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Integral Options Cafe. A General Introduction to Integral Theory and Comprehensive Mapmaking. A General Introduction to Integral Theory and Comprehensive Mapmaking By Sean M.

A General Introduction to Integral Theory and Comprehensive Mapmaking

AQAL. Integral Development. Steve Self: AQAL Collage. Science and the Akashic Field. Science And The Akashic Field: An Integral Theory Of Everything (978-1-59477-181-1) Browse Our Book About Science and the Akashic Field Presents the unifying world-concept long sought by scientists, mystics, and sages: an Integral Theory of Everything • Explains how modern science has rediscovered the Akashic Field of perennial philosophy • New edition updates ongoing scientific studies, presents new research inspired by the first edition, and includes new case studies and a section on animal telepathy Mystics and sages have long maintained that there exists an interconnecting cosmic field at the roots of reality that conserves and conveys information, a field known as the Akashic record.

Science And The Akashic Field: An Integral Theory Of Everything (978-1-59477-181-1)

In Science and the Akashic Field, philosopher and scientist Ervin Laszlo conveys the essential element of this information field in language that is accessible and clear. A Singularity in All Four Quadrants. The Singularity: Rupture or Rapture?

A Singularity in All Four Quadrants

There is an old analogy about an ancient emperor of China and the inventor of chess that is often used to help understand the speed of technological growth. According to the story, once the emperor became aware of the game of chess, he sent a message throughout the kingdom seeking to reward its inventor, offering anything within his power to give for such an exceptional game. Upon meeting him, the inventor, who was a poor peasant farmer, thanked the emperor for his generosity, and proceeded to place a single grain of rice in the first square of a chessboard. He then placed two grains in the second square, four in the third, eight in the fourth, etc., doubling the number of grains for each of the chessboard's 64 squares. At first the emperor was fairly amused by the farmer's request—after all, these were mere grains of rice, how much could he possibly lose?

According to Moore's Law, computational power is doubling every 18 months. Integral Science Institute. Spiral Dynamics - Decision Making Training from Understanding How Values May Affect Decisions A spiral continues to turn and change. © iStockphoto/danleap When you look back on your actions, decisions, and ways of coping with problems, were your responses consistent?

Spiral Dynamics - Decision Making Training from

Or have your reactions changed over the years? (Most people's do.) CHE. View topic - Integral Paradigm. What is troubling us is the tendency to believe that the mind is like a little man within.-- remarks to John Wisdom, quoted in Zen and the Work of WIttgenstein by Paul Weinpaul in The Chicago Review Vol. 12, (1958:70)Don't get involved in partial problems, but always take flight to where there is a free view over the whole single great problem, even if this view is still not a clear one.-- Notebooks 1914-1916 (1961)Philosophy is not a theory but an activity. [...]

View topic - Integral Paradigm

The world and life are one. [...] The subject does not belong to the world, but it is a limit of the world.-- Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus (1922)Every explanation is after all an hypothesis.-- Philosophical Occasions 1912-1951 (1993)I did not get my picture of the world by satisfying myself of its correctness; nor do I have it because I am satisfied of its correctness. No: it is the inherited background against which I distinguish between true and false. [...]

PAGE 5 viewtopic.php? Evolving Spirituality for the 21st Century. Integral Quadrants. The Integral Learning Cycle and the Map « Indistinct Union: Christianity, Integral Philosophy, and Politics. In a previous post I said I would go to into the metaphors within Wilber’s work combining my long-standing interest in his philosophical work with my new interest in metaphor theory.

The Integral Learning Cycle and the Map « Indistinct Union: Christianity, Integral Philosophy, and Politics

For the (heavy duty) theoretical background to this piece, see this article by Mark Edwards on uniting the developmental and epistemological elements of Wilber’s Integral Theory. Ken Wilber's AQAL Metatheory: An Overview, Paul Helfrich. Tuesday, April 15, 2014 PAUL M.

Ken Wilber's AQAL Metatheory: An Overview, Paul Helfrich

HELFRICH, Ph.D., has spent 27 years as an educator, researcher, webmaster, composer, and writer. He earned his graduate degrees in music composition from Temple University, where he composed several classical music pieces and taught music theory, history, and composition. In 2003, he released his Mindscapes music CD, and is writing his first book, Integral Conscious Creation. He is President of Wildfire Media and administrator for NewWorldView. Paul M. Center for Integral Science. Integral strategies - Homepage.

Bienvenue · INTEGRAL GOVERNANCE INSTITUTE - Vers la souveraineté indivi-duelle - Former des personnes et Accompagner les Organisations. .: Centre for Integral Transformation - Welcome :. Integral City. .: Centre for Integral Transformation - Corporate Culture :. Clare Graves levels of existence One of Maslow’s students, Clare Graves, attempted to create a pencil and paper instrument to identify what needs were currently pursued. Graves later concluded that a person's needs change with his or her values; and that a person's values change in a predictable way. Graves later did much research into individual’s values and how they impact not just the individuals, but organisations and society as well.

He put forward the "Emergent Cyclic Levels of Existence Theory" which laid out different levels of human existence. Integral Review Home Page. What's New on Integral Naked. Integral Institute. Integral theory consciousness. Ken Wilber Journal of Consciousness Studies, 4 (1), February 1997, pp. 71-92 Copyright, 1997, Imprint Academic Abstract: An extensive data search among various types of developmental and evolutionary sequences yielded a `four quadrant' model of consciousness and its development (the four quadrants being intentional, behavioural, cultural, and social).

Integral theory consciousness

Each of these dimensions was found to unfold in a sequence of at least a dozen major stages or levels. Combining the four quadrants with the dozen or so major levels in each quadrant yields an integral theory of consciousness that is quite comprehensive in its nature and scope. Integral Institute. The Integral Institute is a think-tank founded in 1998 by American author Ken Wilber.

Integral Institute

The purpose of the Institute is to gather and attempt to integrate the various viewpoints found in a number of major fields of knowledge.[1] For example, the Integral Institute currently has a number of branches including Integral psychology, Integral business, Integral politics, Integral medicine, Integral education, Integral ecology and sustainability,[2] Integral law and criminal justice, Integral art, and Integral spirituality. This attempt to integrate the knowledge base of a particular field is based on the notion that differing opinions are often true but partial versions of actual reality. List of integral thinkers and supporters. Integral Theory. Integral theory, a philosophy with origins in the work of Sri Aurobindo and Jean Gebser, and promoted by Ken Wilber, seeks a synthesis of the best of pre-modern, modern, and postmodern reality.[1] It is portrayed as a "theory of everything,"[2] and offers an approach "to draw together an already existing number of separate paradigms into an interrelated network of approaches that are mutually enriching.

Integral Theory

"[1] It has been applied by scholar-practitioners in 35 distinct academic and professional domains as varied as organizational management and art.[1] Methodologies[edit] 44583771_6587fa8b32_o.jpg (Image JPEG, 765x701 pixels) Quadrants.jpg (Image JPEG, 2433x2656 pixels) - Redimensionnée (29%) An Integral Map of Community. Core concepts in the work of Ken Wilber. Integral Learning (Image PNG, 1288x979 pixels) Integral Approach. Integral Enlightenment: Evolutionary Spirituality with Craig Hamilton. Zero Integral. Alan Tonkin - Different Values: Different Democracy. Differing Values Systems require Differing Types of Democracy byAlan Tonkin29 June 2005 Alan Tonkin was Chairman of the Global Values Network Group whose web site was one of the most advanced in the world at using Spiral Dynamics to monitor shifts in societies and assess impacts at both national, international and even global levels. Alan generously allowed this piece, written for the GVN site, to be published here.

In looking at the world with its widely varying values systems it is interesting to see how the word 'democracy' means different things to different people. An example of this is when leaders from the Western developed world speak of democracy they generally mean constitutional democracy based on a universal franchise, multi-party system. However, in developing economies constitutional arrangements can vary with the values spread being across the PURPLE/RED/BLUE/ORANGE/GREEN range.

Integral Research Center. The Canadian non-profit organization Drishti-Centre for Integral Action is doing research on community resilience and climate change adaptation from an integral perspective, funded by Canada’s International Development Research Centre in Ottawa. The project partners include CESTA-Friends of the Earth El Salvador and Centro Bartolome de las Casas, both whom specialize in environmental conservation, community organizing, and community well-being. Dr. Karen O’Brien, IPCC author of the chapter on climate change adaptation and professor with the Department of Social Geography at the University of Oslo, is a formal advisor to the project.

The main objective of this research project is to contribute to the understanding of community resilience and human development within the larger context of sustainable adaptation to climate change in vulnerable communities, with specific focus on El Salvador and Canada. For more information, see Integral Leadership Review.

Great Integral Awakening Teleseminars - 14 Spiritual Luminaries Discuss Online Topics Such as Evolutionary Enlightenment, Spiral Dynamics, Transformative Spirituality and Evolution. Establishing the Integral Paradigm and the future of Integral Politics, Zakariyya Ishaq. Wednesday, April 16, 2014 Zakariyya Ishaq is a writer who has just completed his first book on the subject of spiritual cosmology. An original new theory he feels can rival any: THE ELLIPSE: THE FALL AND RISE OF THE HUMAN SOUL: SECRETS OF THE COSMOS. In addition to being a writer he is a musician, computer professional, and community activist. He is a Graduate of Devry University in Digital Electronic Technology.

The Natural Theology of Beauty, Truth and Goodness, Steve McIntosh. An independent forum for a critical discussion of the integral philosophy of Ken Wilber Sunday, May 17, 2015 Publication dates of essays (month/year) can be found under "Essays". To the Readers of I have enjoyed this website for many years, and it has been most interesting to follow its evolution. And I can fully understand the frustration that many have expressed about the shortcomings of some of the integral movement's leaders. Frank Visser was kind enough to invite me to contribute something from my book. Ken Wilber: Welcome. Ken Wilber is the author of over twenty books. Brad Reynolds' Book-By-Book Summary. No Boundary: Eastern and Western Approaches to Personal Growth (1979) est une écriture Romantique Phase-1 soulignant la psychologie (se concentrant de ce fait sur le quadrant supérieur gauche ou la conscience intérieure individuelle).

À l'origine intitulé "The Boundaries of Consciousness," il est arrivé en 1975 chez l'agent de Wilber John White sous la forme d'un cahier à spirale, et il a alors suggéré le titre "No Boundary. " Integral World : Exploring Theories of Everything. Integral Vision. Integral Life. Integral Art and Studies. LA REVOLUTION de la PENSEE INTEGRALE - Patrick Drouot. Présentation de l Approche Intégrale.

Ins­crip­tion ou­verte pour la ses­sion 2014 à Mont­pel­lier, dates bien­tôt dis­po­nible, nous contac­ter pour s'ins­crire en liste d'at­tente. La fin du 20ème siècle et le dé­but du nou­veau mil­lé­naire marquent un tour­nant ma­jeur dans l’évo­lu­tion de l’hu­ma­nité. La pro­fonde mu­ta­tion en cours se voit am­pli­fiée par la crise ac­tuelle qui dé­passe de loin le champ éco­no­mique et nous amènent à ré­in­ven­ter un sens nou­veau sur nos fa­çon d’en­vi­sa­ger nos vies per­son­nelles et col­lec­tives. En ef­fet, les mo­dèles et les concepts avec les­quels nous en­vi­sa­gions notre rap­port au monde et l’évo­lu­tion de nos so­cié­tés ne sont plus viables en l’état. Les dés­équi­libres ex­trêmes et les risques sys­té­miques non mai­tri­sés de­viennent criants. . « Les pro­blèmes aux­quels nous sommes confron­tés ne peuvent être ré­so­lus au ni­veau et avec la fa­çon de pen­ser qui les a en­gen­drés.»

Cela a-t-il l’air, re­bu­tant ? Quels sont les cinq élé­ments ? Les quatre qua­drants. In My Integral Estimation.