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Philips Design Probes - Metamorphosis. 安藤忠雄 Tadao Ando. 2012 Pritzker Prize: Wang Shu. For nearly all of the next ten years, he worked with craftsmen to gain experience at actual building and have no responsibility for design.

2012 Pritzker Prize: Wang Shu

In 1997, Wang Shu and his wife, Lu Wenyu, founded their professional practice in Hangzhou, naming it “Amateur Architecture Studio.” He explains the name, “For myself, being an artisan or a craftsman, is an amateur or almost the same thing.” His interpretation of the word is relatively close to one of the unabridged dictionary’s definitions: “a person who engages in a study, sport or other activity for pleasure rather than for financial benefit or professional reasons”.

In Wang Shu’s interpretaion, the word “pleasure” might well be replaced by “love of the work”. Mike Reynolds (architect) Michael Reynolds (1975) Michael E.

Mike Reynolds (architect)

"Mike" Reynolds is an American architect based in New Mexico known for the design and construction of Earthships. He is a proponent of "radically sustainable living". He has been a critic of the profession of architecture for its failure to deal with the amount of waste that building design creates. Zaha Hadid Architects. Rees Roberts + Partners LLC - Casa Finisterra. ATELIERS JEAN NOUVEL. BIROU INDIVIDUAL DE ARHITECTURA ALMAJAN GABRIEL. Alain de Botton on The Architecture of Happiness. Tudor costachescu portfolio. ZUMTHOR. Ryfylke – Grand opening of Allmannajuvet ➜ In 2002, world-renowned architect Peter Zumthor was commissioned by the Norwegian Public Roads Administration to design a tourist installation in Allmannajuvet, north of Sauda.


The construction started in 2009, and seven years later, the art installation is completed.