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Environmental risks and opportunities associated with the digital transformation of society

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Making Sense of Africa's Emerging Digital Transformation and its Many Futures: Africa Journal of Management: Vol 3, No 3-4. C MIN 2018 6 EN. Social Innovation and Resilience. Governance Strategies for a Sustainable Digital World. Digital innovation and transformation: An institutional perspective. Futures of Robotics. Human Work in Digital Transformation by Jari Kaivo-Oja, Steffen Roth, Leo Westerlund. How digital identity on blockchain can contribute in a smart city environment. The concept of digital transformation of the society. Accenture Unlocking Digital Value To Society. The digital transformation of society and business: 2020. Futurist ke…

Clarity Project Conference. Universities and the digital transformation of society. Our smartphones have apps that help us navigate traffic, find public transportation or book rides in cabs.

Universities and the digital transformation of society

The “sharing” economy is enabling us to change how we find hotel rooms when we travel, and how we get loans or fund new businesses. These are just a few examples of how our daily lives have undergone a digital transformation that is bringing us a dizzying array of new choices as well as launching new business models. Transportation and travel are just two of many sectors that are going through this radical transformation. For example, in healthcare, personal medical records and genomic data are already digital. Now, with the monitoring of people by wearable and implanted devices that remotely monitor pulse, blood chemistry, hormone levels, blood pressure, temperature, EMG and even EEG, we can provide levels of personalized medicine that were unimaginable even a few years ago.

Synthesis Paper Version Analysis of the Digital Transformation of Society its Impact on Young People Lives Lars Norqvist. Brochure 18. Digital Transformation of Business and Society – Frank Diana. Let’s explore our emerging future together at Frank Diana’s Blog Reimagine the future through video on Youtube Updated December 14, 2018: The anchor visual in this post continues to evolve.

Digital Transformation of Business and Society – Frank Diana

Considering the increased traffic to the post, the visual has been updated. Updated July 26, 2018: The anchor visual in this post has been updated several times to reflect new and emerging future scenarios, The current version can be found Here. Soc Eco impact Digital transformation finalGSR. Liquid love? Dating apps, sex, relationships and the digital transformation of intimacy - Mitchell Hobbs, Stephen Owen, Livia Gerber, 2017.

Conceptualizing Digital Transformation in Business Organizations: Philosophical reflection smart-society as a new model of the information society and its impact on the education of the 21st century – тема научной статьи по читайте бесплатно текст научно-исследовательской работы в электронной библиотеке КиберЛенинка. Mastering Digital Transformation. Viral bear video shows how drones threaten wildlife – and what to do about it. 3D printing coral reefs can create new habitat – but it doesn't tackle human destruction. Coral reefs are vanishing from the world’s oceans.

3D printing coral reefs can create new habitat – but it doesn't tackle human destruction

At least three quarters of these tropical marine habitats are severely threatened globally and in 2016 alone, the Great Barrier Reef lost up to 30% of its coral cover. But could modern technology simply create more reef? It may sound fantastical, but scientists are working on 3D printing new reef habitats to replace those lost from climate change, overfishing and pollution. Coral reefs are important ecosystems for people in tropical countries as the sea life which lives on them is a major source of food and income.

They also protect shorelines from erosion and storms. Unfortunately, overfishing, pollution and climate change have changed how most coral reefs look and function. Could the heat generated by blockchain be useful for other living beings? Bitcoin emissions alone could push global warming above 2°C. The impact of precision technology on the future of the environment and crop protection. Currently, agricultural techniques that are economical, productively, and socially, environmentally sustainable are on real demand.

The impact of precision technology on the future of the environment and crop protection

The concept of precision farming is increasingly becoming an attractive venture for realizing sustainable agriculture and utilizing natural resources. Precision farming among many other things enables the reduction of farm chemical use during crop production while decreasing farming risks and contributing to field-specific crop applications. In return, this makes the production processes more specific and designable which increases profitability. The introduction of a new farming technique requires complex and informed management decisions, which includes the economic relationship like cost-yield income which should be put into consideration.

Farming strategies are obliged to these requirements. The Power to Upgrade Our Own Biology Is in Sight—But Is Society Ready for Human Enhancement? Upgrading our biology may sound like science fiction, but attempts to improve humanity actually date back thousands of years.

The Power to Upgrade Our Own Biology Is in Sight—But Is Society Ready for Human Enhancement?

Every day, we enhance ourselves through seemingly mundane activities such as exercising, meditating, or consuming performance-enhancing drugs, such as caffeine or adderall. However, the tools with which we upgrade our biology are improving at an accelerating rate and becoming increasingly invasive. In recent decades, we have developed a wide array of powerful methods, such as genetic engineering and brain-machine interfaces, that are redefining our humanity. In the short run, such enhancement technologies have medical applications and may be used to treat many diseases and disabilities. Additionally, in the coming decades, they could allow us to boost our physical abilities or even digitize human consciousness. What's the Buzz? The Drones Are Here. Buzz of drones is more annoying than any other kind of vehicle.

Crowdfunding renewable energy - a new trend. Over the past five years a new trend has emerged in the changing and more digitised energy sector of crowdfunding for projects.

Crowdfunding renewable energy - a new trend

With the ability to post a project with all its details to the web and its global reach, the opportunity to tap into the minds and investment wealth of large numbers of people is an obvious one. This is particularly true for smaller scale projects that are outside the scope of the traditional larger investment institutions or investment banks. Social impact of green crowdfunding. There is growing interest in crowdfunding as an alternative way to support projects focused on renewables.

Social impact of green crowdfunding

This comes at a time when the green energy sector is feeling the purse strings tighten in many European countries. “National governments in the EU are alleged to have created a booming cycle by initially granting strong support for renewables then rapidly rowing back as they feared excessive expenses for subsidies and an increase in the price of electricity for industry”, points out a recent study by researchers from the Politecnico di Milano School of Management, the Università Bocconi, Milan, Italy and the Ton Duc Thang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. In the paper, titled “Crowdfunding for green projects in Europe: success factors and effects on the local environmental performance and wellbeing”, they analysed the key factors that made a wide sample of crowdfunding campaigns through specialised platforms successful.

Crowdfunding and renewable energy. Why Blockchain Can Be An Effective Tool For Fighting Environmental Crime. This article is the first of a five-part series with David Luna, CEO and president of Luna Global Networks & Convergence Strategies LLC.

Why Blockchain Can Be An Effective Tool For Fighting Environmental Crime

Sharing is caring. So why are European cities falling behind? New mobility services like Uber and Lyft offer the potential to get cities moving, improve quality of life and reduce emissions.

Sharing is caring. So why are European cities falling behind?

But this will only happen if new and traditional mobility services can be integrated to make a more attractive offering that finally persuades drivers out of their cars, write Greg Archer and Yoann Le Petit. Environment Agency launch campaign to prepare for frequent flooding. 'Prepare. Act. Survive', Environment Agency tells people at risk of flooding. The ongoing communications drive seeks to raise awareness of the risk of flooding and boost the number of people, particularly younger consumers, signing up to the organisation's flood warnings.

'Prepare. Act. Survive', Environment Agency tells people at risk of flooding

Part of an annual drive by the Environment Agency to raise awareness of flood risk, the work is built on research that found that, even though flooding poses the biggest natural disaster threat to England, public awareness is falling. In 2016, 38 per cent of people believed that they were at risk, down from 45 per cent in 2015.

Previous messaging centred on persuading people to download and prepare a flood plan, but the Environment Agency's research found that many found it hard to envisage flooding affecting them and were therefore reluctant to download the document. Social-media advertising has been used to target the younger demographic, while earned media and no-cost social channels targeted the broader population. The Environment Agency's evaluation is ongoing. Facebook and street protests in Nicaragua. Nicaragua’s civil unrest has now claimed 448 lives since protests began on 18 April.

Initial backlash started after President Daniel Ortega implemented controversial pension reforms, but the unfair treatment of peaceful protestors has led to more than three months of violence. The social amplification of risk on Twitter: the case of ash dieback disease in the United Kingdom: Journal of Risk Research: Vol 0, No 0.