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Solution - Wuha. Flash Drive Comparison. 22 Websites You Didn't Know Were Useful to Architects. Home. Shivon Zilis - Machine Intelligence.


Sans titre. As Executive Councillor of the Department of Construction and Energy of Bern, I am happy to invite you to the internationally renowned Conference on Advanced Building Skins.

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It is no coincidence that the Conference has chosen Bern as its location, as the Canton is a leading force in Swiss energy politics. Since 2006, we boast a new energy strategy and are resolute in our investment in renewable energies. A crucial feature of our strategy is energy efficiency, for without a drastic improvement in efficiency, we will not achieve energy reform. A definite deciding factor is the area of buildings. The Conference underscores the imperative of building skins for total energy consumption in buildings, with the aim of putting scientific know-how into practice. A large part of our buildings are old constructions.


Exposants - 2017 - IT Partners. Sans titre. Teradici. Packages - Mongo Express Angular Node. 8 tools for visualizing data with open source. Data visualization is the mechanism of taking tabular or spatial data and conveying it in a human-friendly and visual way.

8 tools for visualizing data with open source

There are several open source tools that can help you create useful, informative graphs. In this post we will take a look at eight open source, data visualization tools. Datawrapper Datawrapper was created by journalism organizations from Europe, designed to make data visualization easy for news institutes. Based on a web based GUI (graphics user interface), it promises to let you create a graph in just four steps. To create a graph, click on the "New Chart" link on the top menu bar. Image provided by Nitish Tiwari. Open Hub, the open source network. When To Use What Tools For Remote Work Success [Infographic] NASA's Software Catalog.


Windows 10. Pi Rasp. Monitoring. Portables. PowerBI. IndesignPB. Win10-tactile. Containers. Achat. Dsi. QR Codes. FraisPro. IOT. o365. NAS + Syno. MOOCs et tutos. SitesWWW_addons. Infra-gestion. Cloud-SafeHarbour. OSX. Capture ecrans. Secu_USB. BigData et Visu. Products Archive - Accusoft. Coggle - Simple Collaborative Mind Maps. Hortonworks Data Platform and Hortonworks DataFlow. The Incredible Automation Day Presentations on SlideShare. Trigger Happy. Introducing the latest generation of Latitude laptops. Trigger Happy. Applis mobiles. B2B Directory - Trusted SaaS Software Reviews. Technical blog. ShopBotTools CNC Routers. Workflow Management. Features. “...That was the original idea from day one - the elimination of the tweening process.


But it is certainly not the only feature of Synfig that makes it unique. Stop drowning in email. Tristan Harris : « Des millions d’heures sont juste volées à la vie des gens » Tristan Harris a été le « philosophe produit » de Google pendant trois ans. Ça vous laisse perplexe ? Nous aussi, au début. Rue89.nouvelobs. Rue89.nouvelobs. Quelle messagerie est la plus sûre ? Vous venez de tuer malencontreusement votre patron.

Quelle messagerie est la plus sûre ?

Vous avez envie d’éviter que vos photos coquines se retrouvent dans la fournée du prochain piratage à la mode. Security Check Required. Automne : Content Management System - Automne CMS. Présentation Automne est un CMS open source (système de gestion de contenu) dédié aux sites professionnels et qui répond également aux exigences d'une plateforme de développement web pour les intégrateurs / développeurs.

Automne : Content Management System - Automne CMS

Knwl.js - Demo. Wookmark news. Refreshing An updated look for Wookmark was rolled out today.

Wookmark news

Technology changes so fast and it was time to bring things up-to-par with today's expectations. While all the visual elements were refined, only a few things have changed as far as the content goes. So hopefully you will find your way around as usual. Here are a few key changes. Side Menu This menu now contains a list of your groups, so you can easily access them from any page, without having to go through your profile page first.


Win-Srv. Langage. VideoProj-Conf. Memit. RainLoop Webmail. Page 2 sur 1808 - Upgrade your mind. On refaisait le monde avec Ploum en fin de semaine dernière, nous remémorant nos débuts sur le net, les premiers sites qu'on lisait et qu'on faisait et bien sûr les blogs FR qu'on aimait lire.

Page 2 sur 1808 - Upgrade your mind

Et je ne sais pas si c'est parce que le monde du blog s'est professionnalisé, si c'est parce que les thématiques ont changé ou si c'est parce qu'on est devenu des vieux cons, mais on n'y trouve plus vraiment notre bonheur en tant que lecteur tendance bidouilleur. Et ça me fait le même effet avec la presse papier informatique. J'aimais par exemple PC Team, Pirates Mag et le Virus Informatique et malheureusement, avant la semaine dernière, il n'y avait plus rien d'équivalent en kiosque. Guide de l'utilisateur. L'archivage managérial. Sandstorm. Studio. Online Web Tutorials. Dell Laptop Repair. 10Pcs 5V Electromagnetic Active Buzzer Continuous Beep Continuously - US$2.03.

This warranty and return policy are only available for the sub categories of Arduino SCM & 3D Printer Acc, Electronic Accessories & Gadgets .

10Pcs 5V Electromagnetic Active Buzzer Continuous Beep Continuously - US$2.03

E-Book Reader Product's Warranty Within 180 days If there are any product quality problems which are not caused by artificial factors such as dis-assembly, misuse, drops or falls, water damage, un official firmware or software modifications or any others causes of damage, we will cover the actual postage (according to the receipt you provided) only if it cost less than $40 (USD).If damage occurred such as the display screen is broken then we can not offer warranty service. If you still would like to repair it, you can send the unit back to us.

We will help by forwarding the item (if repairable) to the manufacturer for repair. Samsung S34E790C. Plug. AirBar – Get touch functionality on any PC. Free and Open Source Android App Repository. Download elementary OS. High Five GIFs on Giphy. Guide d’autodéfense numérique. Korben - Upgrade your mind. MarkdownID: Markdown import for InDesign. A Jongware script 04-Jun-2012 With Markdown, the font, style, margin and other stuff all comes later.

markdownID: Markdown import for InDesign

The Markdown Mindset, Hilton Lipschitz ( If you want to write simple documents using a plain text editor but still want to add basic text formatting, you can use Markdown: John Gruber's formatting system, with which you use short and easy-to-remember codes to mark up your text. Lots of websites and blogs are already using Markdown, so you can enter plain text and still have it formatted the way you want. With my Javascript markdownID (download), you can select existing text or import a Markdown file, and it will be converted into properly styled text for InDesign. The script supports lots of the standard functions from the original Markdown, and so you can use the Markdown reference for the basic set of commands. With the real Markdown you can type "inline HTML" – any HTML command is copied verbatim into its output, as it was designed to work with HTML only. Optimize Windows 7 for Video Recording and Streaming.

These optimization steps will make your PC run more efficiently and give you higher frame-rates and capture rates for recording OR streaming: To CamStudio To Google Hangouts on Air To YouTube Live Events Streaming Using OBS.

Optimize Windows 7 for Video Recording and Streaming

Scikit-learn/ at master · scikit-learn/scikit-learn. Gensys - Intelligente ITSM software. Light Table Blog. Light Table Hack Night 13 Jan 2015 - Rob Attorri Back in November we released v0.7.0 and made some big announcements about our new committers and turning Light Table and its documentation over to the community, but we left a couple things still up in the air that I’m happy to announce today - our new hire who will be spending part of his time working on Light Table, and also the inaugural Light Table Hack Night at our new office.

Meet the new guy I’m extremely pleased to announce that we’ve brought on one of our commiters, Josh Cole, as our next hire. Customers. Netflix Open Source Software Center. Community. Streamtools. Support - Accusoft. - Info - Yumpu plans. FlexPaper - The web pdf viewer solution. Twitter Search, Monitoring, & Analytics. With iOS 9, Search lets you look for content from the web, your contacts, apps, nearby places, and more. Powered by Siri, Search offers suggestions and updates results as you type. There are two ways to use Search on your iOS device. Quick Search Drag down from the middle of the Home screen and type what you're looking for. Siri Suggestions Drag right from the Home screen to show Search and get Siri Suggestions.

Get Siri Suggestions Siri Suggestions include apps and contacts that you might be interested in. You can use Siri Suggestions with iPhone 5 and later, iPad Pro, iPad (4th generation) and later, iPad mini (2nd generation) and later, and iPod touch (6th generation). Change search settings Go to Settings > General > Spotlight Search. From here, you can turn Siri Suggestions on or off and choose which apps to include in your searches. If you don’t want Siri or Spotlight to suggest nearby locations, go to Settings > Privacy > Location Services. Adobe Kickbox. Kickbox is all about getting big ideas off the ground through simple, concrete steps. So, let’s break down how we deployed Kickbox at Adobe which you can use as a blueprint for bringing Kickbox at your organization.

Phase 1 Build support. You don’t need a lot of money or a big team but it’ll be harder to do this alone. The more senior leaders and existing innovators you can enlist as supporters in your cause the better. Phase 2 In Phase 2 we’ll discuss a few of the key decisions we debated while creating Kickbox. Features - Meteor.