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Creative Writing Prompts Part One [1-50] TABOO GAME (#1) Určitě znáte mnoho různých her z hodin angličtiny.


Možná také hrajete hry i sami doma. My vám dnes přinášíme jednu z nich. Není sice možná tolik známá, ale na internetu najdete desítky různých variací této jednoduché hry. My si ukážeme, jak se dá použít v hodinách angličtiny, ale také jak ji mohou využít studenti při samostudiu. Jak hru vyrobit Je to velice jednoduché. Pravidla hry Pravidla jsou také velice jednoduchá. Dnes je princip velice podobný, ale hra je o poznání složitější. Na každé ze čtyřiceti kartiček najdete 4 slova: vždy jedno hlavní slovo (na šedém poli) a pak další tři doprovodná slova. Karty se dají na hromádku slovy dolů a hráči si postupně vytahují kartičky. Úkolem každého hráče je vysvětlit hlavní slovo, ale nepoužít žádné ze tří doprovodných slov. Tři doprovodná slova jsou totiž tabu (TABOO). Pokud se mu to nepodaří, danou kartu zabírá učitel, nebo se může dát do spodní části hromádky. Herní variace Doprovodná slova fungují jako nápověda Psaní vět Samostudium Závěr.

Taboo kids worksheet. By Goingf January 28, 2013 1809 Downloads 245 prints 14 Favorited 1809 Downloads 245 prints 14 Favorited ><Embed> <iframe id="previewIframe" width="548px" height="450px" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen src=" Spectacular game, very useful in order to improve the students speech, their self-confidence.

Taboo kids worksheet

Good to end the class, funny and demanding: the students must look for definitions. What level is this worksheet most suitable for? Say something to the author of this worksheet Recommendations Comments. Taboo game. Log In - New York Times. Conversation Questions. 7 Superb Speaking Activities That'll Get Your ESL Students Chatting. “All right everyone, pair up!”

7 Superb Speaking Activities That'll Get Your ESL Students Chatting

This sentence can be met in many ways. Blank stares. Two class troublemakers reaching for one another’s hands. The shy kid in the class trying very hard to become invisible. It’s no secret, getting students to work well in pairs can be hard, and it doesn’t stop with just having them pair up. ESL students doing pair activities can often try to skive off doing the activity at hand. As far as the teacher is concerned, it can be tough making sure that the students who are actually working are speaking correctly. Well, it’s time for all those problems to be ancient history. Techniques for ESL Pair Work The first mistake many teachers make when assigning pair work is letting students choose their pairs. While that may be fun for those in the class who are already friends, your job as the teacher is to assess each student’s strengths and weaknesses and put them with someone they can work with well. “We’re going to go about this activity in pairs! 1.

Speaking game. Famous persons - speaking. First of all write down: The first name of your favourite movie star - male or female but of the opposite gender to yourselfYour favourite fruitA number between 1 - 9The names of vegetables - if you have written number 4 above - you write the names of 4 vegetables.

Famous persons - speaking

If you have written 5 - you write 5 and so onA job you don't likeA favourite job you would like to haveA description of your dream house e.g. by the sea, in the mountains - using adjectives to describe this placeFinally, you describe what country you would really like to live in. NOW - take a look at what you have written above and create your character: 1. This is your husband's or wife's first name. BBC Learning English. Describe a photo or picture activity. Mystery Skype questions.


904 FREE Speaking Worksheets. Learning to speak a new language is definitely a challenge.

904 FREE Speaking Worksheets

It’s very difficult for your students to do if they don’t practice on a regular basis. Luckily, you need to look no further because has the tools to help your students practice their speaking - and want to do it, too! Let’s face it, students aren’t always jumping for joy at the opportunity to speak a language they aren’t 100 percent comfortable with. Students can be hesitant to speak for a wide variety of reasons - fear of mistakes, peer pressure, or lack of self-confidence are some of the main factors. has 936 speaking worksheets to help you plan effective speaking lessons, which will get your students to break through their shyness and start talking! These worksheets are great to use for your lessons because they come in many different styles and formats.