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Pre-internet Nerd History

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The Alternative Universe Of Soviet Arcade Games. History of SciFi.

Old SciFi Magazines

Anime. Shlock and Indie Films. D&D. Rolling Out the Transformers, Part 1 of 3. How Batman's Butler Alfred Evolved from a Joke Character to a Total Badass. POPULAR ELECTRONICS: Consumer Electronics and Experimenter magazine. Space: 1999. Space: 1999 is a British science-fiction television series that ran for two seasons and originally aired from 1975 to 1977.[1] In the opening episode, set on 13 September 1999, nuclear waste stored on the Moon's far side explodes, knocking the Moon out of orbit and sending it, as well as the 311 inhabitants of Moonbase Alpha, hurtling uncontrollably into space.

Space: 1999

The series was the last production by the partnership of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson and was the most expensive series produced for British television up to that time. The first season was co-produced by the British television ITC and the Italian television RAI, while the second season was produced solely by ITC. Storyline[edit] The programme was produced in two series, each comprising twenty-four episodes. The first series was produced from November 1973 to February 1975; the second series was produced from January 1976 to December 1976.

Cast[edit] Production[edit] Conception and development[edit] Ultima Retrospective. Vintage Photos Reveal Century-Long Obession with Dressing Up Pets. I was thinking the same thing.

Vintage Photos Reveal Century-Long Obession with Dressing Up Pets

They look propped up esp the one with the cannon. Those legs don't look right. I remember hearing from someone that old pet 'dressedupped' or posed pet photos were all taxidermy. Given the time that it took to create an exposure, there was just no way you'd keep a living pet from moving around, turning its head, etc. Anyone know more about that? Well, considering that Muybridge was taking freeze frame phtography in 1872?

Mostly people didn't smile in old pictures because it wasn't, well, the dignified thing to do. Harry Whittier Frees used live animals, if you look at a lot of his work you see the same cats over and over, and they aren't dead. Here Are the 100 Wikipedia Articles that Have Been Edited the Most. Prince Valiant. Prince Valiant in the Days of King Arthur, or simply Prince Valiant, is a long-running comic strip created by Hal Foster in 1937.

Prince Valiant

It is an epic adventure that has told a continuous story during its entire history, and the full stretch of that story now totals more than 4000 Sunday strips. Currently, the strip appears weekly in more than 300 American newspapers, according to its distributor, King Features Syndicate. Edward, the Duke of Windsor, called Prince Valiant the "greatest contribution to English literature in the past hundred years. "[1] Generally regarded by comics historians as one of the most impressive visual creations ever syndicated, the strip is noted for its realistically rendered panoramas and the intelligent, sometimes humorous, narrative.[2] The format does not employ word balloons.

Characters and story[edit] Hal Foster's Prince Valiant (February 26, 1950) When the strip started in 1937, Val was five years old.