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Carry on...Carry on...: DIY Lanvin-inspired Pearl and ribbon necklace. Supplies- Satin Ribbon-I used two different sizes but you don't have to.

Carry on...Carry on...: DIY Lanvin-inspired Pearl and ribbon necklace

Large rhinestone pendant Assorted sizes of pearl beads Beading thread Thin lace trim First I started by beading the pearls onto the thread. I did a graduated beading to add some interest. I beaded the pearls with the thread still attached to the spool, this way I could make sure I had enough length. Continue beading the large pearls and then begin incorporating the small pearls again working back up to the large pearls. Once your done beading, tie a knot large enough for the beads to not move around on each end. Then I took about a yard of ribbon and laced it through the loop of the pendant. Pull both ends of the thread through the pendant loop. At this point I decided I wanted to add some lace trim to the necklace. At the opposite end of the pearls you should have the ends of the lace trim.

Mini scalloped felt flowers. Another felt flower!

mini scalloped felt flowers

These are easy and so cute. I made them by first cutting out flowers with my Go Baby! Rose of Sharon die. A beaded fabric flower necklace tutorial. Lately, I've noticed both Etsy and Anthro featuring fabric beaded necklaces.

A beaded fabric flower necklace tutorial

I've also noticed a lot of fabric flowers. So, I decided to combine the two and make myself this necklace. Bird nest necklace} I have been seeing a lot of bird nest jewelry around lately.

bird nest necklace}

They are beautiful and I love the trend so I thought I would try making my own. These turned out to be really easy to make and require just a few simple supplies. This necklace would make a lovely Mother's day gift, which just happens to be coming up this weekend! What you'll need: - Jewelry wire (I prefer using a 24 gage because it is easier to manipulate but the 20 gage can work well too with the help of some round nose pliers) - pearls or glass beads - necklace chain - jump ring and a clasp Select the beads you want, string them onto your wire and arrange them as you'd like. then simply wrap the wire around the beads wrap some wire in the space between each bead (I like the look of three loops but you could just do one or two if you prefer) this is what the back looked like. Make a crocheted necklace - wise craft.

After a busy week of deadlines, topped off with replacing a laptop after mine died (the night before one of those big deadlines), I had a nice relaxing morning yesterday, crocheting these sweet little necklaces.

make a crocheted necklace - wise craft

Trust me when I say, these are quick and easy if you have crochet experience. And fun! If you crochet a chain stitch and a slip stitch, you can make these. And if you've never done it, adding the beads is no sweat at all. Tuto des perles au crochet. Vous le vouliez ce tuto des perles au crochet, hé bien le voilà. 2 tutos en 2 jours, je fais fort… c’est cool les RTT !

Tuto des perles au crochet

Cet été, sur la plage, au lieu de faire la crêpe, vous pourrez fabriquer votre propre sautoir de perles au crochet. Il suffit d’imprimer le tuto (ou de s’entraîner avant pour mémoriser la manière de procéder), d’acheter une pelote de fil à crocheter et le crochet correspondant. Ca ne prend pas de place dans la valise et vous serez fière de votre collier « beach made ». J’ai utilisé du fil Licorne de Phildar couleur anis avec un crochet n°3. La perle réalisée pour ce tuto est plus grosse que celles du sautoir de ma Georgette.

Si vous êtes débutantes, avant de vous lancer dans les perles ou les fleurs, je vous conseille de vous entraîner à faire des chaînettes régulières. N'hésitez pas à cliquer sur les photos pour les agrandir. How To Tuesday: My Sweet Josephine. 28Jun/11.

How To Tuesday: My Sweet Josephine.

DIY Chainmail Necklace. You’ll need: Start by separating the jump rings into two halves: 175 open and 175 closed.

DIY Chainmail Necklace

Thread three closed jump rings onto an open jump ring. Close the ring. Spread the three rings apart, with the rings looking exactly as shown below. The bottom ring will be the end of the necklace and the top two rings, which are spread open over the middle ring, will be where the chain mail begins. Keeping the rings in place with your forefinger and thumb, take an open jump ring and hook it through the front side of the two rings. Add 2 closed rings to the open ring and close. Spread the two rings apart in the same way as the first set of rings. Add 2 closed rings and close. To add an optional fourth row, lay the necklace flat and hook an open ring through first and second closed rings on the right side. Rick Rack Rosettes. A friend gave me this flower ring and necklace, when she handed them to me I thought they were porcelain–there’s a very vintage feel to them.

Rick Rack Rosettes

From a distance you really can’t tell that they’re made out of rick rack! Yes, rick rack! Washer necklaces. We've been having a lot of fun this past year making these adorable washer necklaces.

washer necklaces

They are pretty inexpensive to make and you can make them to match any wardrobe. Supplies:WashersScrapbook paperE6000Diamond Glaze or Crystal Effects or similar productHole punch or Exacto KnifeLeather necklaceNail File or Emory Board If you have a hole punch the same size as your washer you can punch out the paper. If you do not, the glue the washer to the backside of the paper you want and then after it dries, use the Exacto knife to cut out the washer and the center holes. Be sure to use a brayer or something similar to get any air bubbles out.

Next, take a nail file and gently file the edges to smooth it out and if you have a smaller file (these can be found at scrapbook stores or craft stores) carefully file out the center hole too. Your washers should now look like this. The next step is to apply the Diamond Glaze. Whitelady Necklace. DIY Utility Rope Necklace. Easy Woven Wrap Bracelet. Recyclage :bijoux et accessoires avec un mètre de couturière - flo'touch mon univers creatif. Les techniques de création de bijoux. Creation de bijoux : nos conseils pour créer vos propres bijoux. How to crochet a daisy chain necklace. My mum described this thing she had seen on someone else, part necklace, part scarf, like a bunch of flowers for your neck and I was really taken with this idea of floral jewels. So after a bit of experimentation I came up with this design.

It is simple to make with basic crochet stitches, and could have endless variations both in terms of the yarns and flower styles used to make it but also in the way it is worn. Materials * Yarn – I used Rowan Glace cotton in six different colours, a total of 33 gms. Tuto bracelet au crochet , Challenge 12 mois, 12 projets* DIY of the Month: Braided T-shirt Bracelet. How To: Give your old t-shirts a second life. Sorry dust rag pile! Photos: kirsten for we heart this I love using simple materials to make something fun and innovative. The supplies for this bracelet DIY are really basic, so there’s a REALLY good chance you own all of them already. I mean, who doesn’t have a stack of soft old T’s you can’t wear outside of the house, but love to much to toss in the rag pile? Denim bracelet - tutorial. One of my most popular posts last year was my denim bracelets, and I got a lot of requests for a tutorial.

So I have decided to kick off the new year by keeping my promise. What you need to make these bracelets are as follows: A worn out pair of jeansScissorsStrong thread (I used fishing line for my first one)NeedleBeadsPush buttons (I’m using a KAM press with buttons that I god from E-bay.) 1. Select the seam you want to use. 2. Woven Bracelet & Necklace. I’ve been itching to make myself some jewelry inspired by Aurélie Bidermann’s “Do Brasil” line.

Since I don’t have 300 Euros lying around, this looked like a design I could recreate on my own. I was primed to put together a DIY Tutorial for you all when I discovered that Honestly WTF had already done the honors. I picked up the gold necklace and the two bracelet chains from an antique shop for $5 a piece, and had the embroidery thread on hand. I only needed scissors and two bobby pins to see this project through. Pretty amazing results, no? Jump on over here for the tutorial. NECKLACE: I used shades of pale blue and turquoise embroidery thread, and wove through one side of the chain to mimic this necklace.

Utility Cord Bangle. ANNOUNCEMENT: A select number of these bracelets are available for sale here. I know, I know. ENOUGH ALREADY WITH THE UTILITY CORD AND BRACELETS! I couldn’t resist! I had extra utility cord lying around from last week’s project, and was highly inspired by these Orly Genger bangles. Thus, today’s latest DIY accessory. Materials: Utility cord Crochet hook (sized according to utility cord thickness) Metal chain (optional) Directions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. DIY $220 Bracelet for $5. Hand Stamped Leather Bracelets. Bracelets...Necklaces...Rings / Make it yourself.. braided bracelet out of random fabric/rope and old necklaces and chains that will never be worn again. Rope Bracelet Tutorial. Popsicle Stick Bracelets. Macrame -

By Stefan. Back to Tutorials. DIY bracelet. DIY Advent 5: Ethnic Wool Necklace DIY - Outfits, Shoes & Accessories Dana. I often have ideas in mind, which are difficult to realize. With this necklace it turned out after the first attempt, the upper chain has to be shorter than the lower one, because otherwise the jewelry will not rest beautifully on the neckline. Material And Tools – For The Ethnic Wool Necklace You Need Wool (3 colors)Large-unit anchor chain (about 70 cm, from the hardware store)ScissorsForceps DIY Tutorial: The Step-By-Step Craft Instructions.

DIY woven chain collar necklace. Nest of Posies: woven chain-chain-chain bracelet. As you all have probably seen ~ these woven bracelets are all the rage right now. How to Create a Beaded Leather Wrap Bracelet. Chan Luu Single Wrap Macrame Bracelet. Shrinky Bracelet. {macramé: square knot} string & hexnut bracelet.

Anthropologie knock off vintage lace bracelet. How to:DIY Crobra Braid Bracelet! DIY Macrame Bracelet. Wren Handmade: Crocheted Bracelets. Rhinestone Bangles. Washer & Macramé Bracelet. Holst + Lee inspired rope bracelet. How to Make an Oversized Friendship Bracelet.