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Online video tutorials & training. Study Skills Free Online Courses. The Learning Toolbox Student Directions. Its funny to me and things I find interesting. Badtameez: Learn Stuff!

Its funny to me and things I find interesting.

// LINK. Mtfvt4ClJS1s1buyfo2_r2_1280.jpg (JPEG Slika, 500x761 piksela) - Skalirano (86%) 25 Killer Websites that Make You Cleverer. It’s easy to forget that we have access to a virtually limitless resource of information, i.e. the Internet.

25 Killer Websites that Make You Cleverer

For a lot of us, this is even true at our fingertips, thanks to the ubiquity of smartphones and an ever-increasing push for online greatness by tech engineers all over the world. As a result, there are countless websites out there that are geared to make you smarter and more brilliant for either a low or no cost. Here are just 25 killer websites that may just make you more clever than ever before. 1. Duolingo This isn’t the first time I’ve recommended this language-teaching website (and app), and it certainly won’t be the last. 14 websites to make you a more intelligent person. 100 Intro Open Courses on Everything You've Ever Wanted to Learn. Posted on Wednesday May 12, 2010 by Staff Writers.

100 Intro Open Courses on Everything You've Ever Wanted to Learn

Free Software for College Students - StumbleUpon. If you’re in college, check out these eight lesser known, but still indispensable software applications for your computer.

Free Software for College Students - StumbleUpon

We bet these will be as useful as Dropbox and Evernote! Photo by Samantha Decker. Licensed under Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 2.0. 1. Connectify. Cool Websites, Software and Internet Tips. 8 Things Everybody Ought to Know About Concentrating.

“Music helps me concentrate,” Mike said to me glancing briefly over his shoulder.

8 Things Everybody Ought to Know About Concentrating

Mike was in his room writing a paper for his U.S. History class. On his desk next to his computer sat crunched Red Bulls, empty Gatorade bottles, some extra pocket change and scattered pieces of paper. In the pocket of his sweat pants rested a blaring iPod with a chord that dangled near the floor, almost touching against his Adidas sandals. 10 Resources For Students Online - Ryan Clark. CircuitLab - online schematic editor & circuit simulator. Whiteboard. 25 Apps You'll Need to Survive College. College isn't all fun and games (unless you want it to be.)

25 Apps You'll Need to Survive College

Don't sweat it, though. Take a look at these 25 apps — they'll give you a smoother college experience by helping you study smarter, connect with new people and wake up in time for your early lectures. Your university probably has its own app, too — download it. It will provide you with a more tailored breakdown than a national application. Any helpful ones we missed? 1. Image: BenchPrep BenchPrep is an interactive course library with all the graduate and professional exam study material you can handle. Available for free on iOS and Android devices. 2. iStudiez Pro Image: iStudentPro iStudiezPro keeps track of your deadlines, grades and more across all Mac devices — all you need to do is plug your class schedule into the app. 9 Tactics for Rapid Learning (That Most People Have Never Heard Of)

Whenever the subject of why some people learn faster comes up, I get a whole host of common answers: Some people are just naturally smart.

9 Tactics for Rapid Learning (That Most People Have Never Heard Of)

(Often implying you can’t improve)Everyone is “smart” in their own way. (Nonsense, research indicates different “intelligences” often correlate)IQ is all in the genes. (Except IQ changes with age and IQ tests can be studied for, like any other test) There may be some truth to these claims. Considering the upcoming launch of my rapid learning program, I wanted to share my favorite tactics to learn faster, retain information better or just enjoy the process of learning more: #1 – Pegging (or How Mental Magicians can Perfectly Recall Hundreds of Numbers) One of my favorite learning tactics, that is rarely mentioned, is pegging. Mnemonics and memory improvement / Build Your Memory.

Handwriting tips. You’ve decided you want to improve your handwriting and you’re probably hoping a fountain pen will do the trick -- maybe a friend told you it would.

handwriting tips

Maybe you’re just adventurous and you want to try your hand at calligraphy (or you might, once your handwriting improves). Good for you! A fountain pen may make your writing look a bit better, but if your writing looks as if frenzied chickens got loose on the page, chances are this won’t be enough. Most likely, you’ll need to retrain your arm and hand. After coaching handwriting and teaching calligraphy over the years, I’ve learned to see the characteristics of those who’ll be able to pick up the necessary motions quickly from those who’ll have to work a bit harder.

Crampy, uneven letters are often the result of drawing the letters with the fingers rather than using the whole arm to write. People who inevitably have trouble with handwriting and calligraphy write with their fingers. It will take time to re-train muscles and learn new habits. Anki - friendly, intelligent flashcards.