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This is why your workout clothes still stink after being washed. All Natural Products: Eco-Friendly | Pure and Gentle Soap. Cleaning up after rodents | Rodents. Urine and droppings Take precautions before and during clean up of rodent-infested areas. Before cleaning, trap the rodents and seal up any entryways to ensure that no rodents can get in.

Continue trapping for a week. If no rodents are captured, the active infestation has been eliminated and enough time has passed so that any infectious virus in the rodent's urine/droppings or nesting material is no longer infectious. Before starting clean up of the space, ventilate the space by opening the doors and windows for at least 30 minutes to allow fresh air to enter the area. First, clean up any urine and droppings When you begin cleaning, it is important that you do not stir up dust by sweeping or vacuuming up droppings, urine, or nesting materials. Woman preparing bleach solution of 1 part bleach to 10 parts water. Mopping with disinfectant Next, clean and disinfect the whole area Dead rodents or nests Wear rubber, latex, or vinyl gloves when cleaning up dead rodents or nests.

Carpets/Furniture. Trying to Fill Your Home with Pure Natural Products? Eliminate These! Eliminating toxins from your home doesn’t just entail knowing what pure natural products to buy: you also have to know what to avoid. As a culture, we’ve become trained to purchase many non-essentials. A five-dollar latte at Starbucks tastes great, but it’s not essential to your nutritional survival, and cutting out that morning habit can save you hundreds over time (20 days, to be precise). Less obvious, though, are the household products we’ve gotten used to buying. If they own a knife set, no one really needs a garlic press; and wives complain about their husbands’ tool purchases for a reason—in very few circumstances will owning four hammers come in handy. Air fresheners. The Source H2O | Whole Home Water Filtration Systems.

Marie Kondo. 5 life-changing lessons the KonMari decluttering method taught me - Happier. When it comes to clutter, I'm fairly clutter-free. Well, let me be more honest: I'm kind of a neat and organization freak. I'm constantly on the hunt for clutter around the house, looking for something we don’t need that we can get rid of. More than a few times my husband has had to chase after me as I was about to throw away something actually useful or necessary (say, our in-progress tax returns or a battery he was about to install).

Naturally, when I came across a little book titled The Life Changing Method of Tidying Up, I was intrigued. Written by Japanese professional organizer, Marie Kondo, it describes a simple method to declutter your life, from clothes to books to knickknacks. What attracted me to it is how simple her method is and what it's based on: The idea of joy. Does it bring you joy? If you answer yes, you keep the item. Despite my nearly-clutter-free life, I decided to give the KonMari method a shot, spending a few hours on a recent Saturday decluttering my clothes. 1. 7 Ways to Declutter Like a Goddess with the KonMari Method. I want to share with you a book that has absolutely changed my life. It’s called The Life Changing Magic of Tidying: A Simple, Effective Way To Banish Clutter Forever by Marie Kondo, the creator of the KonMari Method.

As the title says, this is a very simple (though not easy) way to get to the root of your clutter problem and help you to resolve it once and for all: If you don’t love it, don’t keep it! Piles of stuff in our homes are one of the greatest stress triggers. Clutter literally increases your cortisol level! When we have a lot of clutter in our homes, it has the affect of distracting us and can even cause chronic restlessness.

For most of us, clutter accumulates over time. What Does Your Clutter Symbolize? Everyone’s tolerance for clutter is different. Living and Dining Rooms: These are your main entertaining rooms. Lighten Up With The KonMari Method Marie Kondo has been a “tidier” since the age of 5, and began studying the art of tidying seriously when she was 15 years old. The Illustrated Guide to the KonMari Method. The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: Here in the states, minimalism isn’t exactly a point of pride (we like stuff, and lots of it), so it’s especially remarkable that Japanese tidying expert Marie Kondo’s brutally strict approach to de-cluttering took off here.

The no-excuses elimination method, has spawned legions of Konverts who devote vast amounts of time to kondo-ing their lives top to bottom. The best-selling book that started it all is easy to digest (and infectious…you will literally start itching to toss stuff), though its central thesis is kind of hard to stomach at first: Unless you truly, deeply love an item, it has no business in your home. This means the first purging session can be rough, but the euphoria that comes with unloading a single bag of unnecessary clutter makes going H.A.M. on the rest of your space easy.

We’ve laid out the basics below—along with an illustrated guide to her folding technique, which we found impossible to figure out based on the text alone.