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The Hives Broadcasting Service. Skeuds [20Minutes] *** REVERB *** The Scenestar *** Spirit of Metal. The Telegraph *** TheSirensSound. Rock Times. Rough Trade Shops. Spinner ***

ROSE QUARTZ. The Recommender. The French Touch. Club Spaceland. RECORDS ARE BETTER THAN PEOPLE. 19 Ends, le premier album d’AND WE SHELTER, est doublement important.


Nonobstant l’aspect “faire-part de naissance” (celui du label/association Tryptik Sound, qui gère également des locaux de répétition), c’est aussi et surtout le manifeste d’une renaissance. Celle de Sébastien Boess aka Benshon qui revient enfin aux affaires musicales suite à l’arrêt de son intime projet KALIAYEV. Grand amateur de voix féminines devant l’Eternel (un point que l’on a en commun), il prend le parti de ne plus avancer seul et de former cette fois-ci un duo avec la copine Magali, rescapée des choupettes d’OESTROGENA ORCHESTRA. Une alliance qui coule véritablement de source tant leurs deux voix s’harmonisent.

Au diapason. La voix profonde de Séb fait écho au timbre à la fois diaphane et sucré de Mag, les deux se jouant constamment des notes parcimonieusement égrenées par le piano, instrument au centre de cette riche odyssée musicale. SUPER! The sound-design-film-music Daily. Spork ** Three Colours. SOTSMusic. The Denver syntax. Songs you taught me. If you are a new angler one of the first challenges, before you ever get out on the water, is learning the terminology and what equipment you will need for the type of fishing you want to do.

songs you taught me

Fishing tackle is the term for everything fishing related, from reels,lines, floats, rods, baits & lures to nets, waders and tackle boxes. The selections and differences are massive, and knowing what you need, and even what is what, can be overwhelming to a new angler. Terminal tackle is the type of fishing tackle that is attached to the end of your fishing line and includes leaders, swivels, sinkers, floats and snaps. A complete set of tackle, ready for fishing is called a fishing a rig, and might be a good idea for a new angler, and can take some of the stress out of trying to select individual items.

Because different types of fishing require different fishing tackle it is important to have a clear idea of both where you will be using your tackle and what you will be fishing for. Three Imaginary Girls *** Sound On The Sound (Seattle Music Blog) The torture garden. Straight Bangin' So Much Silence. Skatterbrain! Tiny Mix Tapes. Ultra8201. Release Music Magazine. The Assimilated Negro. Sixeyes. Thick Specs. Rekords Rekords. Said the Gramophone.

Rolling Stone. Songs:illinois. Rock&Folk. Slowcoustic ***** Rock Edition. Tatapoum (Chroniques de disques) The Selvedge Yard * RockMuzic * RoundLetters. Unplugged Cafe. Rock Fever. Soul Kitchen. Root Blog - frequent drool. Saturday December 19, 7pm Microscope is very pleased to welcome San Francisco-based artist Paul Clipson back to the gallery for an evening of new and recent Super 8 and 16mm film – screened in their original formats – presented with Mono No Aware.

Root Blog - frequent drool

The program of works made over the past three years includes films in which “aspects of memory, dreams and recordings of the everyday are juxtaposed with densely layered, in-camera edited studies of figurative and abstract environments vast and small, all within a flowing formal and thematic experimental aesthetic that encourages unplanned-for results.” The screening will be followed by a Q&A with Paul Clipson. $8 admission Total running time: 60 minutes _ Paul Clipson is a San Francisco-based filmmaker and experimental film artist whose work involves projected installation and live collaborative performances with sound artists and musicians. Program: LANDSCAPE DISSOLVES (2012) Super 8mm, 6 min., music by Alex Cobb. Thepunkguy. ReqEffect. The Ruckus. Strangers In Stereo. Resident Advisor - dance & electronic music magazine.

Sonic Router. THE RISING STORM. Sound Of Violence. Stax Museum of American soul music artists records exhibits merchandise in Memphis. Shot By Both Sides. UPNORTHTRIPS. Sputnikmusic. Tiny Mix Tapes. Le Transistor. Rocktrotteur. The Smoking Section. Screw Rock 'n' Roll. First, the depth of the crisis is masked for the ALP by the electoral system.

Screw Rock 'n' Roll

The two party preferred system inflates the focus on Labor when the real mood of the electorate is one of a cultural and emotional disengagement with the whole democratic system. The crisis is masked again by compulsory voting when representative democracy itself is now part of the problem as new horizontal and more direct forms of democracy permeate our lives, often online. But in Oz, while you are legally bound to participate in a system that, to say the least, is losing its legitimacy, democracy becomes more and more just an edifice. Of course, the same applies to the Liberals, but it matters more for the ALP because the right is always in power, regardless of whether it’s in office. Rockthedub. Triple j. SUBJECTIVE. Transparent. Raven Sings The Blues. STRANDED IN STEREO. Rock Insider. Radio Free Silver Lake. Recording Magazine. Stereogum. The Singles Jukebox.