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Fake News--The BBC

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The BBC has a policy of covering climate change from the position of climate alarmism. They don't cover news that questions or contradicts their narrative.

This leads to fake news: claims made that are contradicted by data and science, and half-truths.

BBC Climate Check–April 2021. By Paul Homewood The absurd Ben Rich presents the latest BBC “Climate” Check.

BBC Climate Check–April 2021

(He really means weather): He begins with a quick run down of “extreme” weather events, supposedly linked to global warming: A warm March day at Kew, which was 2 degrees cooler than one in 1968Early cherry blossom, the result of urban warmingYellow dust in China (no, me neither!) Floods in East Timor, which obviously never happened before. BBC’s Fake Victoria Falls Report. By Paul Homewood h/t MrGrimNasty Yet more disgracefully misleading propaganda from the BBC: In our monthly feature, Then and Now, we reveal some of the ways that planet Earth has been changing against the backdrop of a warming world.

BBC’s Fake Victoria Falls Report

Fake Himalaya Lockdown Footage Originated In Attenborough Film. By Paul Homewood The other day, I wrote about how ITV had broadcast fake, photo-shopped footage, purporting to show that the Himalayas were now visible from Kathmandu because of reduced pollution during lockdown.

Fake Himalaya Lockdown Footage Originated In Attenborough Film

The same footage is included in a new Attenborough film, “The Year The Earth Changed”, apparently made by the BBC. The report below about the film is dated 18th April, so predates the ITV item, and it appears likely that the fake footage originated in this film:. BBC Say Bangladesh Farmers Are Suffering From Climate Change–As Production Triples. By Paul Homewood More propaganda: As Bangladesh celebrates 50 years of independence, Qasa Alom reflects on how the country his British-Bangladeshi family still calls home is being affected by climate change.

BBC Say Bangladesh Farmers Are Suffering From Climate Change–As Production Triples

"Can you turn the air-con on? " I asked over and over but none of the grown-ups seemingly could hear me. The Relationship between Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Global Temperature for the Last 425 Million Years. By Paul Homewood You may recall the BBC’s Royal Institution Christmas Lecture on, yes you’ve guessed it, climate change.

The Relationship between Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration and Global Temperature for the Last 425 Million Years

It presented this graph purportedly proving that temperature changes (yellow) followed CO2 changes (white):

BBC and Bias

28-Gate. Our Planet Matters. A Perfect Planet. Seven Worlds One Planet. Climate Change--The Facts. What David Attenborough's 'Extinction: The Facts' didn't tell you. It was only a matter of time before Covid-19 got swept up into the wider narrative of humans facing impending doom thanks to our abuse of the planet.

What David Attenborough's 'Extinction: The Facts' didn't tell you

But one might have expected better of Sir David Attenborough. His latest BBC documentary, Extinction: The Facts, broadcast on Sunday night might as well have been produced by Extinction Rebellion, so determined was it to present a hysterical picture of apocalypse caused by consumerism and capitalism. Just to ram home the point, one contributor, naturalist Robert Watson, spoke of 'many in the private sector making a huge profit at the expense of the natural world', seemingly oblivious to the far greater rape of the environment committed by the former Soviet Union and other socialist countries.

BBC Springwatch

How They Made Us Doubt Everything. BBC’s Climate Check – March. By Paul Homewood The BBC’s latest monthly climate check, the video that takes a few random weather events and pretends they are caused by global warming, or as the presenter Ben Rich says “your update on the changing climate”.

BBC’s Climate Check – March

(Click on link): He starts by claiming the NH winter was one of extremes, with some places warmer and others colder than average. However he presents no evidence that any of this is unusual, never mind unprecedented. BBC One Planet - Polar Bears.


BBC and Rain/Floods. BBC and Droughts. BBC - Antarctic. BBC -- Arctic and the Far North. BBC -- Sea Level Rise. BBC -- Green Energy. BBC--Climate Claims and Animals. BBC--Climate Claims and Heatwaves. BBC -- Climate Claims about Storms/Extreme Weather. BBC and Climategate. BBC’s Eco Anxiety. By Paul Homewood h/t Quaesoveritas Even by BBC standards, their series on Radio 4, Costing the Earth, is truly dreadful.

BBC’s Eco Anxiety

This week’s edition looks at eco anxiety (sic), actually treating a small group of eco loons as if they were right in the head. BBC – Forests Are Bad For The Climate. Unprecedented? No, Liz, Go Away & Check The Facts. By Paul Homewood This comment from Liz Bentley popped up in yesterday’s BBC’s hysterical piece about a nice, sunny spring.

Unprecedented? No, Liz, Go Away & Check The Facts

It is the sort of statement that is difficult to disprove (how can you prove that nothing has happened?) , but which sounds credible to those unaware of the facts. And, of course, coming from the Head of the Royal Met Society, it has the voice of authority. Surely she knows all of the facts?

BBC and Oceans

Extinction Rebellion Accused of Faking a Miners Protest. Guest essay by Eric Worrall Miners are furious Extinction Rebellion successfully fooled a BBC reporter into believing XR protesters dressed in cardboard safety helmets were actually miners demanding the closure of their own pits.

Extinction Rebellion Accused of Faking a Miners Protest

BBC Claimed Extinction Rebellion Activists in Cardboard Helmets Were Real MinersJAMES DELINGPOLE 28 Feb 2020921:28Extinction Rebellion, the eco-fascist protest group, has successfully duped the BBC into believing that miners in the north of England support its campaigns to close down their pits. It did so by dressing up its activists in cardboard miners helmets.… But the BBC now accepts that it has no evidence of current or former miners attending the protests.

…Read more: Read more of the article to see what a real miner thinks of this stunt. Himalayan Glaciers–The Story The BBC Refuse To Tell You. By Paul Homewood Images from Cold War spy satellites have revealed the dramatic extent of ice loss in the Himalayan glaciers. Scientists compared photographs taken by a US reconnaissance programme with recent spacecraft observations and found that melting in the region has doubled over the last 40 years. The study shows that since 2000, glaciers heights have been shrinking by an average of 0.5m per year. The researchers say that climate change is the main cause. "From this study, we really see the clearest picture yet of how Himalayan glaciers have changed," Joshua Maurer, from Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in New York, told BBC News. Climate change: Lake District facing ‘dramatic’ soil erosion–Latest Junk Science. By Paul Homewood This week’s climate hysteria concerns “dramatic” soil erosion in the Lake District!

The Lake District is suffering from soil erosion at a "dramatic rate" and could look very different in 50 years’ time, an academic has warned. Dr Simon Carr, programme leader for geography at the University of Cumbria, said extreme weather caused by climate change is stripping the fells. He argues halting grazing by animals would be a good way to restore the land by allowing vegetation to recover. However, farmers warn a "blanket ban" could lead to food shortages. China’s Meaningless “Promise” By Paul Homewood China will aim to hit peak emissions before 2030 and for carbon neutrality by 2060, President Xi Jinping has announced. Mr Xi outlined the steps when speaking via videolink to the UN General Assembly in New York. The announcement is being seen as a significant step in the fight against climate change. China is the world’s biggest source of carbon dioxide, responsible for around 28% of global emissions. With global climate negotiations stalled and this year’s conference of the parties (COP26) postponed until 2021, there had been little expectation of progress on the issue at the UN General Assembly.

BBC Blame Dire Wheat Harvests On Climate Change. By Paul Homewood The price of flour and bread is set to rise after what could be the worst UK wheat harvest in 40 years, the industry is warning. Farmers say that the extreme weather over the last year is likely to mean wheat yields are down by up to 40%. As a result, some millers have already increased the price of flour by 10% and they warn a no-deal Brexit could push up prices even further. And we’re likely to see more of the same weather in future, experts say. What Will It Cost, Roger? By Paul Homewood h/t Philip Bratby More misreporting from Roger Harrabin: BBC Replay Weather Disaster Losses Con Trick.

BBC Alarmed By A Sunny Spring! BBC: Climate Education is Failing Because Some Graduates Become Oil Executives. BBC Attenborough Complaint Escalated To Executive Complaint Unit. Harrabin’s Hydrogen Fantasy. BBC misleads the public again. TREBLE “EMERGENCIES” ALL ROUND, GO EASY ON THE ICE. Joe Bastardi: Has CO2 been falling during the shutdown? BBC: Its Important to Let Climate Worriers Talk About Murdering Their Own Children. BBC caught spreading lies about climate change, Vietnam crop production.

Climate change in Vietnam ‘destroying family life’–Latest BBC Lies. More misleading alarmism from BBC and Met Office. BBC Claims Poor Countries Are Worse Off Because Of Fossil Fuels. BBC’s Age of Denial. The BBC & The Great Barrier Reef Scare. More misleading alarmism from BBC and Met Office. Matt McGrath Bangs His Global Warming Drum-But Is Anybody Listening? 18 Months To Save The Planet, Says Potty Matt McGrath! UK could hit 40C ‘regularly’ by end of this century–Says Flawed Met Office Study. BBC’s Latest Climate Indoctrination.

BBC’s Latest Propaganda For Katowice. “Spring Arriving 26 Days Early”–BBC. BBC botches grade school CO2 science experiment on live TV – with indepedent lab results to prove it. BBC Resurrecting the Dead to Make Up Climate News. Lake Chad Might Be Shrinking, But It Has Nothing To Do With Climate Change. What Kate Humble Forgot To Tell You About Yellowstone. BBC In Warmist Fantasyland. Thought Provoking words for the BBC and the Guardian – from a Podcast by the BBC’s Michael Buerk. Climate Change Stops Play! BBC edits out climate warming data in climbdown. BBC snowed by the whims of nature.