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EUN Course abril/maio 2016

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Academy. The European Schoolnet Academy is Europe's first online course platform for primary and secondary teachers:


On this learning hub European Schoolnet offers free online courses lasting 4-8 weeks for teachers' professional development. As a primary or secondary teacher you will: Learn about innovation in the classroom and schoolDevelop and enhance your teaching practiceGet experts’ feedback and share your experiences with themConnect with like-minded peers across EuropeReflect and discuss the role of technology in educationFeel empowered and inspired to try out something new in your practice Some examples of our courses: Developing Digital Skills in your Classroom: Digital skills are already an essential requirement for young people to succeed in an increasingly digitized society.

Competences for 21st Century Schools: This course is intended for teachers and other educational professionals interested in competence-based education. More information. Log into Facebook. Login - EUN Academy. Developing Digital Skills in your Classroom - Learning Diary (Rosália Ribeiro - PT) 1.3.

Developing Digital Skills in your Classroom - Learning Diary (Rosália Ribeiro - PT)

"Teachers and trainers made Challenger’s firm’s list of eight hot fields through 2025. Education and training is number six on the WEF report’s list of growth sectors. "... Teachers will have certainly an important role in the future, but I believe the future is now ... so what's we must to do now to better prepare our students for the future? Innovation in teaching and learning processes is urgent and the innovation process involves providing learning experiences that develop collaboration, communication, critical thinking, creativity, knowledge building, autoregulation, real-world problem solving and use of ICT learning skills (ITL research).

Provide experiences that transform student from spectators to active learners, opportunities for students to be active and support their own learning styles. COMO PESQUISAR INFORMAÇÃO NA INTERNET. As pesquisas na Internet não são tão fáceis quanto parecem.


Frequentemente, quem pesquisa na internet é confrontado com uma vontade súbita em desligar imediatamente o computador quando não consegue encontrar aquilo que procura. Quem pesquisa na internet deve, em primeiro lugar, estar consciente que não existem receitas milagrosas para ser bem sucedido na pesquisa. A primeira regra a respeitar por quem pesquisa na internet é não desesperar.

Qualquer pesquisa mistura um pouco de treino com uma grande dose de sorte. Na internet este princípio é ainda mais verdadeiro. Para quem pesquisa na internet, os nomes dos motores de busca mais conhecidos (Google, Yahoo, AltaVista - ou, em Portugal, o Sapo, o Aeiou, o Cusco ou o Clix) tornaram-se instrumentos de pesquisa incontornáveis. Caso prático 1: Uma pesquisa efectuada no Google (em Junho de 2002) sobre famílias monoparentais em língua portuguesa e em língua inglesa (single-parent family) devolve, respectivamente, 775 e 284000 registos. Gmail - Free Storage and Email from Google. Developing Digital Skills in your Classroom - 2nd Round - EUN Academy. These Will Be The Top Jobs In 2025 (And The Skills You'll Need To Get Them) Two-thirds of Americans believe that, in 50 years, robots and computers will do much of the work humans now do.

These Will Be The Top Jobs In 2025 (And The Skills You'll Need To Get Them)

The World Economic Forum’s 2016 report, The Future of Jobs, estimates that 5 million jobs will be lost to automation by 2020 and that the number will keep growing. Jobs that once seemed like "safe bets"—office workers and administrative personnel, manufacturing, and even law—will be hit hardest, the report estimates. "There are some overarching shifts poised to change the nature of work itself over the next decade," says Devin Fidler, research director at Institute for the Future, a nonprofit research center focused on long-term forecasting. Young people will move into a changing world of work. Work is changing Work in Australia has been changing over the past decades and is likely to continue to change into the future.

Young people will move into a changing world of work

Change brings opportunity for young people but only if we invest to ensure they can also overcome the challenges of change. The three challenges young people are most likely to encounter in navigating the new world of work are: navigating a broader range of (potentially new) occupations and training optionsthe increasingly global context of workincreasing flexibility and insecurity FYA commissioned AlphaBeta to undertake some work for Unlimited Potential that describes three economic forces that will change work in the future: automation, globalisation, and collaboration. Conheça as competências para o século 21. As tecnologias estão cada vez mais presentes em sala de aula, o professor tem que se preocupar em preparar o aluno para ser atuante em um mundo em transformação e ajudá-lo a desenvolver as tão faladas competências específicas para o século 21, certo?

Conheça as competências para o século 21

Tudo certo, exceto pelo fato que ninguém sabe exatamente que competências são essas – o que é bem desesperador para pais, professores e gestores públicos, que não têm o embasamento necessário para definir o que podem oferecer para que suas crianças e jovens tenham acesso à melhor formação possível. Intrigado com essa questão, um grupo de fundações pediu que o National Research Council, uma organização norte-americana que faz pesquisas sobre temas importantes da sociedade para ajudar governos a desenharem políticas públicas, reunisse especialistas para definir quais são essas competências.

Tais competências foram divididas em três grandes domínios. Os outros dois domínios, muito menos estudados, são o intrapessoal e o interpessoal. These Will Be The Top Jobs In 2025 (And The Skills You'll Need To Get Them) The Future of Work. Login - EUN Academy. Young people will move into a changing world of work.