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The Best Homemade Carpet Cleaner Recipes. Throw An Aspirin Into The Washing Machine, The Reason Will Leave You Speechless! We all hate when our white laundry turns gray, and we keep trying to find a way to remove stains from them and restore their original white color.

Throw An Aspirin Into The Washing Machine, The Reason Will Leave You Speechless!

Unfortunately, most of the over-the- counter products we buy fail to provide the effects we desire. However, the following tip will save your white laundry! Apparently, an ordinary aspirin pill can be as effective as commercial stain removing agents and bleaches. This is all you need to do: 15 Wood Floor Hacks Every Homeowner Needs to Know. Join our list Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox.

15 Wood Floor Hacks Every Homeowner Needs to Know

Thank you for subscribing. Something went wrong. We respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously. How to Clean Wood Floors Properly. Cleaning wood floors properly can be a little intimidating, but it doesn't have to be.

How to Clean Wood Floors Properly

It is really easy to clean wood floors with the right solution and tools. This cleaning method can be used on laminate floors as well. Cleaning Tips and Tricks. How to Clean between Oven Window Glass. Here’s what you will need to clean between your oven glass panels: Wire hangerClorox Glass WipesRubber band Since writing the post on how to clean the oven, I have received so many questions about how to clean between oven window glass, so today I am finally posting a tutorial for you!

How to Clean between Oven Window Glass

Step 1: Remove the drawer from below the oven. Step 2: Build a cleaning contraption. How To Clean (Almost) Anything And Everything. DIY Citrus Vinegar Cleaner - In Sonnet's Kitchen. What did we do before Pinterest?

DIY Citrus Vinegar Cleaner - In Sonnet's Kitchen

How did we organize all of our favorite recipes, food blogs, and discover amazing tips for natural and green cleaning solutions? Maybe it’s just me, but I definitely feel like I had a lot more free time before Pinterest came along! This DIY Citrus Vinegar Cleaner was one of those amazing Pinterest discoveries that I am now absolutely addicted to using in our home. I love that it doesn’t involve any chemicals and is a wonderful way to reuse citrus peels that would have otherwise made their way into the compost. When diluted with water, this cleaner is perfect for cleaning mirrors, glass, counter tops, and moping floors.

The A to Z Guide To Cleaning Anything And Everything. ---------- Sponsored Links ---------- In need of some helpful cleaning tips?

The A to Z Guide To Cleaning Anything And Everything

Well, here they are. I found this wonderful roundup from Buzzfeed and I am excited to share it here today. Quick and Easy Way to Clean Your Oven Without Chemicals. Well, like I mentioned before, I have not been spending too much time in the kitchen.

Quick and Easy Way to Clean Your Oven Without Chemicals

I have been abiding by the sign above and watching my happy children make my floor stickier by each passing summer day. I read this somewhere and know it too well to be true: “Cleaning your house while your children are home is like brushing your teeth while eating oreos.” Amen to that. But, just recently I went on this crazy purging and cleaning spree.


150+ Household Uses for Vinegar. With so many different uses around the house, this super item — in its white vinegar as well as its apple cider vinegar versions — deserves a special place in your pantry.

150+ Household Uses for Vinegar

Remove bumper stickers If those tattered old bumper stickers on your car make you feel more nauseated than nostalgic, it’s time to break out the vinegar. Saturate the top and sides of the sticker with undiluted distilled vinegar and wait 10-15 minutes for the vinegar to soak through. Vinegar Tips - Laundry. Looking for brighter whites or bolder colors?

Vinegar Tips - Laundry

The answer just might be white distilled vinegar. It’s a safe and inexpensive way to boost the power of your detergent and add a little more muscle to your stain remover. With vinegar in the mix, your clothes have never looked better. Prevent lint from clinging to clothes by adding 1/2 cup white distilled vinegar to the wash cycle. To remove soap residue that makes black clothes look dull use white distilled vinegar in your final rinse. Rd. WD-40 has far more uses than just on squeaky hinges.


Find out the amazing ways this garage staple can make your life easier. from Extraordinary Uses for Ordinary Things Loading. The Dos and Don'ts of Outdoor Fabric Care.