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BBC and Oceans

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Beware Latest BBC Fake Ocean Pollution & Climate Claims. Published on January 31, 2020 Written by John O'Sullivan Recently, the BBC ran this story, ‘Climate change: Oceans running out of oxygen as temperatures rise’ (by Matt McGrath) which claims that: “Climate change and nutrient pollution are driving the oxygen from our oceans, and threatening many species of fish.” The article asserted that the findings were the conclusion of “the biggest study of its kind, undertaken by conservation group IUCN.” We asked two PhD-qualified, independent scientists with specialist professional knowledge in chemistry to examine these claims and offer their own unbiased assessment of the report.

Below are their damning rebuttals of the IUCN and BBC’s alarmist assertions. Dr Klaus L E Kaiser (pictured, right) is a widely-respected expert in chemistry. He told us to beware when reading these doomsaying ‘scientific’ studies because, Dr Kaiser, with a lifetime professional career as an expert in chemical science told Principia Scientific International that: Oceans Warmer Than Ever Before–Claim BBC. By Paul Homewood I spotted this on the BBC Newsround site, when I picked up the Greta story. BBC Newsround is the pretendy-serious news programme for kids. And this is the sort of garbage being rammed down their throats: Oceans reached record temperatures last year, according to new analysis.

A team of climate experts and scientists carried out research which revealed that the temperature in 2019 was around 0.075°C above the average recorded from 1981-2010, a record high for our oceans. Seas are now warmer than any other time in recorded human history and the increase in temperature has been directly linked to global warming. The past five years have also seen the highest temperatures ever recorded. Hotter than ever before! Or even “warmer than any other time in recorded human history”? It is little wonder poor kids are so paranoid! Like this: Like Loading...