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Alex Stiver - The Open University (UK), Centre for Research in Computing. The best Business Angel and Crowdfunding posts of 2012 and what the future holds for 2013. As the year comes to an end, let’s review some of the best articles – and your favourite pages on ibusinessangel in 2012 and let’s see what 2013 has in store for us… Crowdfunding Websites If 2012 was the year that Crowdfunding finally took off – at least in terms of growth and interest in crowdfunding websites – then 2013 will be the year when it comes of age.

The best Business Angel and Crowdfunding posts of 2012 and what the future holds for 2013

The UK already has equity crowdfunding (instead of just donation funding) sites and one site alone has raised over £4m of startup capital. 2013 will see the explosion of crowdfunding not just in the UK, but also in the US where the JOBS act will pass into law; plus additional and exciting developments to come from many western markets – such as Italy which passed its Digital Agenda Package at the end of 2012. Startup accelerators Almost as exciting as crowdfunding sources of finance, are the startup accelerators. The 6 stages of a startup Steve Blank’s emphasis on education makes sense in a field that is both new and full of jargon. Crowdfunding pattern feedback sought. I'd be grateful for some feedback on a Crowdfunding model pattern I've been developing with students as part of a series of seminars, workshops and lectures at universities in the UK.

Crowdfunding pattern feedback sought

My starting point was Monica Appelbe’s Crowd Power: letting the crowd fund your small business poster on the Intuit Small Business Blog. I particularly liked the way she frames crowdfunding as part of an evolution of funding methodologies from micro-finance to crowdfunding, through micro-lending and peer-to-peer loans: I also provide two patterns I've found that have used the Business Model Canvas template, so that a comparison of the Peer-to-Peer Lending model (e.g. can be made with Micro-lending model (e.g. Luftenegger, E., Angelov, S., van der Lindenz, E., & P. Osterwalder, A. (2009). CROWDFUNDING PLATFORMS.


Crowdfunding Could Support Civil Rights Reporting. Crowd Funding. Crowd funding is a new innovation in business investing, in which a crowd of people group together to provide funds to a business.

Crowd Funding

As this new trend emerges, we'll keep you current on the latest crowdfunding companies and crowdfunding websites. Crowd Funding for Creative Projects - Crowd funding is all the rage and it's especially useful for funding creative projects. We take a look at a few creative projects that have been funded via crowd funding.Companies That Raised Money With Crowd Funding - Although we've heard about crowd funding's potential to launch budding entrepreneurs, it's tough to find real world success stories in which crowd funds were used to resource a legitimate business venture rather than an experimental art project.What Is Crowdfunding?

- The idea behind crowdfunding is that the masses can pick financial winners. If many people are willing to place a small financial bet on something, then perhaps it's a good bet.


CROWDFUNDING SEARCH. KICKSTARTER RELATED. CROWDFUNDING GAME RELATED. CROWDFUNDING CHINA. SOCIAL CROWDFUNDING. The Crowdfunding Conundrum. Sponsors Financial contributions from online investors, sponsors or donors to fund for-profit or non-profit initiatives or enterprises.

Crowdfunding / Crowdfunding. Please request to get permission to edit this page.

crowdfunding / Crowdfunding

I approve people who appear legitimate so it helps to add a message with your request. Due to overwhelming amount of requests and spam, I am not activating any editors so instead please just send a brief description and URL of the crowdfunding project that you would like listed here. That is the main reason why people want edit access (as opposed to enhancing the article). Thanks. Crowdfunding sites compared. 7 crowdsourcing websites that you should keep an eye 2011. Das Jahr 2010 war für Online-Crowdsourcing-Plattformen durchaus ein erfolgreiches und auch 2011 könnte noch die ein oder andere Überraschung in diesem Segment bereit halten.

7 crowdsourcing websites that you should keep an eye 2011

Gründerszene hat sich daher den Jahreswechsel einmal zum Anlass genommen, um einen Überblick über sieben sehenswerte europäische Crowdsourcing-Plattformen zusammen zu stellen. Crowdsourcing meint die Auslagerung von Arbeitsinhalten auf die Intelligenz und die Arbeitskraft einer Masse von Freizeitarbeitern im Web, was von der Erstellung von Logos über Modedesigns bis hin zur Finanzierung von Geschäftsideen reichen kann. Das Konzept Crowdsourcing hat zuletzt weiter deutlich an Größe gewonnen. Immer mehr unterschiedliche innovative und kreative Möglichkeiten entstehen, die die Leistungserbringung von eigenen Mitarbeitern hin zur „Crowd“ verlagern und hervorragende Ergebnisse liefern.

Crowdfunding Numbers & Industry Insights: The growing wave of democratised finance. Crowdfunding challenges traditional barriers to financing and by-passes conventional gatekeepers of investment.

Crowdfunding Numbers & Industry Insights: The growing wave of democratised finance

Democratising finance and revolutionising capital allocation, the radical diversification in the economic space brought about by the crowdfunding phenomenon is showing no signs of slowing. It has a potent driving force. As social media continues to perpetuate the growth and success of crowdfunded projects, it is clear that platforms are re-instating meaningful connections between the innovators on one hand and their audience on the other.

In the third and final post of this short editorial series on crowdfunding (read post #1 and post #2 here), we focus on the radical changes evolution in this industry is causing. Both in terms of eliminating financial gatekeepers and also the way in which social media engages the crowd as a dynamic and alternative source of funding. CrowdFunding (crowd__funding) Crowd Backers (crowdbackers) Crowdfundingpro (crowdfundingpro) Crowd Funding Pro. Crowdfunding Platforms: To Each Their Own. In the past 3 years, alongside the development of crowdfunding, hundreds of intermediary services called “crowdfunding platforms” have emerged to act as an interface between the public and the funding projects, with the aim of facilitating transactions.

Crowdfunding Platforms: To Each Their Own

Crowdfunding (CF) platforms are now the standard solution for people wishing to run a crowdfunding project. We saw some brilliant examples of crowdfunding initiatives brought forward without a platform, like the popular Obama’s campaign. However the need for such solutions came in almost immediately, and some of today’s most popular CF platforms, like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo, were born at very early stages. The strength of crowdfunding platforms is not only the fact that they offer a turnkey solution, but in that they also develop knowledge and experience through their routine work which is invaluable. Furthermore, they reduce the transaction cost and the legislative complexity.

Crowdsourcing and Crowdfunding - The Industry Website. Crowdfunding: What is it?Crowd Funding LIVE. Crowdfunding. David S. Rose (davidsrose) Crowdfunding: C’est What? With all of the chairs occupied and several people standing in the wings, La Cantine was buzzing Wednesday night with Internet enthusiasts, anxious to hear Raphael Beaugrand, Jean Samuel Beuscart, Jean-François Michel, and Frédéric Bardeau express their views on the topic at hand.

Crowdfunding: C’est What?

The questions of this conference, put on by KissKiss BankBank and Social Media Club, were: "Does crowdfunding create social relationships? Do brands have a role to play? " Despite the fact that “crowdfunding” is an English word, nevermind the various pronunciations and syllable emphases, it is a term with which many people may not be familiar. It is my goal, therefore, to define this concept for the everyday Internet user. On Wednesday night, the term crowdfunding was defined as “financé par la foule”, or “financed by the crowd”. As explained at the conference, the process for getting financial aid for an entrepreneurial endeavor via KissKiss BankBank is comprised of four essential parts. Crowd Funding. Crowdfunding for Capital…and Customers. 3p is proud to partner with the Presidio Graduate School’s Managerial Marketing course on a blogging series about “sustainable marketing.”

Crowdfunding for Capital…and Customers

This post is part of that series. To follow along, please click here. By Jennifer Wagner. Crowdfunding: Many scrappy returns. Crowd-Funding Brings Unease.