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How To Find Your Most Popular Content with Google Analytics. Recently Michelle published a post featuring the top 4 blog posts of the year published by Vivid Image.

How To Find Your Most Popular Content with Google Analytics

There are many reasons that you would want to do this (check out these 10 reasons Jackie recently posted) but do you know how to do this. Today I want to focus on how to do this using Google Analytics and hopefully this is just in time for you to write your own best of the year post. Let’s start by defining what it means to be the most popular post. Do you want to feature the posts that have done well in search over the last year? Or how about the posts that have gained the most social media traffic? Determine Your Time Frame For our best of 2013 blog we wanted to consider all of the content that was viewed this year. View All Pages Now you can view what pages on your site received the most page views for the year.

How To Stay Relevant With Your Online Content - SiteProNews. August 1, 2014 How To Stay Relevant With Your Online Content By Julia Spence-McCoy in Business Writing Maintaining relevancy is something you read about in multiple blogs: it could be listed as a simple bullet point, but many blogs do not unpack it further.

How To Stay Relevant With Your Online Content - SiteProNews

What do they mean by saying “keep your content relevant?” How does one keep their content relevant and stay that way? 1. Take the following photo as an example. 6 Tips for Creating More Relevant Content. Content Promotion Strategy: 23 Ways to Get Traffic. “If you write great content, people will find it.”

Content Promotion Strategy: 23 Ways to Get Traffic

While that’s certainly an idyllic thought of a world in which marketers can just focus on creating outstanding content, it’s just not accurate anymore. Over 2 million blog posts are published to the web each day. Call it an era of abundance, information obesity, or the content arms race, but the truth is that it’s much harder than it used to be to build an audience. Startup expert Neil Patel recently stated that content creation is only half the battle – the rest is gaining notice.

Due to the increasing weight of social signals in SEO rankings, social distribution can even be a precursor to gaining the search rankings you need for organic traffic. Reach Your Tipping Point If you’re facing the challenge of building a new site’s authority and audience from the ground up, your first weeks of content promotion can feel positively pointless and frustrating. Image source: Orbit Media 1. 2. 3. 4. Image source: Lin Wright Design.

17 Advanced Methods for Promoting Your New Piece of Content. Some people have so much success with their content marketing strategies that they have hundreds of thousands of readers.

17 Advanced Methods for Promoting Your New Piece of Content

Of course, great content is a big part of the equation, but the other, often overlooked area of content marketing is content promotion. This post will cover some of the more advanced techniques for promoting your content. The most successful content marketers use them, and they are reaping all of the rewards. Here is how you can attract scores of new visitors with your content: 1. Before publishing your new piece of content, reach out to an influencer or influencers in your industry.

You can reach influencers at scale with BuzzStream. Here is a more detailed description of BuzzStream and how to use the tool. If your piece of content is a blog post, put the quote in the post and add a link to the influencer’s website and social media accounts, such as Twitter. Reach out to multiple influencers. Here is a message template you can use: Welcome to Forbes. Lack of website traffic is one of the most common challenges I hear from business owners.

Welcome to Forbes

Many report having lost a significant percentage of their search traffic over the past year or two, and are continuously looking for new ways to drive relevant traffic to their site. This article is an attempt to give marketers and business owners a whole battery of straight-to-the-point, actionable tips for getting traffic to your website or blog.

While some of these strategies won’t be a quick fix, you may be surprised how quickly many of them start to generate results. Focus on long-tail keywords – The days of focusing on a single keyword for each page are long gone. Make sure your posts include all the relevant terms and phrases related to your topic. 14 Ways to Promote Your Latest YouTube Video.