lien. Ce sont celles qui sont principalement utilisées dans les sites d’actualité ou les blogs, comme le notre par exemple : Organiser un jeu-concours sur #Twitter : pas si simple… #SocialMedia— LikeABird (@LikeABirdAgency) July 16, 2013 une grande photo.- Photo Card : Le tweet incluera une grande photo avec un titre grâce à cette carte.- Gallery Card : Avec cette carte, il est possible d’inclure 4 images dans un seul tweet.

Quel intérêt ? Comment faire ? Voici par exemple les informations minimales pour une Summary Card : Pour la suite… Reddit: A Beginner's Guide. Update: This post was updated October 2013 to reflect current statistics and tools. To the uninitiated, Reddit looks like a mess — text links, comment threads, points, upvotes, downvotes. At best, posts seem contextless — at worst, totally random. But spend some quality time with "The Front Page of the Internet," and you'll find it's an essential resource, a self-correcting marketplace of ideas that's nearly impervious to marketers. Simply put, Reddit is a message board wherein users submit links. What differentiates it from a real-time information network like Twitter is that the stream of content is curated by the community. Items of value are “upvoted,” and those deemed unworthy are "downvoted. " This determines a post's position on the site, and items that hit the front page are seen by hundreds of thousands of people (consequently, sending boatloads of traffic to the linked website).

This type of voting system was popularized by Digg, which launched in late 2004. That's OK. The Lingo. Flipboard launches custom curation tools, wants to unleash your inner magazine editor. More choice from cloud computing applications | Telecoms & Technology. Swayy. Eric (pressecitron) 5 Claves para gestionar linkedin con eficiencia | Marketing Semanal. How to Brand Your Blog's Social Shares. Diseño de presentaciones | Cómo diseñar presentaciones efectivas y memorables. El potencial del WhatsApp en el marketing #infografia #infographic. Social Tips | Category Archive | Le top articles. Exporter les coordonnées de ses contacts Facebook.

Turismo y retail, los sectores más avanzados en social CRM | Marketing Semanal. Selling to the Four Temperament Styles. Free Google+ And Twitter Marketing Metric Tools. ASCD 2013. 50 Must-Read IT Blogs 2012. Les 15 nominés pour Les App Awards |lemobile2013 : Le Choc des Géants. Archives | Getting started with Twitter photo filters | iPhone Atlas. Resident Hackers | hack/reduce.ía-IAB-de-Eficacia-Mobile-2013.pdf. Cuatro buscadores alternativos a Google y Bing | Clases de Periodismo. Confirmation Success. Search Engine Gamification - Million Dollar Idea Freebie - Atlantic BT. Bridging Social and Web: 6 New Google Analytics Reports to Gauge Overall Impact. Hick's Law In Marketing | Is It Damaging Your Landing Page Results? Aloysius Carl - Cincinnati, OH, Naked Lime Marketing.

VEDI - Beachflags. K5O0x1dJZt. Flink Labs | Visualising Data Possibilities | Services. Les en-têtes HTTP ou comment maîtriser son indexation sur Google. Teknseo, l'évènement SEO du premier trimestre 2013 | What iz SEO ? 10 Infographics That Will Teach You About Typography. 96 Quick SEO Wins - What Can You Do With an Hour? 4 guides réseaux sociaux en contexte pédagogique : objectifs, projet, conditions, règles d’utilisation. 3 Essential Content Curation Best Practices to Boost Content Marketing Performance | Social Media Content Curation. 20+ Signals That Make Your Business Easier To Find in Local Search Engines. Plans and Pricing | SEOmoz PRO. (2) Maria Jose Lopez (mjlopezz) Whiteboard Friday | SEOmoz Blog. 10 Tools for Creating Infographics and Visualizations. Online tools and applications - Go2web20.

Tutoriel : faire du tracking avec Google Analytics. NetSuite CRM+ - Review, Pricing, Features, Comparison, Demo & Trial. Mobile Learning in ELT: Survey 2013. Top 6 des templates Facebook sur WordPress. Untitled. 10 logiciels gratuits de capture d'écran vidéo. 4 Tips for a Great Prezi Presentation. Home. Ressources 3D : tutoriaux, théorie, articles divers. |

Scriptwriting is just the beginning. yWriter pour vous aider à écrire votre roman. Blogs Wikis Docs Chart. Wiki, blog et traitement de texte en ligne : quel outil pour quel usage pédagogique ? Twitter. Beautiful, Nonsensical Infographics by Chad Hagen. ENSSIB : Index thématique des ressources numériques. Les outils numériques au service des débats publics. NetPublic - Accompagner l'accès de tous à l'Internet.