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CSS Typography: Examples and Tools. In the previous part of this series, we discussed some techniques and best practices for CSS typography. Let’s now delve into the subject further by looking into some case studies, tools, as well as a showcase of excellent CSS typography on the web. This is the third part of a three-part series of guides on CSS typography that will cover everything from basic syntax to best practices and tools related to CSS typography. Case Studies on CSS Typography Tutorials and theories can be great, but nothing says proof like a case study. Here are a handful of studies that can provide you with some real-world insights regarding typography on the web. Southern Savers Case Study: Typography Serif Fonts vs.

Fixing Web Fonts, A Case Study Ten Great Free Fonts Cross-Browser: A Case Study in @Font-Face CSS Typography Tools Below is a collection of typography-related tools, with most being geared toward helping you work with CSS typography. Typographic Grid Baseline Typograph TypeTester FontTester Typechart PX to EM. Cool and Useful HTML5 Tutorials | Pixel2Pixel Design.

Datawrapper. jQuery Cheatsheet. : establishing geek cred since 1305712800. Code Snippets - Snipplr Social Snippet Repository. Blog. Typography Article Archive. As a designer, either working with a design firm or on a freelance basis, you probably know a lot about stress. From deadlines to redesigns, client relations to cash flow — it is part of everyday life for someone working as a designer in any capacity. But did you know your typography could also be stressed? Just like in your life, type has certain pressure points, and there are good and bad types of type stress. In today’s article, we’re going to delve into this concept in a little more details.

We’ll walk you through exactly what types of typographical stress there are, how you can ensure it doesn’t affect the readability of your designs. Best Frontend Tools 2014 - Collection of Free CSS3, jQuery Pagination Plugins. Tutorials. Css / backgrounds. jQuery Plugins, jQuery Tutorials, jQuery Articles, jQuery Examples, jQuery Demos. L'actualité du Web – Webdesign – Développement Web | Page 4. Résultats du concours dribbble Tout d’abord je tenais à féliciter tous les participants. J’annonce aussi dès le début de ce post (afin que l’information ne se perde pas), que je vais mettre en place un concours le mois prochain pour une 2ème invitation dribbble mais cette fois-ci ce sera à vous de voter pour élire le meilleur !!!

Je précise également que tous les participants au concours qui s’est terminé hier seront sélectionnés d’office pour les votes du prochain concours. Inkling de Wacom ou comment passer vos dessins du papier à l’écran Nous allons aujourd’hui faire un tour d’horizon rapide du nouveau produit Wacom : Le Inkling. Gagnes une invit’ Dribbble / Win a Dribbble invite [CONCOURS] Je vous offre aujourd’hui la possibilité de gagner facilement une invitation dribbble et ce jusqu’au 8 septembre 2011.

Menu CSS 3 animé Nous allons voir aujourd’hui comment créer un menu en CSS3 avec une petite animation. Se lancer dans le HTML 5 Effet de parallaxe sur son site – jParallax. Codrops. SitePoint – Learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby & Responsive Design.

Web Tools Weekly | A weekly newsletter for front-end developers. Smashing Magazine — For Professional Web Designers and Developers. Stéphanie Walter : Webdesign - intégration web | Strasbourg - Alsace. CSS-Tricks. 3500+ Best jQuery Plugins & Tutorials with jQuery Demo examples 2014 - 2013. Coding. High density retina displays or screens, like Apple’s Retina Display, have lots of pixels in a small space that it is almost impossible see the pixelation, thus, displaying smoother images and texts. Although Apple offered it first on the market, manufacturers have been releasing similar devices recently to compete with Apple. When using Retina Display devices, you can see that other sites online appear blurry.

This is because of the low-resolution images being stretched to fill the screen that makes the site look disgusting. A Retina Display scales 1px to 2px, making the size double. Read More There are many ways to create a navigation menu for the Web. In this tutorial, we’re going to build a sliding navigation menu using CSS3, along with some jQuery codes to manage the sliding animation. Let’s get started. Read More As smart phones and tablets have become popular, more and more people are have been reading their emails regularly on their small screen devices. Read More Read More Read More. CodeVisually | Web Developer Tools & Resources. Tutorials | Onextrapixel - Web Design and Development Online Magazine.

Queness - Design Inspirations, jQuery Tutorials and Web Design & Development Community. Tuts+ Web Design Tutorials. In this tutorial—the second in a series on using Azure Media Services to create and consume HTML5 video—I’ll cover the way we can ingest our content using a video recording tool, as well as ways to encrypt or protect our video so that only viewers with permission can view it. Finally, we’ll cover the differences between a compression codec, a container, and a transport. In this tutorial—the second in a series on using Azure Media Services to create and consume HTML5 video—I’ll cover the way we can ingest our content using a video recording tool, as well as ways to encrypt or protect our video so that only viewers with permission can view it. Design Aeon » Welcome To Design Aeon. Web Design Blog - Webdesigner Depot.

Tutorialzine | Web Development Tutorials & Resources. Learn HTML5, CSS3, Javascript - video style tutorials. Webdesign et développement autour de HTML5, CSS3, WordPress, PHP et jQuery. Web Design Blog and Shop - Designmodo. Forums.

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