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Developing principles report final. The school library and Learning in the information landscape guidelines. The 69 Questions School Leaders Should Ask Staff. Reading Time: 3 minutes Could staff feedback transform wellbeing in your school?

The 69 Questions School Leaders Should Ask Staff

Bruce Greig has been a school governor since 2011 and a few years ago, he asked his headteacher to run a staff wellbeing survey at his school as it hadn’t been done before. This is what he learned about the process. Reform wellbeing with a simple survey The survey kicked off a process which led to a complete transformation of our school staff culture. We now do the same survey every year and I think that every school should do the same. School Staff Surveys uses the same questions as the UK Civil Service People Survey, adapted slightly for schools. What do staff really think? Here is an example of some of my favourite questions from the survey and the unique insights they reveal. If a teacher disagreed with the statement above on performance, would you hear about it from them?

Appsforlibrarians / Pages & Files. 100 GB free cloud storage - more than Dropbox, Google Drive and OneDrive combined. Pic4Carto. Efficient picture viewer for high-level of detail mapping Start now Just select an area on the map (zoom in to see the grid) Why all this ?


There are plenty open street-level pictures on the web (Mapillary, Flickr, Wikimedia Commons...). All of them have their own viewer. My shiny wall. LIBRARY STUFF: ARE LIBRARY LESSONS "REAL" LESSONS? The majority of school librarians in the UK, unlike in the USA or Australia, do not have any teaching qualifications.


And yet most of us do teach – whether directly through regularly booked formal lessons or on an ad-hoc basis - to whole classes as well as individuals. If you’ve taken the teacher route before moving into librarianship, then it is possible to obtain both academic and professional librarian qualifications in your own time. Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google.

Solo: a School Librarian Story. Dear next PM: here's how to make kids' lives better. Schoollibraries. #SLGConf18.


Schoollibraries. Libraries, Schools, Social Media and lots more...: Self-promotion for school librarians: Do we need to write about it? Yesterday I heard with great sadness that Walsall Schools' Library Service was closing.

Libraries, Schools, Social Media and lots more...: Self-promotion for school librarians: Do we need to write about it?

Yet another library facility being closed because of funding and underuse and I just don't understand it. If you are a teacher reading this (I hope there are at least one or two!) Look at the questions below.Do the schools that were supported by this SLS have amazing school libraries? Do they have all the resources that they need? Do the teachers not have to buy books with their own money? I have often written about the changing role of the school librarian in the UK and how we have had to find different ways to engage teaching staff and it seems to me that it is more important than ever.

I recently read a FaceBook post questioning the promotion of Future Ready Librarians but primarily the need to self-promote and it got me thinking. We Do Product Well - 18F Product Guide. Wp243 annex en 40856. Wp243 rev01 enpdf.

Reading initiatives

School libraries impact report 2017. #BookBuddy: an interview with Maz Evans. Over the weekend a discussion about donating books to School Libraries blew up on Twitter, led by author Maz Evans (Who Let the Gods Out?)

#BookBuddy: an interview with Maz Evans

; she and other Children’s Authors in the course of visiting schools to speak to students had stumbled onto an open secret – that School Libraries in the UK are not statutory and many (if they exist at all) are not adequately funded. Rather than writing an article about it I reached out to Maz with a request to interview her about the idea she had for a BookBuddy programme to introduce it to library folk and others that may have missed the initial discussion. So without further ado, here is the BookBuddy interview with Maz Evans. Posts on the LibraryUK Group. Free Posters. Free BBC Blue Planet 2 Oceans Poster Get your FREE BBC Blue Planet 2 Oceans poster and marvel at all of the amazing wildlife living under water.

Free Posters

Just fill in the online form to claim! Click 'GET FREEBIE' and include all your details on the online form to claim your FREE colourful poster.... Free Secrets of the Human Body Poster Grab your FREE Secrets of the Human Body poster from Open University so you and your little ones can explore biology in a fun and informative way. Tlm january 2018. Libraries, Schools, Social Media and lots more...: Inset training - How librarians can support teaching and learning. This blog was written as part of the #futureReadyLibs #blogchallenge which can be found here.

Libraries, Schools, Social Media and lots more...: Inset training - How librarians can support teaching and learning.

I agreed to write about professional development and hopefully have demonstrated how we did this by providing training for our teachers in their inset day. Enhancing their skills through using the school library and its online resources and demonstrating how information literacy linked with the curriculum. #FutureReadyLibs #bloggingchallenge Making changes. School library cuts ‘hurt pupil creativity’ School libraries are “every bit as important as sport and good food” and the government must do more to protect them, the children’s laureate will say when he steps down this week.

School library cuts ‘hurt pupil creativity’

Chris Riddell, who has been in the post since 2015, will condemn the lack of investment in school libraries, warning: “The reading culture in our schools is being threatened.” Riddell, who leaves the role on Wednesday and will become president of the School Library Association, said he hoped to work with Ofsted, the regulator, to set guidelines and safeguard standards. He said school library cuts and closures were “a blight on the intellectual development and creative future” of children.

A survey by the Association of Teachers and Lecturers found a third of secondary… Libraries, Schools, Social Media and lots more. Why we need Libraries and Teacher Librarians. School Libraries and the importance of remaining current. Libraries, Schools, Social Media and lots more...: Helping children become independent learners with parental support. As a parent I have always been able to help my children find good sources of information in order to do their homework.

Libraries, Schools, Social Media and lots more...: Helping children become independent learners with parental support.

How do I know where to find the best information? Do I have some inside knowledge that most parents don't? Yes! Ofsted reports to support school improvement. L’bibliothèque, ç’est moi. Paraphrasing the Sun King there although there is a bit of a dispute as to whether or not he actually said L’Etat, ç’est moi!

l’bibliothèque, ç’est moi

(I am the State) I am stealing it and re-purposing it for the 21st century and for Librarians. So L’Bibliothèque, ç’est moi! – I am the Library! LIBRARY STUFF: BACK TO SCHOOL - A READING LIST FOR LIBRARIANS. It’s back to school time (although my colleagues in Scotland went back a few weeks ago) and I’ve noticed a few “top ten books for teachers” lists doing the rounds so thought I’d come up with my own one for school librarians. This is NOT a definitive list! I have at least a couple of bookshelves full of library/education-related books, all of which I could have included – although that would make this a bit of a tedious post so … a short but sweet selection!

These are all books that deal with reading or managing a school library but as we work in the education sector, many books aimed at the teaching profession are also invaluable to us in our roles. In alphabetical order by author (because I’m a librarian), these are books that I find myself recommending and talking about at workshops I run, and going to for ideas and advice. · The Book Whisperer – Donalyn MillerNo idea where I discovered this book but I’m so glad I did! A lesson for us all. Let’s start with Kyle Gunn.

He’s 19, a talented young trainee journalist. He has recently completed his first level journalism qualifications at Glasgow Clyde College. Why Schools need Librarians. I have been in my current post as Senior School Librarian for little over six years, for five and a half of those six years I have been badgering the senior leadership team to let me have the Junior School Library as well. Three months ago they relented and said I could take it over and I began making plans to merge them both (but that is a story for another time). Jumping back in time three months now, one of the Science Teachers in the Junior School approached me and asked if I had any books on Dinosaurs as the Junior Library had none.

I thought that it was odd as if there is one thing that seems to crop up in the interests of small children it is Dinosaurs and any library worth its salt would usually have a few, but anyway I said sure thing and wandered over to 567.9 and put together a pack of books for her. Back to last week, while I was moving the Junior Non-Fiction section into the Senior Library I found 20+ books on dinosaurs for all ages. The latest news and views on education from Oxford University Press. TLM May 2017. “In my view, you can’t call yourself a school if you don’t have a library" On the 27th February, Children’s Laureate Chris Riddell and CILIP CEO Nick Poole visited the Department for Education to meet with Schools Minister Nick Gibb MP and discuss the vital role of school libraries and librarians across the full spectrum of formal and informal learning and support in schools.

The Minister opened the meeting by affirming his strong support for school libraries. He expressed the view that a ‘school can’t properly call itself a school without a library’ and noted the range of outcomes which a school librarian can support including literacy, information and digital skills and support for the wider wellbeing and development of children and young people. The Minister clarified that it is the policy of this Government to empower Head Teachers with increasing autonomy to set and implement strategies for the development of their schools. Chris Riddell provided a valuable overview of the range of activities which a school librarian supports, including but not limited to: “In my view, you can’t call yourself a school if you don’t have a library" Librarian in Training: Libraries’ Role in Teaching the Research Community – LILAC 2017.

This post is reblogged from Unlocking Research, the blog of the Office of Scholarly Communication, Cambridge. Knowing when and why you need information, where to find it and how to evaluate, use and communicate it in an ethical manner (CILIP definition) Showcasing OSC initiatives Since it was my first time attending it was a privilege to be able to present three sessions on different aspects of the work done in the OSC. The first session I ran was an interactive workshop on teaching research data management using a modular approach. The advantage of this is that the team can have several modules ready to go using discipline specific examples and information, meaning that we are able to offer courses tailored to the exact needs of the audience.

There was an equally enthusiastic response to my poster outlining the Supporting Researchers in the 21st Century programme. Getting the message out there - keynote highlights Key points from other sessions. Baltimore County Public Schools named National School Library Program of the Year. New 12 point library checklist for principals – 2017. The brilliant Doug Johnson . . .

Something to share before year-end (before the summer decision making hollow) . . . The Power of the School Librarian. Lists made social - Listly. Libraries, Schools, Social Media and lots more...: Inset training - How librarians can support teaching and learning. Why we need Libraries and Teacher Librarians. Donkey Drawn libraries in Somalia. As a staunch fan of libraries, and one who happened to be born in Africa (in Zambia), I was really interested when Africa Educational Trust approached me about their Books to Readers appeal, which is looking to raise £3000 to allow them to transport 10,000 books, donated by Book Aid, to 66 libraries, including Donkey Drawn Libraries, across Somalia. Can I donate books? - Book Aid International. What I wish I knew then… – ICTEvangelist. Libraries, Schools, Social Media and lots more...: Headteachers and Librarians - 7 steps to immediate collaboration and change for school libraries.

In my last post I talked about Headteachers needing to understand the role of the school librarian. Role of the school librarian has changed dramatically. When it comes to school libraries, gone are the days of librarians whispering “shush” while kids pore over research tomes. Book List View. CILIP Chief Executive Nick Poole's speech to the School Libraries Group Conference and AGM. Nick Poole's speech at the CILIPSLG Day Conference in London on 7th February. Rugby Literacy Resources. #LibrariesResist Resource List. School libraries change lives. Cutting them would be disastrous. Every child has the right to dream, and nothing can achieve that more quickly or powerfully than reading. How School Librarians engage with parents. Teacher librarians disappearing from Australian schools at a ridiculous rate. How ‘Sherlock of the library’ cracked the case of Shakespeare’s identity. Body in the library – a murder mystery of our own!

Murder in the Library Murder Mystery Game for 6-12 Kids. Murder in the Library: A Library Induction Game – Suzannah Bridge. In support of school libraries. The Secret Book Company. Overview. Introversion and me and schools – and you? Murder by the Book Information. Libraries Deliver: graphics. Promotional Materials.

Prize giving

ICT. CILIP. Research. InFlow. Blog Leckie and Leckie. SLA 2015 Conference DUTTON - Google Slides. Meet Google Drive – One place for all your files. AbsoBookingLutely. 101-conde-en.pdf. 101-matsumoto-en.pdf. 21 Amazing Things You Didn't Know You Could Do With Google. Gold Coast study links school libraries and teacher librarians to literacy. 2013 Australian School Library Survey - Softlink. Softlink: Library Management Systems and Software. School Libraries Impact Studies « Library Research Service. Research.pdf. Research into school libraries and teacher librarianship. School Library Research (SLR) The ‘information search process’ revisited: is the model still useful? School Librarians Blogs - Google Sheets. Nicolamorgan1961 presentations. 25696917.pdf. Critical Evaluation.

Untitled. Googleable vs Non-Googleable Questions. Web we want. NLT_Schools_Guide_2015.pdf. Resource: 11 Essential Ingredients Every Blog Post Needs [Infographic]