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Green Cleaning

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3 Reasons To Think Twice Before Buying Commercial Cleaners. What can make you stop using your favourite fabric softener or dishwashing liquid?

3 Reasons To Think Twice Before Buying Commercial Cleaners

After all, when you clean with them it smells fresh, fabrics remain soft and appliances shiny. However, a few facts can compel you to re-consider your current habits. For a start, most cleaners these days are made of chemicals. Nothing natural. Though big brand names like Johnson & Johnson or Unilever claim these products are safe I remain skeptical. What’s more there is a treasure in your pantry full of home staples – baking soda, vinegar and other stuff.

Used for centuries in the Levant, hard soap was first introduced in Europe by the Crusaders. I wrote a pretty exhaustive piece about home cleaning with baking soda. And while baking soda is the queen of home remedies when it comes to cleaning, white vinegar is the king. Salt doesn’t only make food taste a lot better. How To Remove Different Stains Naturally. The nightmare of every mother and housewife – the stain.

How To Remove Different Stains Naturally

Just thinking about it makes me angry and desperate at the same time. This is why I want to make some sort of a guide to help you whenever you’re in a tough situation and unsure how to treat a curtain stain. In their nature stains are the same but the difference in their removal is where they occur. The ways of removing ketchup stain form your shirt are not the same compared to those used to remove it form upholstery. I’ll try to explain how to deal in different situations and effectively remove variety of stains form various fabrics. General Stains Almost every stain has a curtain amount of water in its structure, the more water it has the easier it is to remove it, unless it is mixed with a strong concentrated ingredient.

Prolong The Useful Lifespan Of Your Carpet. If you have chosen carpet for the flooring of your home and it is relatively new you'll have to spare some time and take proper care for it if you don't want to replace it too soon.

Prolong The Useful Lifespan Of Your Carpet

The average carpet will last between five and seven years. If you're willing to invest more in the flooring of your house the replacement will have to be done around the twentieth year. Of course these numbers are not a hundred percent accurate, everything depends on the traffic and treatment. What Are The Dangers For Your Carpet In order to extend it there are some things you can do and the first one is to keep it out of direct sunlight. Probably the biggest of all dangers regarding the useful lifespan of your carpet or rug are the stains, the nightmare every housewife has to face often. DIY Organic Cleaners by Georg Witgenstein. By Georg Witgenstein Freelance writer We all want to have a clean house but without putting too much effort.

DIY Organic Cleaners by Georg Witgenstein

Unfortunately this is almost impossible unless you hire professional cleaning company. Your home : Canadian Lung Association. Indoor air quality Your home Your home should be safe and comforting, not a place that makes you sick.

Your home : Canadian Lung Association

People can have air quality problems in any kind of home, new or old. How to Clean Chocolate from a Carpet: 13 Steps. Edit Article Edited by Flickety, Eric, Sondra C, Jonathan E. and 17 others Chocolate.

How to Clean Chocolate from a Carpet: 13 Steps

Do you know that sinking feeling when you find a lump of chocolate pressed into the carpet? Don't worry – white, dark, and milk chocolate can be removed and quite quickly! Ad Steps 1Act quickly. 13Wait. Tips If you have a carpet-cleaning machine, try it either after scraping off the excess or after the entire procedure above. Warnings. 45 Uses For Lemons That Will Blow Your Socks Off. These 45 health benefits and ways to use lemons will definitely motivate you to keep lemons on hand at all times and maybe even work lemon water into your diet.

45 Uses For Lemons That Will Blow Your Socks Off

Credit: Au Feminin Most people are familiar with the traditional uses for lemons to soothe sore throats and add some citrus flavor to our foods. However, the diversity of applications for lemons far exceeds general knowledge and once you read the following list, you’ll likely want to stock at least a few lemons in your kitchen 24/7. 1. Freshen the Fridge Remove refrigerator odors with ease. 2. 6 Greener Cleaners, Disinfectants, and Deodorizers. According to the Centers for Disease Control, bacteria double every 20 minutes.

6 Greener Cleaners, Disinfectants, and Deodorizers

Yet, recent studies have shown that 40% of cleansers and disinfectants sold in stores are ineffective against certain types of germs and bacteria! In addition, the harsh chemicals in store bought solutions can be hazardous to our health, not to mention expensive. Perhaps you’ve heard of using natural cleaners, but weren’t quite sure how to get started. In honor of earth month, here are some easy ways you can begin using non-toxic, “Greener Cleaners” that are better for you and the environment. The photo above includes (clockwise from left): vinegar, lemon, baking soda, essential oils, hydrogen peroxide, and club soda. Let’s go room by room, shall we? The Bathroom To shine and clean chrome, windows, and mirrors, try Missy & Jennifer’s natural recipe below: 1 cup white vinegar 1 cup water 8 drops citrus essential oil – optional Or, try using Club Soda in a spray bottle! What more can be done with peroxide? The Kitchen.