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Czesław Bywalec - Jak naprawić uczelnie. Ubocznym efektem reform jest monstrualna biurokratyzacja uczelni.

Czesław Bywalec - Jak naprawić uczelnie

Nigdy nie wymagano tylu podań, pozwoleń, sprawozdań, załączników przy załatwianiu nawet prostych spraw. Nie ma drugiej dziedziny życia społecznego, w której tak lekkomyślnie wydawano by tak wielkie pieniądze publiczne jak w nauce – pisze prof. Czesław Bywalec, z Katedry Ekonomii na Wydziale Finansów Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie. – Zdążyły się wytworzyć grupy tzw. grantierów, którzy żyją z grantów naukowych, głównie dlatego, że do perfekcji opanowali przygotowywanie wniosków.

Źle funkcjonuje także proces rekrutacji na studia. Oceny ze świadectw maturalnych nie powinny być jedyną przepustką. Nie ma drugiej dziedziny życia społecznego, w której tak lekkomyślnie wydawano by tak wielkie pieniądze publiczne jak w nauce. Academic ideals are being crushed to suit private-sector style management. 'British higher education sector is in crisis mode and those chosen to oversee this crisis are recruited from the private sector.' Photograph: Alice Bell As an early-career lecturer in a post-1992 university, I often feel like a rare bird in an ornate cage struggling to maintain its dignity in a discount superstore filled with pets.

Academic ideals are being crushed to suit private-sector style management

This bird knows it could have been a proud representative of a noble lineage and chirrups dolefully as it ruffles its plumes, but the song is drowned out by the bustling sale of cheap, plastic imitation bird-objects around it. The British higher education sector is in full-on crisis mode and those chosen or imposed to oversee this crisis are, in the main, non-academics and are recruited from the private sector. Academic ideals are being crushed by the visions of middle-management bureaucrats who view the progress and survival of higher education as requiring its surrender to private sector ideals.

Exzellenzinitiative 2012: Das Millionenspiel. Barbara Budrich. The hybridization of vocational training and higher education in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. 1 comment Lukas Graf This entry looks at institutional changes in the relationship between vocational education and training (VET) and higher education (HE) in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland[i].

The hybridization of vocational training and higher education in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland

It is quite common for foreign observers to praise these three countries for the quality of their VET systems. All three countries are part of the “collective skill system cluster” (Busemeyer and Trampusch 2012) and are renowned for their extensive dual apprenticeship training systems at upper-secondary level. Dual apprenticeship training distinguishes itself from vocational training in most other European countries as it integrates training in schools and companies on the basis of extensive mediation and coordination between the state, employers, and labor representatives.

However, in recent years Austria, Germany, and Switzerland have also faced increasing criticism regarding the lack of permeability they provide between VET and HE. Vocational education and training at higher qualification levels - 5515_en. 324912r027a045 - es361b.pdf. Empfehlungen zur Weiterentwicklung des Hochschulsystems des Saarlandes - 3649-14.pdf.

Perspektiven des deutschen Wissenschaftssystems - 3228-13.pdf. Unis unter Spardruck: Hochschulen stellen Studiengänge ein. Wären die Fächer Jura, Maschinenbau und Zahnmedizin Patienten und das Saarland ein Krankenhaus, dann fiele dem Wissenschaftsrat die Rolle von Ärzten zu.

Unis unter Spardruck: Hochschulen stellen Studiengänge ein

College Art Association » Blog Archive » Obama and Art History. The College Art Association has great respect for President Obama’s initiative to provide all qualified students with an education that can lead to gainful employment.

College Art Association » Blog Archive » Obama and Art History

We support all measures that he, Congress, State Legislatures and colleges and universities can do to increase the opportunities for higher education. However, when these measures are made by cutting back on, denigrating or eliminating humanities disciplines such as art history, then America’s future generations will be discouraged from taking advantage of the values, critical and decisive thinking and creative problem solving offered by the humanities. It is worth remembering that many of the nation’s most important innovators, in fields including high technology, business, and even military service, have degrees in the humanities. Żal filozofii, żal uniwersytetu... Listy do redakcji. Teskt dr. hab. Łukasza Niesiołowskiego-Spano, o humanistyce. Od dłuższego czasu w mediach toczy się dyskusja o roli, a w zasadzie o kłopotach, polskiej humanistyki na uczelniach.

Teskt dr. hab. Łukasza Niesiołowskiego-Spano, o humanistyce

Opinia ON na temat współpracy nauki i biznesu oraz transferu wiedzy do gospodarki – ekspertyza. Streszczenie: Zasadniczą barierą dla transferu wiedzy do gospodarki w Polsce jest brak mechanizmów wsparcia dla przedsięwzięć wymagających badań stosowanych, będących racjonalną kontynuacją badań podstawowych wygenerowanych na polskich uczelniach i w instytutach badawczych, a realizowanych w kierunku potencjalnego wdrożenia.

Opinia ON na temat współpracy nauki i biznesu oraz transferu wiedzy do gospodarki – ekspertyza

Mierzenie umysłów. Refleksje o bibliometrii (2)

Mierzenie umysłów

HERDC Criteria - Research. Polska Akademia Umiejętności - Nauki humanistyczne w Polsce. Where Have All the Ph.D.’s Gone? - Graduate Students. By William Pannapacker It was good news to read that the Council of Graduate Schools, with the support of two major foundations, would be jumping into the fray over the issue of Ph.D. job placement.

Where Have All the Ph.D.’s Gone? - Graduate Students

The council has announced that it will conduct a feasibility study to track the careers of Ph.D. graduates among its 500 member institutions. The study will conclude next December with recommendations for a full-scale research project. Aggregate data about Ph.D. job placements has been available for a long time, but, as useful as that information is, it would be far more helpful to students, advisers, and graduate-education reformers to have specific information about individual programs. Then students looking to go to graduate school could make informed choices that support their intellectual and professional aspirations. On the heels of that essay, The Chronicle began its own Ph.D. The council’s project has been a long time in coming. The Ph.D. Placement Project - Blogs. This past year, I worked with the American Historical Association on its placement study.

The Ph.D. Placement Project - Blogs

We were thrilled at the detail and depth we achieved using publicly available data to track 2,500 history Ph.D.’s who graduated between 1998-2009. I am a great proponent of comprehensive placement studies because they can help shatter the myth that a tenure-track job is the only successful outcome of a Ph.D. Like many graduate students and Ph.D.’s, I, too, would like to see program-specific placement data….

I’ve written about the ins and outs (and quirks) of the academic workplace for The Chronicle for the last five years. So there are some things about finding employment after graduate school that I just know to be true. But while doing the reporting for an article about how… Sprawy Nauki Nauka. Pracownicy naukowi uczelni wyższych od lat prowadzą badania naukowe... za darmo. Dariusz Jemielniak o grzechach reformy nauki (teskt z „Polityki”) 236_2014.pdf.

Nie każda szkoła wyższa może i musi być uniwersytetem. Peach-CRPE-vol-3.pdf. Employers Survey.pdf. O potrzebie filozofii. Umierający gigant. The Employment Mismatch - Special Reports. Internships Make the Difference For some employers, on-the-job experience may matter more than a student's major or grade-point average. What Companies Want Employers say that recent graduates often don't know how to communicate effectively, and struggle with adapting, problem-solving, and making decisions. Wake Up or Perish: Neo-Liberalism, the Social Sciences, and Salvaging the Public University. Jemielniak and Greenwood to and unfortunately following these examples. Even though our observations are relevant for most disciplines, we par-ticularly want to address management and organizational scholars, who, at least in principle, should be competent in analyzing organizational problems and facilitating organi-zational changes in a more positive direction.

The Big Picture We show that the political economy and the cultural sys-tems of higher education must now change radically away from old-fashioned Taylorism and also away from the latest incarnation of free-market fanaticism. University faculty members must study and teach in relationship to the com- plex, dynamic, multi-dimensional problems that affect global society now (Altbach, Gumport, & Berdahl, 2011; C. O kondycji polskiej nauki mówi prezes Fundacji na rzecz Nauki Polskiej, prof. Maciej Żylicz. Juristische Didaktik: Besseres Lehren.

Wie lassen sich Studenten raus aus den Repetitorien zurück in die Hörsäle holen? Top 11 Trusted (And Free) Search Engines For Scientific and Academic Research. Researching is the most crucial step of writing a scientific paper. It is always a well-researched scientific paper that inspires the assessor. At the same time, it must have genuine and authentic information for credibility. With the development in Internet industry, i.e., web resources, researching for scientific materials has now become a matter of a few clicks. Now students can get information on any topic pertaining to science through academic search engines. They provide a centralized platform and allow the students to acquire literature on any topic within seconds. While there are many academic search engines available, there are some that have the most trusted resources.

KLASYCZNE SOSY DO RYB. Dominik Antonowicz , Jerzy Marian Brzeziński - N413-05-Antonowicz.pdf. Rruption in universities: a blueprint for reform. Corruption in the academy is being challenged by a ‘clean universities’ ranking and the power of press coverage, says Alina Mungiu-Pippidi Source: Miles Cole What is to be done when an entire education system is corrupted, when universities sell cheap diplomas and the best academics move abroad? Consider the case of Romania, where corruption has been pervasive for more than 20 years.

Government ministers are proven serial plagiarists, students acquire their dissertations for modest sums online, and a failure to investigate allows widespread cheating to take place without censure. Everyone gets a degree, nearly all MPs are also professors at a university they helped to gain accreditation through their influence, and all seem to benefit; however, no Romanian university features in the Times Higher Education World University Rankings and the country is stagnating without skilled labour. The assessment focuses on four categories. Click to rate. Off Track: Higher Education’s Shifting Baseline Syndrome. In 1980, only about 32 percent of faculty members were teaching off the tenure track. By 1993, that number had grown to 58 percent.

Just 14 years later, in 2007, approximately 70 percent of professors held contingent positions. As these numbers (all collected by the American Association of University Professors) reveal, the ratio of tenure-track professors to non-tenure-track faculty completely flipped during that 27 year period. At the same time, the percentage of contingent faculty positions more than doubled. Online Phd Programs — The Internet Guide to Online PhD Programs.

Doctoral degrees: The disposable academic. ON THE evening before All Saints' Day in 1517, Martin Luther nailed 95 theses to the door of a church in Wittenberg. In those days a thesis was simply a position one wanted to argue. Luther, an Augustinian friar, asserted that Christians could not buy their way to heaven. Today a doctoral thesis is both an idea and an account of a period of original research. Writing one is the aim of the hundreds of thousands of students who embark on a doctorate of philosophy (PhD) every year. In most countries a PhD is a basic requirement for a career in academia. One thing many PhD students have in common is dissatisfaction. Whining PhD students are nothing new, but there seem to be genuine problems with the system that produces research doctorates (the practical “professional doctorates” in fields such as law, business and medicine have a more obvious value). Szkoły bezrobotnych prawników? How Academia Resembles a Drug Gang. In 2000, economist Steven Levitt and sociologist Sudhir Venkatesh published an article in the Quarterly Journal of Economics about the internal wage structure of a Chicago drug gang.

This piece would later serve as a basis for a chapter in Levitt’s (and Dubner’s) best seller Freakonomics. [1] The title of the chapter, “Why drug dealers still live with their moms”, was based on the finding that the income distribution within gangs was extremely skewed in favor of those at the top, while the rank-and-file street sellers earned even less than employees in legitimate low-skilled activities, let’s say at McDonald’s. They calculated 3.30 dollars as the hourly rate, that is, well below a living wage (that’s why they still live with their moms). [2] With a constant supply of new low-level drug sellers entering the market and ready to be exploited, drug lords can become increasingly rich without needing to distribute their wealth towards the bottom.

Beyond-bricks-mortar-boards_Feb2012_8659.pdf. Higher education institutions and local government: collaborating for growth - get_file. Phoning It In: 5 Early Lessons From My Skype Classroom. The first weeks of my new experience teaching courses via Skype have seen a few minor glitches—and one major tantrum. Self and peer appraisal in higher education. South African Journal of Higher Education. Abstract Higher education worldwide has been undergoing transformation. Pressure is sometimes applied on universities to become more 'businesslike' in their way of doing things. Within the changing paradigm of what constitutes a university, the position and role of the academic staff have also come under pressure.

Institutional Performance in Higher Education: The Efficiency Dimension. Abstract The concept of institutional performance can be regarded as embodying components on two dimensions: effectiveness, which is concerned with the congruence between outputs and goals or other criteria; and efficiency, which links outputs with inputs. The efficiency dimension, which has been relatively neglected in attempts to assess institutional performance, is defined, and its relationship to the economic concepts of efficiency and productivity is examined. The practical difficulties in assessment relate to the conceptualization and measurement of inputs and outputs in a manner reflecting an educational institution’s purposes and processes, and in a form which can be used as management information. This paper reviews the progress toward overcoming these difficulties and examines the ways that recent research addresses the analytical problems of assessing the input-output component of institutional performance.

Article Notes. Performance Management - Performance Management. The research of the Chair for Performance Management primarily focuses on the analysis of efficiency and effectiveness of organizational units and complex systems in the profit and non-profit sector. A STUDY OF MOTIVATION TECHNIQUES USED BY HEADS OF INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION AND THEIR IMPACT ON THE PERFORMANCE OF TEACHERS. Microsoft Word - 03 - 03.pdf. Microsoft Word - MapeselaE.doc - 35327193. DECLARATION - O'Reilly.pdf. DECLARATION - O'Reilly.pdf. PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT IN HIGHER EDUCATION – THE GREAT DIVIDE - 067.pdf. Lean Six Sigma for higher education institutions (HEIs): Challenges, barriers, success factors, tools/techniques. Microsoft Word - Doc1.doc - decramer.pdf. Leadership and Management of Higher Education Institutions (LMHE) - Maastricht school of Management. How to effectively manage performance in a university faculty - how-to-effectively-manage-performance-in-a-university.pdf.

MGT089.pdf. 0108.pdf. Title - prismarticle.pdf. EDD006.pdf. New study analyzes how faculty pay compares worldwide. Academic retention in Europe – It is not all about the money. Wp308.pdf. Herding Cats Larger Format : Being Advice to Aspiring Academic and Research Leaders: Geoff Garrett, Graeme Davies. Does university management matter? Down With 'Service,' Up With Leadership - Commentary. Microsoft Word - dprof.htm - dprof.pdf. Microsoft PowerPoint - Hess - Orlando 5_2012(5).ppt [Compatibility Mode] - Hess.pdf. Microsoft PowerPoint - Hess - Orlando 5_2012(5).ppt [Compatibility Mode] - Hess.pdf. Center for Creative Leadership: leadership at, leadership Development, leadership Training, Executive Coaching, CCL. LeadershipStrategy.pdf. LeadershipStrategy.pdf. LATROBE How to write your thesis faster - Dysk Google. Challenging_strategic_environment.pdf.

5 Performance Management Tactics to Boost Employee Engagement - performance_management_tactics.pdf. Science-Driven Innovation: The Final Frontier - Commentary. Higher education: it's good for you (and society) 3: Key Measures of Academic Influence. c2005subreg_Jpn2.pdf. Microsoft Word - Coombe and Turcotte Intangible Cultural Heritage (2011_07_28) Proofs submitted with changes.doc - IndigenousCulturalHeritage.pdf. Intangible Cultural Heritage in International Law (Cultural Heritage Law And Policy) eBook: Lucas Lixinski. Intangible Cultural Heritage at the Cross -roads of Law PDF Ebook. Intangible Cultural Heritage at the Cross -roads of Law - Intangible cultural heritage. Twenty Key Biblical Principles for Management. 20-Key-Biblical-Principles-for-Management.pdf. BiblicalManagement.pdf. CHURCH MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES. Principles of Effective Christian Leadership- colossians 1:24-29.

MANAGEMENT - A CHRISTIAN PERSPECTIVE. Series_2012 - DK-Journal-Ranking.pdf. Microsoft Word - categ_00.doc - CNRS-Revues-2011-2.pdf. Adviser to adult students wrestles with vocational/liberal ed divide (essay) Bridge That Gap-v8(1).pdf. Researchers on the Move: The Impact of Brain Circulation. NIT_dzialalnosc_badawcza_rozwoj_2012.pdf. Why I Jumped Off The Ivory Tower. The closing of American academia - Opinion. Why I Jumped Off The Ivory Tower.