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Spiral Dynamics

Spiral Dynamics
In spiral dynamics, the term vmeme refers to a core value system, acting as an organizing principle, which expresses itself through memes (self-propagating ideas, habits, or cultural practices). The superscript letter v indicates these are not basic memes but value systems which include them. The colors act as reminders for the life conditions and mind capacities of each system and alternate between cool and warm colors as a part of the model.[2] Within the model, individuals and cultures do not fall clearly in any single category (color). Each person/culture embodies a mixture of the value patterns, with varying degrees of intensity in each. Spiral Dynamics claims not to be a linear or hierarchical model. According to Spiral Dynamics, there are infinite stages of progress and regression over time, dependent upon the life circumstances of the person or culture, which are constantly in flux. vMEMEs[edit] THE FIRST TIER VALUE SYSTEMS; The Levels of Subsistence[5] Beige[edit] Purple[edit]

Center for Psychological Development Transpersonalism: Ego Meets Soul by James E. Strohl, Ed.D.Journal of Counseling & Development, Fall 1998, Vol. 76, pp. 397-403. Over the last few decades, the transpersonal approach has emerged from mainstream psychology to address the effects of spirituality and consciousness on personal transformation and health and to explore the optimal levels of human functioning. Despite its increasing popularity, many mental health professionals lack basic knowledge of the transpersonal approach. For more than 25 years, increasing numbers of mental health practitioners have been using a therapeutic approach associated with a school of psychology known as transpersonal psychology. The term transpersonal means beyond (trans) the personal, ego or self. Transpersonal psychology Is concerned with the study of humanity’s highest potential, and with the recognition, understanding, and realization of unitive, spiritual, and transcendent states of consciousness.

Zła wielozadaniowość — Marek Kowalczyk Zła wielozadaniowość to sytuacja, w której jednoczesna realizacja zbyt dużej ilości pracy (zadań, projektów, zleceń) prowadzi do wydłużenia czasu i obniżenia jakości — zamiast spodziewanego przyspieszenia. Obserwując spadające tempo pracy ludzie powiększają liczbę otwartych tematów, tym samym napędzając błędne koło złej wielozadaniowości. Niestety, szkodliwość złej wielozadaniowości nie jest powszechnie uznawana. Żadna z wiodących metod poprawy wyników nie poświęca jej należytej uwagi — z wyjątkiem teorii ograniczeń (theory of constraints) Goldratta. Usunięcie złej wielozadaniowości wymaga: Uświadomienia sobie jej destrukcyjnego wpływu zarówno na ilościowe i jakościowe wyniki organizacji, jak i relacje oraz na psychikę ludzi.Zmiany błędnych przekonań dotyczących funkcjonowania systemów (nabrania „wiedzy głębokiej”, by użyć sformułowania Deminga).Poznania praktycznych, możliwych do zastosowania „od poniedziałku” narzędzi ułatwiających wprowadzenie zmiany w życie. Czas wystąpienia Więcej...

Our Return to Interconnectedness, Oneness, and Harmony. What is interconnectedness? Interconnectedness is a concept that has been known to humans throughout history, in one form or another. Interconnectedness is a network of things that depend on each other for their existence. When things are interconnected they lack a true separation from each other, and any distinction between parts is merely for convenience of description, not an accurate representation of the truth. Where can we see interconnectedness? Oneness is nearly a synonymous concept to interconnectedness. Human beings have progressively lost their sense of oneness and interconnectedness with each other and the Earth over the last few centuries. I would argue that lack of harmony is the cause of every major problem everywhere on the Earth. Following this analogy, nature comprises the majority of the global biological orchestra of being. All this was once known to our ancestors.

Dzień spraw zaległych, czyli jak rozprawić się z "ogonem" w 5 krokach! - Catherine The Owner - Blog o przedsiębiorczym stylu życiaCatherine The Owner – Blog o przedsiębiorczym stylu życia Jeśli czyta mnie ktokolwiek, kto nie ma żadnych zadań odkładanych na „wieczne jutro” to proszę koniecznie się do mnie odezwać! Człowieku, tyle pytań bym do Ciebie miała! Niestety (i dla mnie, i dla Was) taki ktoś najpewniej nie istnieje (albo istnieje, ale jest zbyt zajęty wykonywaniem zadań ze swojej listy, by czytać blogi) więc musimy sobie radzić sami. Jednym z bardziej irytujących problemów, które przeszkadzają mi w skupieniu są tak zwane NWdGZ (Nagle Wpadające do Głowy Zadania). Nie cierpię ich z dwóch powodów: raz, że mnie rozpraszają, a dwa, że psują mi humor – choćbym nie wiem jak zadowolona była z tego co robię w danej chwili albo z osiągnięcia sprzed godziny – takie zaległe zadanie, gdy wpada do głowy szepcze przy okazji „nie jesteś wcale taka fajna skoro jeszcze mnie nie załatwiłaś”! Jak sobie z takim gościem radzić? Krok 1 Jeśli takie zadanie właśnie wpadło Ci do głowy, od razu je z niej wyrzuć! Krok 2 Wyznacz specjalny dzień na realizację takich zadań. PS. Przeczytaj też:

Lifestreams - the interconnecting Transpersonal consciousness web of all life Seen and unseen Streams of Consciousness which create the relationships we experience allow information to flow from one to other. They are the Essence of Love which gives meaning and purpose to the Mirror that Life presents to us in our individual lives. The Web of Life is continually moving, changing shape, dimension, expanding and contracting, experiencing of itself through the collective experience. You cannot separate yourself from this collective experience. Every individual experience, response and reaction moves through the whole "web of all life" .. even the ones that are denied, repressed, hidden under codes of secrecy and silence. These become part of both the collective and our own personal experience - influencing the behavior (and the evolution) of the whole .. and all of its parts: the individual "you and I". Some of these Consciousness Streams we may be aware of. For those who are familiar with the term, this is, in part the principle of the hologram - but a whole lot more.

transpersonal and its nature: a plain man's Transpersonal Psychology journals Personality and Individuality in the transpersonal relationship The word that you are relates to all other words in all other languages of the Universe. A word has a meaning greater than its individual letters. What so many people do in theireveryday lives is hold onto one word or personal idea and see themselves as that individual word - or world. The Word as a Transpersonal Metaphor Transpersonal is the transformation of your singular view of you. identify your personality ... which is your limitation ... transcend the personal limitations you (and others) place on you ... any spiritual belief is a limitation One word written on a page can convey only so much of the truth of the message. Each word you read leads to another. in the beginning was the word Let us view the word as a human being. Next, looking at a sentence as a human being. But within that grouping, one word has one concentrated, tunneled meaning, a little more expanded than when it stood alone, but still not its complete scope of expression. Now see the word - human being as a paragraph.

Transpersonal The transpersonal is a phenomenon or experience "in which the sense of identity or self extends beyond (trans) the individual or personal to encompass wider aspects of humankind, life, psyche or cosmos".[1] The term is highly associated with the work of Abraham Maslow and his understanding of "peak experiences", and was first adapted by the human potential movement in the 1960s.[citation needed] Among the psychological sciences that have studied[clarification needed] transpersonal phenomena are Transpersonal psychology, Humanistic psychology and Near-Death Studies.[citation needed] Among the forerunners to the development of transpersonal theory are the school of Psychosynthesis (founded by Roberto Assagioli), and the Analytical school of C.G Jung. Transpersonal states[edit] Transpersonal psychology considers[clarification needed] the concept of transpersonal states of awareness. See also[edit] References[edit] Jump up ^ Walsh, R. and F.
