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Feminist scientists criticise gender bias in the tech industry. Artificial Intelligence’s White Guy Problem - The New York Times.pdf. 8/2/2016 Artificial Intelligence’s White Guy Problem - The New York Times 2/4 on those images.

Artificial Intelligence’s White Guy Problem - The New York Times.pdf

If a system is trained on photos of people who are overwhelmingly white, it will have a harder time recognizing nonwhite faces. Copy of FIELDGUIDE-GenderinTech5.pdf. Resources — Gender in Design. Video Games: Engineering Innovation Processes. The Challenge Gendered Innovation 1: Games as a Catalyst for Changing Gender Norms Method: Rethinking Language and Visual Representations Designing Games for Girls: The Problem of Stereotypes Term: Stereotypes Gendered Innovation 2: Designing Flexible, Mixed-Gender Games Method: Engineering Innovation Processes Video Games and Women’s Participation in the Information Technology (IT) Industry Conclusions Next Steps The Challenge In 1962, MIT student Steve Russell created Spacewar!

Video Games: Engineering Innovation Processes

, the first widely-distributed software video game (Rockwell, 2002; Graetz, 1981). Gendered Innovations. Angwin, J., & Larson, J. (2016, May 23).

Gendered Innovations

Bias in criminal risk scores is mathematically inevitable, researchers say. Propublica Bivens, R. (2017). The gender binary will not be deprogrammed: Ten years of coding gender on Facebook. Les medicaments ont un sexe 24h 14 aout 2019. From Alexa to Siri and the GDPR: The Gendering of Virtual Personal Assistants and the Role of EU Data Protection Law by Nora Ni Loideain, Rachel Adams. AI Ethics Guidelines Global Inventory – AlgorithmWatch. Please use the form below to submit. The way automated decision-making (ADM) systems should be regulated is hotly disputed. Recent months have seen a flurry of frameworks and principles that seek to set out principles of how ADM systems can be developed and implemented ethically. There are governmental initiatives (such as the report by the House of Lords in the UK) and supra-national efforts (such as the EU commission’s High Level Expert Group – see our comments on the draft here and a report on the final version here).

The private and civil sectors have also not been idle. With our AlgorithmWatch AI Ethics Guidelines Global Inventory, we started to map the landscape of these frameworks. All include the similar principles on transparency, equality/non-discrimination, accountability and safety. Our overview is certainly not complete; it is supposed to be a starting point. We cannot offer a comprehensive analysis of the guidelines. AI Ethics Guidelines Global Inventory - Tool Detail - RRI Tools. The way automated decision-making (ADM) systems should be regulated is hotly disputed.

AI Ethics Guidelines Global Inventory - Tool Detail - RRI Tools

Recent months have seen a flurry of frameworks and principles that seek to set out principles of how ADM systems can be developed and implemented ethically. There are governmental initiatives and supra-national efforts. I'd blush if I could: closing gender divides in digital skills through education - UNESCO Bibliothèque Numérique. Digital assistants like Siri and Alexa entrench gender biases, says UN.

Assigning female genders to digital assistants such as Apple’s Siri and Amazon’s Alexa is helping entrench harmful gender biases, according to a UN agency.

Digital assistants like Siri and Alexa entrench gender biases, says UN

Research released by Unesco claims that the often submissive and flirty responses offered by the systems to many queries – including outright abusive ones – reinforce ideas of women as subservient. “Because the speech of most voice assistants is female, it sends a signal that women are obliging, docile and eager-to-please helpers, available at the touch of a button or with a blunt voice command like ‘hey’ or ‘OK’,” the report said. “The assistant holds no power of agency beyond what the commander asks of it. Gendering Social Robots. Roboticists have numerous options for considering gender in robots. 1.

Gendering Social Robots

Challenge current gender stereotypes It is well established that humans interact with robots in ways that are comparable to human/human interaction. Volvo Car Italia. EUGIM: Gender in Medicine (GiM) - Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin. Gender determines the outcome of numerous wide-spread diseases.

EUGIM: Gender in Medicine (GiM) - Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Myocardial infarction, heart failure (HF), diabetes, neuropsychiatric, musculoskeletal, renal and others differ significantly between women and men. Professor Londa Schiebinger - 31/05/13 - Talk - KanaalZ. Women's Pain Is Different From Men's—the Drugs Could Be Too. Doctor locked out of women's changing room because gym automatically registered everyone with Dr title as male. Gym bosses have apologised to a female doctor who was locked out of the womens' changing room because everyone with the title Dr was automatically registered as male.

Doctor locked out of women's changing room because gym automatically registered everyone with Dr title as male

Paediatrician Dr Louise Selby said she encountered the 'blatant sexism ' after joining the Pure Gym in Cambridge. She was given an eight-digit access code to get into the female changing area but found herself locked out when she first tried to use it. How Did Siri Get Its Name? Adam Cheyer, Co-Founder of Siri As a startup, when coming up with Siri's name, we wanted something that was easy to remember, short to type, comfortable to pronounce, and a not-too-common human name.

How Did Siri Get Its Name?

And we wanted to be able to get the domain name for not too much money... Once Siri became the leading candidate, everyone on the team had their own favorite explanation of the meaning. Dag Kittlaus, our Norwegian-American CEO, once considered using Siri as the name of his child and liked the Norse meaning "beautiful woman who leads you to victory. " For me, Siri, which means "secret" in Swahili, was a tip of the hat to our pre-named days when we began as And it was all a big surprise for the team that Apple decided to keep the original Siri name for its launch as part of iOS. Ni Loideain & Adams, SSRN Working Paper (2018) - delivery.php.

Eight Things You Need to Know About Sex, Gender, Brains, and Behavior: A Guide for Academics, Journalists, Parents, Gender Diversity Advocates, Social Justice Warriors, Tweeters, Facebookers, and Everyone Else. Agr paper. Nasa cancels all-female spacewalk, citing lack of spacesuit in right size. Nasa’s plans for the first all-female spacewalk have fallen through – at least in part because the agency doesn’t have enough spacesuits that fit the astronauts.

Nasa cancels all-female spacewalk, citing lack of spacesuit in right size

What should have been a giant leap for womankind has turned into a stumble after Nasa said on Monday night that they will only have access to one correctly sized spacesuit top by Friday when the walk was scheduled. One of the two women on the mission, Anne McClain, will now have to give up her place to a male colleague. She thought a large-sized suit would be fine but after a spacewalk last week found that the medium-sized was a better fit and would be the most appropriate suit to wear to venture back outside the International Space Station. Gender Toolkit for Excellence. Creative agency Virtue introduces genderless voice Q to challenge biases in technology. Adding Sex-and-Gender Dimensions to Your Research. In recent decades, policymakers, research organizations, and funders of science have made efforts to increase the participation of women in science teams, leadership roles, and evaluation panels. More recently, journals and funders have turned their attention to sex-and-gender aspects of the content of research.

Early-career scientists have much to gain from embracing this trend, including an increased chance of getting published and an edge when applying for research funds. But embracing the trend requires a shift in the way research is done. First, scientists must recognize that including a sex or gender dimension in their research is possible and useful. Then they must use adequate methods to design their studies, analyze their data, and report their results. Gender in research. Des concepts à la pratique de l'innovation responsable : à propos d'un séminaire franco-britannique.

Welcome to Vinnova's website! Why Gender should be a Priority for our Attention in Science: Interdisciplinary Science Reviews: Vol 36, No 2. Médecine, sexe et genre: déjouer les stéréotypes. Key Area: Integration of sex and gender dimension in teaching curricula « Plotina - Promoting gender balance and inclusion in research, innovation and training. Gender Differences in the Relationship between Maladaptive Behaviors and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. A Study on 900 L’ Aquila 2009 Earthquake Survivors.

Introduction Earthquakes are one of the most frequent natural disasters occurring across the world and, among exposed individuals, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) represents the most frequently occurring psychiatric sequelae (Maj et al., 1989; Armenian et al., 2002; Lai et al., 2004; Jahangiri et al., 2010; Dell’Osso et al., 2011a; Hussain et al., 2011; Zhang et al., 2011; Ali et al., 2012). There is increasing evidence in the literature on the specific clinical and neurobiological correlates of PTSD and particularly, on the specific gender differences in PTSD prevalence rates, with women being more affected than men across different cultures and at different ages (Armenian et al., 2000; Kessler, 2000; Green, 2003; Cohen, 2008; Liberzon and Sripada, 2008; Alhasnawi et al., 2009; Dell’Osso et al., 2010, 2011a,b; Pratchett et al., 2010; Friedman et al., 2011; Rabinak et al., 2011; Sherin and Nemeroff, 2011; Xu and Song, 2011).

Gender bias in research: how does it affect evidence based medicine? New Research, Old Problems: Methodological and Ethical Issues in fMRI Research Examining Sex/Gender Differences in Emotion Processing. Studying sex and gender differences in pain and analgesia: A consensus report. Outline. Moving from Prototyping to “Provotyping” – Stratos Innovation Group. Learn, explore and generate possible futures in the front-end of design Not everyone lives in the future. For those of us in the design and innovation industry, our job is to help clients and their customers break free from the status quo. Lost in Space? Not Sex and Gender! iGIANT: impact of Gender/Sex on Innovation and Novel Technologies. AI can be sexist and racist — it’s time to make it fair. How Sex and Gender Analysis lead to Discovery! - Nikon Camera Says Asians: People Are Always Blinking. Toban B., Elisabeth, and Mark sent us a link to a post at jozjozjoz about the Nikon S630 digital camera. As Joz explains, “As I was taking pictures of my family, it kept asking ‘Did someone blink?’

Amazon built an AI tool to hire people but had to shut it down because it was discriminating against women. Amazon worked on building an artificial-intelligence tool to help with hiring, but the plans backfired when the company discovered the system discriminated against women, Reuters reports. Citing five sources, Reuters said Amazon set up an engineering team in Edinburgh, Scotland, in 2014 to find a way to automate its recruitment. The company created 500 computer models to trawl through past candidates' résumés and pick up on about 50,000 key terms. The system would crawl the web to recommend candidates. "They literally wanted it to be an engine where I'm going to give you 100 résumés, it will spit out the top five, and we'll hire those," one source told Reuters.

A year later, however, the engineers reportedly noticed something troubling about their engine — it didn't like women. Consequently, the AI concluded that men were preferable. Gender bias was not the only problem, Reuters' sources said. Machine Bias. On a spring afternoon in 2014, Brisha Borden was running late to pick up her god-sister from school when she spotted an unlocked kid’s blue Huffy bicycle and a silver Razor scooter. Borden and a friend grabbed the bike and scooter and tried to ride them down the street in the Fort Lauderdale suburb of Coral Springs. Can Technology Be Racist? – The Bigger Picture. In 2016, two researchers from Shanghai Jia Tong University trained artificial intelligence (AI) to predict criminality from a person’s image. Xiaolin Wu and Xi Zhang fed the machine 1,126 ID photos of ‘non-criminals’ and 730 ID photos of convicts.

Next, they trained the AI to notice facial micro-expressions in the images. Microsoft explains why its cute AI chatbot became a crazed Nazi in under a day. Today’s post on paid iPhone and iPad apps on sale for free has big shoes to fill after yesterday’s offering, but we’ve tried our best to finish off the week on a high note. Friday’s post includes 11 different apps that span a wide range of categories to ensure that there’s something for everyone. Google Traduction propose maintenant les deux genres. Book Review: Gender Innovation and Migration in Switzerland by Francesca Falk. Meet the neuroscientist shattering the myth of the gendered brain. You receive an invitation, emblazoned with a question: “A bouncing little ‘he’ or a pretty little ‘she’?”

The question is your teaser for the “gender reveal party” to which you are being invited by an expectant mother who, at more than 20 weeks into her pregnancy, knows what you don’t: the sex of her child. After you arrive, explains cognitive neuroscientist Gina Rippon in her riveting new book, The Gendered Brain, the big reveal will be hidden within some novelty item, such as a white iced cake, and will be colour-coded. Institutions Must Add Gender Diversity in Their Ranks and in Research with guest Londa Schiebinger par Stanford Radio.

Females Exposed to Nuclear Radiation Are Far Likelier Than Males to Suffer Harm - PassBlue. Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men. (2) Les femmes dangereusement oubliées dans la conception des objets du quotidien.