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House of Commons Library – Research and analysis from impartial experts. Getting Access to Paywalled Papers | Holly Witteman. I wrote this to explain some things that are often invisible to people who don’t publish in peer-reviewed journals as corresponding authors. My primary purpose for putting up this post is to share that even in the current, imperfect system, there are things that anyone can do to more easily access paywalled papers.

Scroll down if you don’t want the preamble. First some facts: The $35 for a journal article goes to the publisher, not the author Publishing is a very lucrative business. Offering a paper as open access typically costs an academic around USD$2500-3000 Article processing fees in the journals in which I publish range from about $800 to $6000 but $2500-3000 is a pretty typical amount. Some funders will also pay the article processing fees for some or all articles, but there may be limits. Preprints are great but are not accepted in all fields nor by all journals [added 2018-07-10] My view: I prefer the open access model and I try to publish open access whenever I can. 1. 2. 3. 4. Metacognition & the Growth Mindset by Rebecca Tusingham.

ICT Evangelist Newsletter - april 2018 edition. Blake Harvard - Blake Harvard @effortfuleduktr This month, rather than share a specific blog post I wanted to highlight the blog of someone that I find myself returning to over and over again; that is the blog of Blake Harvard, a Psychology teacher from the US. On his blog he says: I have a particular affinity for all things cognition and psychology; especially when those areas are also paired with education and learning.

I wanted to start a blog to highlight research being done on learning, memory, and cognition and their connections to the classroom. I have found his blog to be insightful and really interesting. As we move to a new era (I think) of education where more and more teachers are taking cutting-edge research and applying it to their own classroom; Blake's approaches are not only steeped in 'what works' based upon research but also shares how he applies that to his own classrooms.

Closing the Vocabulary Gap Resources. So I *might* have mentioned this already, but I have gone and written a book – published officially this Friday! ‘Closing the Vocabulary Gap’ has proven a labour of love for the last eighteen months of my life and I’m proud to get a hold of it and send it out into the world. You can read theTES review of my book by Dr Jessie Ricketts HERE. The book is inspired by countless experiences in my classroom and my school; a host of conversations with teachers at all phases about the difficulties students are facing in grappling with the new bigger and harder curriculum; and, finally, a wealth of research evidence on how we can ‘close the vocabulary gaps’ that exists in our classrooms and beyond.

I wanted to ensure that this book offered insights and practical solutions for teachers at every key stage and phase.To support this, I have added free resources to my blog to run alongside the book – making it more user friendly. You can grab a copy of the book now: Amazon (Paperback)- HERE Related. Praise for intelligence can undermine children's motivation and performance. - PubMed - NCBI. Research every teacher should know: growth mindset | Teacher Network. There is a wealth of psychology research that can help teachers to improve how they work with students, but academic studies of this kind aren’t always easy to access or translate into the realities of classroom practice. This series seeks to redress that by taking a selection of studies and making sense of the important information for teachers, as we all seek to answer the question: how can we help our students do better at school?

This time, we consider growth mindset. Growth mindset – the idea that intelligence can be developed rather than it being set in stone – is arguably the most popular psychological theory in education at the moment. It was launched into mainstream consciousness after a seminal growth mindset study almost 20 years ago and has since spawned many assemblies and form tutor-time activities. But what were the findings of this influential study? In each, students aged nine to 12 years old completed a problem-solving game. What are the main findings? Related research. Catalyst edition 29: full magazine. National Schools Partnership - Alzheimers Research UK. Great sites. Plagiarism Revisited | Teen Librarian. Google Tutorials. For schools and colleges | The Crunch. Aesthetica Magazine – The Art & Culture Magazine. Tag: Red Cross. Britannica - Study Guide. As you begin to work on more research papers and evidence-based projects, you will find that providing citations for all of the research you use will be a required part of your work to help you ensure academic honesty.

We’ve put together a collection of activities to help you gain some valuable citation skills. In our Activity Centre you will find activities and information about how to identify plagiarism so you can prevent it, how to paraphrase information and how to accurately cite research. Our activities are based on the Britannica article “Climate” and use the information within the article to show you how to use your research and information.

You’ll also find some fun activities like a crossword puzzle, word search and quiz. We’re planning to produce these Guides on a quarterly basis so if there are any specific topics or subject matters that you would like to see covered, please don’t hesitate to let us know. CBBC Newsround | Teachers. Learning isn’t learning until you use it - OCLC Next. The learning field is complex, thorny and ever-shifting. Decades – centuries – of intense research, policy, systems, and debate have tried to answer the question, “What is the best way to learn?” And its corollary, “What is the best way to teach?” New theories and related initiatives crop up every few years, each arriving with a bloom of new terminology intended to enlighten but destined to confuse.

This topic excites me because my WebJunction team and I think about learning a lot as we work to offer meaningful learning opportunities for library staff. With that background, I offer one word that I believe is absolutely essential to effective teaching and learning: intention. Establishing the purpose for a learning activity can be done fairly simply, though the steps are different for learners vs. trainers. Students: define clear, active intentions Fight the urge to slip into passive learning habits you may have ingrained from childhood.

Teachers: bake intentions into your curriculum. Red Cross: Rules of war. Introduce young people to the rules of war. Armed conflict will always involve casualties and loss. The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement works to minimise the harmful effects of conflict by raising awareness of international laws governing what is and is not allowed in armed conflict. These laws are based on the Geneva Conventions of 1949 and other international treaties. They form the basis of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) or the ‘rules of war’ as they are sometimes more simply known. Pick and choose from our rules of war resources to create thought-provoking sessions in which young people can explore core humanitarian principles and how they can be applied situations of armed conflict. Resource overview Information sheet for educators A useful introduction to key terminology.

Suggested age range: 14 -16 year olds Learning objectives Through these resources young people will: Credits. To the Well-Intentioned but Ignorant Parents of Teenagers. – Kayla Nicole's Blog. I’ve been mulling over this topic for quite some time, but this morning it became increasingly clear to me that I must say something. Folks, stranger danger is a real thing. And even more real today than it was ten years ago thanks to, you guessed it, the internet. I speak specifically to the parents of kids old enough to be on social media. Of course, I am no such parent, but I am a teacher of those kids. I am also only 6-10 years older than the high school students I teach. The reason this subject has become suddenly so urgent to me is because today I read an article about a new website called YouNow which is essentially a livestream site that a person can set up a camera feed and you can watch it constantly.

You may be thinking “I’m smarter than that. The problem with thinking you’re smart is that I would almost guarantee that there is at least one of those apps you’ve never heard of. Teenagers typically do not yet understand the importance of internet safety. I know, I know. Old Maps Online.

Teens' night-time use of social media 'risks harming mental health' | Society. Teenagers who engage with social media during the night could be damaging their sleep and increasing their risk of depression and anxiety, research shows. More than 460 teenagers at a secondary school in Scotland were questioned about their general social media habits, and in particular their night-time use of sites such as Facebook and Twitter, as part of the study by Glasgow University. It found that while overall use of social media affects the quality of sleep, those who log on at night to respond to alerts are particularly affected.

It remains unclear, however, whether it is social media that is damaging sleep, or whether teenagers turn to social media because they can’t sleep for some other reason. Dr Heather Cleland Woods said her study had found that children as young as 11 were on Facebook and Twitter and using them considerably. “It is important that we understand how social media use relates to these. Brainsmart: BBC. Get Set - Resources. 23 Things for Research | An online learning programme for researchers, students and staff at the University of Oxford. Nowadays, merely undertaking interesting research is not enough to build a successful career as a researcher; it’s also crucial in the competitive world of academia to be able to demonstrate the impact, influence and reach of your research. This week our bonus thing explores the benefits of setting up Researcher Identifiers to create an accessible online presence for your research outputs.

They can also help you to track and measure the impact of your scholarly research publications. If you are an academic, you are likely to have an online university profile. However, there are a number of other researcher profile systems or researcher identifiers that can link your publications and create a unique scholarly identity. Some are open-access initiatives, others are linked to subscription citation databases, and increasingly the various systems are becoming interlinked. Researcher identifiers also distinguish you from other researchers via author disambiguation.

Considerations Further Reading. The refugee crisis. Churchill Archive. Google: 21 Amazing Things You Didn't Know You Could Do. Nepal earthquake - teaching resource. First reports of the Nepal earthquake early on Saturday 25 April 2015 suggested that as many as 150 people may have died. As the hours went by, that estimate increased. An accurate figure will not be known for some time, but it is now certain that thousands of people have lost their lives.

Many more have been injured. And thousands are homeless. Use the following activities to help young people learn more about this disaster and share reflections on the humanitarian impact of the earthquake. Contents Community action Family tracing News coverage Helping from afar Being prepared Suggested age range: 12-19 year olds. Community action It is common to think of two groups of people in a disaster. However, in the minutes and hours after a disaster like the Nepal earthquake the distinction between victim and rescuer doesn’t exist. Any member of the community could be injured or in need of help. Local people will be first on the scene and the first to start helping each other. Discussion questions Credits. Film Resources. FILMCLUB. Dispelling the 'Google Generation' myth: TeenTech launch 11-16 Research and Information Literacy Award. The CILIP Information Literacy Group (ILG), in partnership with the TeenTech initiative, is delighted to announce a new award for 11-16 year olds which will recognise excellence in research and information literacy.The Research and Information Literacy Award will celebrate how well young people can dispel the ‘Google Generation’ myth and show that they can be truly information literate researchers as they explore their ideas to make life better, simpler or easier.

Winners of this award will have demonstrated their ability to search intelligently across a range of resources including search engines like Google, make excellent judgments about the information they have found and put it to ethical use in their project. Research is an important part of any project, by finding out what has happened in the past; gathering information about previous developments, experiments, products and so on, young people can developtheir own ideas and make sure they don’t re-invent the wheel!

Notes to editors. National Revision Week. Website Evaluation. March 2015: Literacies for the digital age: Information and digital literacy. This is the seventh in a series of blog posts highlighting the digital literacies our students will need to succeed. The first posts covered financial literacy, visual literacy, media literacy, historical literacy, numeracy, and data literacy. This post will provide you with some ideas on how to infuse information literacy and digital literacy skills into the curriculum. The thirteen literacies I feel need to be explored, practiced and mastered by students can be found in the graphic below. Information literacy forms the foundation for all of the other literacies.

There are many information literacy models available and many include a component of the best ways to conduct research on the Web. In order to begin their research, students need be able to ask the right question. Students should create a list of keywords about the topicThey should then create a question that is not too broad or too narrow.Students should list the places for gathering their information. Choose the Best Search for Your Information Need. DK Find Out! | Fun Facts for Kids on Animals, Earth, History and more! National Storytelling Week. Find and Cite Creative Commons Images in Edmodo. » The Internet from Web 1.0 to 3.0 in 25 years iPractice: Learning & Connecting. December 22, 2014 The general public first experienced The Internet as a place to browse or surf for information.

They could read material on static web pages but without coding knowledge could not otherwise participate online. The Internet changed from Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 when users began to be able to upload and create content. Forums, blogs, wikis and YouTube are all examples of Web 2.0 platforms that allow user generated content. The introduction of social media platforms took Web 2.0 to another level because they allowed users to communicate with each other. What’s next? The Internet in currently evolving into Web 3.0 and this will bring with it new platforms that bridge the gap between the off-line world and the on-line world. The following two videos provide a concise introductory explanation of Augmented Reality and The Internet of Things: Augmented Reality explained by Common Craft (2010): The Internet of Things explained by Mashable (2014): References Common Craft. (2010, June 10). What we know about tablets and how your child learns to read. A recent US survey commissioned by the children’s books publisher Scholastic found that 65% of 6-11 year olds prefer to read print books even when e-books are available on tablets.

In the UK, a National Literacy Survey found that children who read stories both on tablets and in print are more likely to have above-average vocabulary than those who read in printed books alone. These two surveys indicate the ongoing debate concerning the overall role and value of digital books for young children. What do parents think? Data from Ofcom suggest that 39% of three and four year-old children in the UK now use a tablet computer at home. There is evidence that most parents who use educational apps on these devices believe their children do learn from them. A survey commissioned by Moms with Apps of 457 parents found that over 96% of parents agree their children benefit from using apps, with many noting the educational and developmental benefits children derive from them.

New digital options. World War One. Internet Archive: Digital Library of Free Books, Movies, Music & Wayback Machine. Welcome to INFOMINE: Scholarly Internet Resource Collections. Five steps to decide what data to keep. Demonstrating Your Value: 13 Tips for Library and Information Professionals. Geograph Britain and Ireland - photograph every grid square! STEM Power for the World - Secondary Resources. How to: Search for Resources. Historypin. International Slavery Museum, Liverpool museums.

How Teens Are Really Using Social Media. Dewey Decimal Classification Card Game | Teen Librarian. Amazon Rainforest Facts for Kids. Invigorate.

Solar System

Victorian poetry - The British Library. Learning at the British Library. Themes - The British Library. Literary connections. Download free lesson plans and teaching resources on money management and financial capability. Verification Handbook: homepage. Virtual Library (Publications Getty) Download 100,000+ Images From The History of Medicine, All Free Courtesy of The Wellcome Library. Using Wikipedia in the classroom: a cautionary tale (Updated) Download Over 250 Free Art Books From the Getty Museum. Skills for OU Study. 14 Google Tools You Didn't Know Existed. World War One - The British Library. British Science Association | British Science Association. Barack Obama 2013 Inauguration Speech - Full Speech - Second Inauguration. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Speech(I Have A Dream) Study Guides and Strategies.

Web Literacy Education for Educators - November Learning. Great Websites for Kids. Leading In and Beyond the Library. 200 search engines. Learn More. Today I Learned (TIL)