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Raising Rabbits

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Tips & Tricks On Raising Meat Rabbits

"Raising Rabbits: Like Pulling Food out of a Hat" by Regina Anneler page two. Everyone has a few memories of Elmer Fudd out hunting “wabbits” during rabbit season.

"Raising Rabbits: Like Pulling Food out of a Hat" by Regina Anneler page two

If you raise your own rabbits you never need to worry about when that season is. Many of us dream and work toward a more self sufficient lifestyle, preferring to raise our own food and provide a healthier, more natural diet for our families. Raising rabbits can also be a true family project, as they are small and so easy to care for that they can even be maintained by young children. Rabbits - More Meat In Less Space. A few days ago, Jo asked you to imagine how you’d get adequate protein and calories in a survival situation.

Rabbits - More Meat In Less Space

He came up with bugs, because he’s ridiculous. I came up with something better, because I am Walt: rabbits. Rabbits are cute, cuddly, meaty, and reproduce like- well, rabbits! Because of this, rabbits could definitely help save your life in a survival situation- or (because we’re doing this now) in case of a zombie-fueled / alien-invasion style breakdown of society. At least, that’s what Nick Klein, owner of Hostile Hare, certainly thinks. Rabbit Care Basics. I am a qualified vet nurse but if you are thinking of getting a rabbit please do your homework and read lots of information about their care first.

Rabbit Care Basics

This blog post will just focus on basic food and housing. You’ll still need to read up on rabbit handling, bonding, vaccinations and care in general. Rabbits are really great and easy pets and are fun for the whole family. Rabbit - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Habitat and range Outdoor entrance to a rabbit burrow Rabbit habitats include meadows, woods, forests, grasslands, deserts and wetlands.[1] Rabbits live in groups, and the best known species, the European rabbit, lives in underground burrows, or rabbit holes.

Rabbit - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia

A group of burrows is called a warren.[1] More than half the world's rabbit population resides in North America.[1] They are also native to southwestern Europe, Southeast Asia, Sumatra, some islands of Japan, and in parts of Africa and South America. They are not naturally found in most of Eurasia, where a number of species of hares are present. Breeding Rabbits & Rabbit Breeds, Pens & Care. Breeding rabbits needs thought.

Breeding Rabbits & Rabbit Breeds, Pens & Care

Plan which rabbit breeds you want on your homestead or backyard, cages or pens, and what sort of rabbit breeding plan you are going to follow. Read more... Well June is half way gone and I'm still running to catch up. Funny how all winter I had nothing to do, and now I have so much I don't know where to start. One of my main projects lately has been my rabbits. Cross bred litter of Dutch x Flemish. When breeding rabbits there are 2 things to think about. Raising Rabbits For Profit, & Feeding, Cages & Care. A New Zealand White Rabbit Raising rabbits for meat and fur is a good way to make money but only if you do it on a large scale, and it should be done as supplementary income only.

Raising Rabbits For Profit, & Feeding, Cages & Care

The initial costs in setting-up is small, rabbits breed quickly and frequently, they have large litters and grow to a good marketable size in a very short time. However, it is a full time job with daily rabbit care and good feeding needed. Rabbit Farms for Hobby, Success and Profit. Here is how rabbit farms become profitable.

Rabbit Farms for Hobby, Success and Profit

When farmers begin planning their rabbit farms, they will need to formulate a plan, which will often need to be submitted to an agricultural or planning board in your area in which you wish to set up this venture. Rabbit Health - Bunny Diseases - Fleas. One of the essential ingredients to a long, happy life with your bunny is ensuring your pet remains in good health.

Rabbit Health - Bunny Diseases - Fleas

The articles in this section cover health conditions and diseases that can affect house rabbits. {*style:<ul>*} {*style:<li>*} {*style:<h3>*}{*style:<a href=' or Neutering Your Pet Bunny{*style:</a>*}{*style:</h3>*} {*style:<br>*}As a pet owner, it is important that you know the facts about spaying or neutering your house rabbit. This article covers some of the benefits of the procedure and tells you what to expect during and after the surgery.

Rabbit Medication Uses. Rabbits: Merck Veterinary Manual. In Edinburgh April 23rd 2014 Randi I am spending four weeks on an exchange with the Royal (Dick) Veterinary School in Edinburgh, Scotland.

Rabbits: Merck Veterinary Manual

It has been a fun adventure, but there has been a lot to get used to. For example, it took me... Communication April 22nd 2014 Shannon A very important aspect of veterinary medicine is communicating with clients. “Remember That Failure Is an Event, Not a Person” — Zig Ziglar April 21st 2014 Brittany As we first started veterinary school, we were gently reminded that most of us (especially the younger ones) likely have not had many failures in our lives. Rabbit Borne Diseases - The Invisible Danger Hiding in Your Yard. Have you spotted wild rabbits in your yard?

Rabbit Borne Diseases - The Invisible Danger Hiding in Your Yard

Not only do they love eating your vegetation, they could also harbor rabbit borne diseases. Research has proven that there are many zoonotic rabbit borne diseases, meaning the disease can be transmitted from animals to humans. American Rabbit Breeders Association, Inc. American Federation Of New Zealand Rabbit Breeders. Angora Rabbits: The Wool Industry's Pride & Joy. It’s no secret that the world’s softest garment fiber comes from a docile and adorable animal called the Angora Rabbit. Quiet and calm by nature, these animals have been used in fiber harvest for hundreds of years, and are thought to have originated in Turkey. Turkish fiber markets throughout history have also taken credit for the origination of the Angora Goat (who produce fiber known as Mohair, not Angora) and the forerunner to the Persian cat breed. Europeans have bred and mass-marketed Angora wool for centuries, the French being responsible for the popularization of it around 1790.

North America would not see the import of these "exotic" rabbits until 1920. The North American Angora market today is still relatively considered a "cottage industry" with the bulk of fiber producers promoting and marketing their own product. Unique fiber qualities, allowing for quick results in the spinning process. English Angora Rainbow of Colors. *Bumblebee Acres* English Angora Rabbit Colors of the Rainbow Coat Color transitions of English Angora Bunnies from baby (kits) to adults (seniors). Some colors are missing at this point either the adult or the baby comparisions, we will be adding on to this page continuely. In our breeding program. Californian Rabbit Specialty Club. Meat Rabbit Breeders List: Rudolph's Rabbit Ranch.

This list is a result of receiving numerous requests for meat rabbit breeder information. Everyone here has indicated that they are interested in selling breeding stock to the backyard breeder. Any non-meat breeds of a specific meat breeder are written with a smaller font. Worldwide listings are encouraged. This list is a free service and there are no guarantees for any given breeder. Breeders' names in green have indicated that they will ship stock to the buyer. If you are a meat rabbit breeder and wish to be included, please e-mail me as much of the following as you wish: your and your rabbitry's name (if applicable), address (at least city & state), phone number (optional), e-mail address, URL (if applicable, reciprocal link to Rudolph's Rabbit Ranch greatly appreciated), list of breeds (may include non-meat breeds, too), and whether you ship.

Looking for breeding stock?

Rabbit Resource Downloads

How To Build A Rabbit Cage. How to Build a Rabbit Cage I make all my own cages and have always done so. I've made hundreds over the last 40 years, and now they're second nature to me. I use all wire cages because they are self-cleaning and odor-free. Making a cage is very simple. How To Kill A Meat Rabbit. How To Kill, Skin, Gut, & Butcher A Meat Rabbit. Clean & Process A Rabbit.