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- StumbleUpon. Stretch your splits in 3 weeks – Flexibility to the Max! · Drill After reading this, here are some articles I recommend you also read: I know it sounds crazy. Have your splits down in three weeks when you’re still two feet off the ground? It’s possible, but you just need the time to commit to this. Before you read this, I’ll warn you that it sounds like a TON of time, but think about it . . . you want your splits, right? Why don’t you just get them now so that you don’t waste time thinking about how far from the ground you are? So, let’s get started (If you’re just looking for stretches, scroll down). Reserve thirty minutes a day to stretching (yes, including weekends, or else it won’t work.

Session 1: 15 minutesI recommend that you get this over in the morning, before you go to school, work, or whatever you do during the daytime. Session 2: 15 minutesThis one I’d say to do before you sleep. Keep up with the same thing as week one, but now stretching time is increased to 45 minutes a day. Increase your stretching time to one hour. Half squat: Squat. GAIN Fitness - Personal Trainer Quality Workouts. Fitness.jpg (JPEG Image, 180x360 pixels) SunSalutation.jpg (JPEG Image, 694x537 pixels) Yoga for Happy Hips - Vega Community. Vega Community share. learn. thrive!

Yoga for Happy Hips - Vega Community

Yoga for Happy Hips Here is a yoga sequence to bring more flexibility to your hips. Enjoy! You can download a pdf file here: Views: 73545 Tags: flexibility, hips, sequence, stretch, yoga Share Twitter Comment You need to be a member of Vega Community to add comments! Join Vega Community Comment by Sidney on March 20, 2012 at 10:24pm. What is Metabolic Training (MT)? Metabolic Training (MT) is the new buzzword in fitness.

What is Metabolic Training (MT)?

However, it is not a buzzword to be taken lightly. In essence, it is a fat loss and fat burning tool you should be using two or three times a week. Metabolic training is used in our advanced bootcamp classes here in Oklahoma City and Edmond. Once a basis of fitness is reached, students can participate in metabolic training classes. Metabolic training is a combination of training styles and methods done in a back-to-back fashion with minimal to no rest between movements. Metabolic training uses ideas from every aspect of exercise to to burn fat at an incredible rate. MT sessions move along quickly and are short bouts of intense work followed by short recovery periods usually measured in seconds, not minutes. Our recent review of Rushfit from Georges St-Pierre and his trainer Eric Owings has a LOT of metabolic training in it.

For most, MT training is out of their comfort zone. 1. A Dynamic Stretching Routine at Runner. Maybe you've heard that stretching before a run is a big mistake.

A Dynamic Stretching Routine at Runner

Indeed, studies show that static stretching—holding a muscle in an elongated, fixed position for 30 seconds or more—could hurt performance if done before a workout (save it for after your run). But dynamic stretching, which uses controlled leg movements to improve range of motion, loosens up muscles and increases heart rate, body temperature, and blood flow to help you run more efficiently. Dynamic stretching is most effective when it's sport-specific.

This prerun routine targets the muscles used for running. Start slowly, focusing on form; as the exercises get easier, pick up speed. LEG LIFTSSwing one leg out to the side, then swing it back across your body in front of your other leg. BUTT-KICKSWhile standing tall, walk forward with an exaggerated backswing so that your heels come up to your glutes. PIKE STRETCHGet in a "pike" position (hips in the air). Ask Miles - March 2010. 6 minute workout. Hi BodyRockers, Today Freddy and I are starting to pack for our move and we are crazy busy.

6 minute workout

With everything that we have to do today, I didn’t have time for a full workout, but don’t worry because I put together this savage little 6 minute full body routine that will rock you out. I think that it is always better to do something than to skip your training completely, and this workout may come in a small package, but as you can see in the video, if you are pushing it at your max effort – full throttle – you won’t have anything left after 6 minutes. This is a perfect solution if you find yourself really busy and pressed for time – and you can also extend the torture by doing this 2 times back to back. As I said tho, the real test of your effort is that by the end of the 6 minutes you should be tapped out. Freddy & I will be back this weekend with new BodyRockers, a new diet challenge and possibly a life post if we actually do anything interesting besides packing!

Banish belly fat. Banish belly fat Melt your muffin top and fight belly fat with our 15-minute flat-abs workout By Diane Hart Is your belly more rippled than ripped?

Banish belly fat

More of a two-four than a six pack? If so, tackle that belly fat every other day with this 15-minute exercise plan, which targets the muscles that support the spine as well as the abs. Flat abs diamond leg crunch Lie on your back, with your hands behind your head for support. TIP: Keep your elbows back as you crunch; you shouldn’t see them move forward. Flat abs arm/leg lift Lie on your back with your knees bent, feet flat on the floor and arms extended over your head on the floor. Flat abs ball pass Lie on your back holding a stability ball or pillow over your head, knees bent and feet flat on the floor.

TIP: Keep movement slow and controlled, while keeping your spine close to the floor. Flat abs scissors 1.