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Django-taggit 0.11.2. Building a blog in 30 mins with Django (Screencast HD) Adgaudio/fixturefactory. Intro to Django. Refresh field by using AJAX JavaScript and AJAX forum at WebmasterWorld. How to update a M2M field in django via AJAX call. Dynamic Filtered Drop-Down Choice Fields With Django. I’m enjoying the Django framework.

Dynamic Filtered Drop-Down Choice Fields With Django

Sometimes, what was seems rather easy (relatively speaking) gets sort of complicated when working within the boundaries of a framework. Such was the case with my latest endeavor to filter on drop-down based on the selection of another drop-down. Here is the situation: I have a database with car makes and models. When a user selects a make, I want to update the models drop-down with only the models associated with that make. Sounds pretty common, right? First, the proof of concept. <! That basically helped me organize the code I needed to change the drop-down, now I just need to plug in the Ajax and server side code to make it happen. Notice, in the proof of concept, I used a tab delimited format for my models. (r'^feeds/models-by-make-id/(\d+)/$', 'autos.views.feed_models'), Skorokithakis/django-annoying. 33 projects that make developing django apps awesome — elweb. There are many reasons why I like developing web applications with Python and Django but the main one is the awesome community and projects around the language and framework.

33 projects that make developing django apps awesome — elweb

Every time I search for something there’s always a Django or Python project available to make my life easier. Here’s an incomplete list of Python and django related projects that I have used or I’m planning to test. This might help someone starting out to get an idea of how awesome is to work with this technologies. Django Debug Toolbar The Django Debug Toolbar is a configurable set of panels that display various debug information about the current request/response and when clicked, display more details about the panel’s content.

Getting Started — MathJax 2.1 documentation. MathJax allows you to include mathematics in your web pages, either using LaTeX, MathML, or AsciiMath notation, and the mathematics will be processed using JavaScript to produce HTML, SVG or MathML equations for viewing in any modern browser.

Getting Started — MathJax 2.1 documentation

There are two ways to access MathJax: the easiest way is to use the copy of MathJax available from a distributed network service such as, but you can also download and install a copy of MathJax on your own server, or use it locally on your hard disk (with no need for network access). All three of these are described below, with links to more detailed explanations.

This page gives the quickest and easiest ways to get MathJax up and running on your web site, but you may want to read the details in order to customize the setup for your pages. Using a Content Delivery Network (CDN)¶ Include LaTeX formulas in HTML files. Django-latex 0.1. Django application to generate latex/pdf files.

django-latex 0.1

Application to parse & make PDFs with Django Beta : not really for production use LaTeX :Parse LaTeX DocumentRender LaTeX Document ObjectsGenerate Base PDF FilesCombine simple LaTeX DocumentsGood test coverage Usage examples: LaTeX Django template custom language for listings. DjangoResources. This page lists open source projects and applications regarding Django, the framework for perfectionists with deadlines.


Feel free to update this page to improve the content as you see an opportunity to add or modify a resource, or to remove any unmaintained project from the list. ToDo ¶ Things people can do to improve this page includes: Relocating unmaintained projects to a "Discontinued resources" section. Maintain a dynamically generated changelog ​ All links related with django development tutorials,snippets,tips,tricks,videos,books etc. Mise en place d'une application Django. Date de rédaction: mars 2011 Dernière modification: septembre 2011 Cette page décrit la procédure à suivre pour mettre en place une application django sur un serveur sous Apache, en utilisant mod_wsgi, la technologie conseillée pour faire fonctionner une application conçue pour le framework django .

Mise en place d'une application Django

Sommaire Installation et configuration initiales. Setting up Django Registration. Django’s admin framework includes the basic functionalities for logging in and out of the admin site, but if you’re building a so-called ‘social’ application and want people to be able to sign-up, log in and thus benefit from additional site functionalities then you need to use a more generic ‘registration’ application.

Setting up Django Registration

The good news is: most of the work has already been done, so it’s just a matter of putting things together correctly. I found a nicely written blog post on this topic, so in what follows I’m just doing a re-cap of the main steps involved and adding some other useful info. Before we start: what follows has been tested on Django 1.1 Django 1.3, Python 2.6 and MySQL (note: on 13/8/12 I revised this post so that the code would work on django 1.3 – many thanks to the folks who left comments and pointed out what needed to be updated!)


Django tips: user registration. One of the most common and, generally, most successful models for letting people sign up for user accounts requires the user to go through some form of “activation”; usually it looks something like this: User fills out a form with a username, password and email address.

Django tips: user registration

User gets an email with a “confirmation link” which must be clicked to activate the account. User clicks the link and the account becomes active; then they log in normally. So let’s look at how to do this with Django. Also, before we dive in, let me note that this one’s still a work in progress. Update: if you’re interested in the mechanics of how registration works, keep reading. Set up a user profile In order to do this effectively, we’ll need to generate some sort of unique key which can be used to activate the account, and we’ll need somewhere to store it.

Misc — Django Design Patterns. and The settings for your project which are a machine specific should be refactored out of into

Misc — Django Design Patterns

In your, you should do: try: from localsettings import *except ImportError: print 'localsettings could not be imported' pass #Or raise This should be at the end of, so that override settings in This file should not be checked in your repository. Naming things Model class names should be singular, not plural. Model field reference. This document contains all the gory details about all the field options and field types Django’s got to offer.

Model field reference

Field options The following arguments are available to all field types. BartTC/django-wakawaka. Ubernostrum / django-contact-form / source / Ubernostrum / django-registration / source / INSTALL. Ubernostrum / django-contact-form. Ubernostrum / django-profiles / source / Cheatsheet of forms.Form for django. Django_forms_cheat.txtPage 2 of 2 Aug/2008 65<form method="post"action="">66<dl>67{% The django model cheat sheet. From django.db.models import permalink107. Urlpatterns for django cheatsheet. Django templates cheat sheet. DjangoResources. This page lists open source projects and applications regarding Django, the framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

Mise en place d'une application Django. Django by Example: Django Tutorials - Django by Example. DjangoResources.