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Painting With Light

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(1) Max Eremine Photography. Light Painting Photography. The Light Painting Brushes System!

Light Painting Photography

The Light Painting Brushes System works by allowing photographers to universally connect literally millions of light emitting devices to a limitless array of light modifying devices. The system also allows tools and/or lights to be interchanged quickly and easily during a single exposure making the use of many different colors, shapes and textures of light simple. The Light Painting Brushes System is built on one single piece of hardware, The Universal Connector. The Universal Connector is the key that unlocks the Light Painting Brushes System and it makes limitless light painting tools universal, simple, and affordable! Using the Light Painting Brushes Universal Connector you can attach any light emitting device, flashlight, or torch that is relatively round and has a diameter of .975″ to 1.5″ to a variety of custom made Light Painting Brushes light modifiers or create your own light painting tools out of empty plastic bottles.

Light painting by Aurora Crowley. Alex DeForest Photography. Experimental Light Painting Self-Portraits. Self-portraits aren’t exactly ground-breaking — in fact, the word “selfie” was recently added to the dictionary — but Alex DeForest‘s self-portraits are anything but ordinary.

Experimental Light Painting Self-Portraits

His interesting creations mix light painting techniques with self-portrait photography to create some pretty cool results. We caught up with DeForest via e-mail, and he gave us a little insight into how he creates his experimental portraits: For most of my self portraits I sat on an ice chest in a small spare bedroom full of boxes and shelves. Typically I line up my shot first, get the focus, then put my remote on the floor so I can trigger it with my big toe. Maybe there is an easier way but I have fun. The artist who inspired him to experiment the way he does include Patrick Rochon and Aurora Crowley, both of which were featured on PBS back in 2011.

You might imagine that some of these photos took some serious planning, but for the most part, DeForest enjoys just “winging it,” so to speak. The Digital Light Wand The Digital Light Wand; is the ULTIMATE Light Painter’s tool and gives you the additional power of your computer in your light painting creations!

The Digital Light Wands are very sophisticated Light Painting Tools that are controlled through a powerful microcontroller unit and can be programmed through a USB connection to your computer with software that is readily available on the Internet. You can easily add custom text, patterns, and other objects to your light painting photos through your computer interface making more complex Light Painting tasks a breeze! The Digital Light Wand is available in 4 sizes, .5 meter (16 LEDs), 1 Meter (32 LEDs), 1.5 meter (48 LEDs), and 2 meter (64 LEDs). The .5 meter (16 LED) version is shipped as a completed unit and comes complete with the ability to add up to 12 different programmed patterns that are selectable on the fly.

Important! Ordering has been disabled for this product. Back to Main Product Page. Light Painting Artist, 18 of the Worlds Best Light Painters. Light Painting Photography has been around since 1914 when Frank Gilbreth first use the form to study the motion of manufacturing and clerical workers.

Light Painting Artist, 18 of the Worlds Best Light Painters

Light painting photography is also known as light painting, light drawing, light writing, light graffiti, light art, light art performance photography, LAPP, camera painting, and kinetic photography. All of these names are, in one form or another, long exposure photography. Aurora Light Portraits. Aurora Light Painters - Home. Patrick Rochon and Aurora Crowley, two light painters. Light Painting Photography. Photography comes from the Greek words phos (“light”), and graphis (“stylus”, “paintbrush”) or graphí, together they mean “drawing with light”.

Light Painting Photography

Light Painting Photography can be broken down into 3 general categories. The first is Light Drawing this is where the light source can be seen by the camera, during a long exposure the artist uses this light source to draw or create a design within the frame. The second category is Kinetic Light Painting, for this light painting technique the lights in the scene generally remain stationary while the camera itself is moved about during a long exposure to create color and design within the frame.