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iPads in Schools, Student Engagement, and Intervention. When students at ACS Cobham International School (UK) got iPads, Richard Harrold saw an opportunity.

iPads in Schools, Student Engagement, and Intervention

As an assistant principal at the lower (elementary) school, he had been hearing glowing reports from other educators about students seeing remarkable gains when using iPads. Were the gains real? And was the effect due to something special about the iPad, or were students just responding to the newness of the technology? Harrold decided to find out. With the help of his school’s “Project i” team, he launched a formal study with 1 stand 2 ndgraders to see if they would experience the same increases in engagement and understanding that he had been hearing about from other educators. Harrold's study confirmed the benefits of iPads in schools: iPads benefit learners of different ages, sometimes in different waysiPads have special benefits for learners in the very early gradesThe iPad makes typing easier for 1 stand 2 ndgraders.

For Public Schools, the Long and Bumpy Road to Going Digital. Getty By Kathy Baron Ryan Imbriale had a quick and concise answer when asked whether his school district, Baltimore County Public Schools, received enough state funding to pay for its transition from textbooks to software: “No.”

For Public Schools, the Long and Bumpy Road to Going Digital

As executive director of the district’s innovative learning department, Imbriale is overseeing a five-year project, called BCPS One, to move its entire curriculum online and make it available to teachers and students. He estimates that the district will spend more than $1 million a year on digital resources for its 108,376 students. The district was “lucky enough,” he said, to get one of the governor’s innovation grants. On the other side of the country, the San Francisco Unified School District pays about $800,000 a year for software licenses and maintenance. But depending on these occasional infusions of money and continuing to look for outside resources isn’t practical. Despite every best intention, the transition to digital isn’t quite here yet. Early Adopters Working Group.

Introduction to the Project NML has recently partnered with New Hampshire’s Department of Education to facilitate a year-long professional development initiative using the new media literacies as a springboard for developing innovative curriculum.

Early Adopters Working Group

Educators are exploring the urgent challenges that 21st Century learners face by expanding their own learning experiences using a participatory, digital model of professional develmopment. In this context, educators are able to practice their own skills as teachers by creating, collaborating, connecting, and circulating with one another in an interactive, multi-media environment. Not only are they developing new materials for their own schools and districts, but also an 9-part webinar series focused on a comprehensive, practical understanding of the NML skills for the larger educational community. The last webinar will synthesize the group’s collective understanding of the NML concepts through reflection in their own educational practices.

Top 10 Things NOT to do in a 1:1 iPad Initiative. 11 Reasons Teachers Aren't Using Technology #edchat #edtech. iPad open house – lessons learned. A Parent's Guide to 21st-Century Learning. You’ll find a selection of outstanding online resources and projects, sorted by grade levels, to provide a glimpse of successful school programs.

A Parent's Guide to 21st-Century Learning

Elementary School: The World Peace Game Skype in the Classroom Peace Helpers Become Classroom Problem Solvers. Quiet Transformation at an Embattled School. Engaging Students with Engaging Tools (EDUCAUSE Quarterly. Key Takeaways A new course teaching media, mass communication, and political identities in the Middle East and North Africa explored the use of social media in pursuit of effective learning. Using a variety of social media and other tools encouraged student engagement in and out of the classroom. Student responses varied from discomfort with the technology to enthusiastic adoption and continued use after the course ended. This article records my experiences teaching a new course in early 2009 at Dickinson College, a four-year liberal arts college in Pennsylvania serving around 2,300 undergraduates. The course emphasized newer and emerging media and technologies such as satellite television, the Internet, and mobile telephony.

"How Do [They] Even Do That?" Myths and Facts About the Impact of Technology on the Lives of American Teens. By Amanda Lenhart This talk explores nine commonly held assumptions about how teens and young adults use technology.

"How Do [They] Even Do That?" Myths and Facts About the Impact of Technology on the Lives of American Teens

1:1 Districts and schools

Mobile Learning in Higher Education. The State of Digital Education Infographic - #edtech #edutech #edu11. Why I still want MS and HS to have a Laptop. iOS 5 & iCloud Tips: Sharing an Apple ID With Your Family. With the launch of iOS 5 and iCloud on Wednesday, Apple took another huge step towards the Post-PC era.

iOS 5 & iCloud Tips: Sharing an Apple ID With Your Family

They have increasingly made the PC less important and iCloud has meant that it is no longer the ‘hub’ to which your devices sync to – iCloud is now that hub and importantly, it is all tied to an Apple ID. As many are realizing as they update to iOS 5 and begin to use iCloud, this can be somewhat problematic when iCloud is used with the Apple ID that is shared by their whole family. Prior to iOS 5, sharing an Apple ID wasn’t really a problem because its main purpose was for purchasing content on iTunes, using it for support purposes and purchasing items on the online Apple Store – all tasks that worked fine when sharing an ID. Evolving 1:1. Smart Classrooms | Feature Evolving 1:1 A private school in North Carolina has begun working iPads into its 7-year-old 1:1 computing initiative, but it's not stopping there.

Evolving 1:1

By Bridget McCrea05/11/11. Launching an iPad 1-to-1 Program: A Primer. Mobile Computing | Spotlight Launching an iPad 1-to-1 Program: A Primer By Mitchell A. Salerno, Michael Vonhof12/14/11 Technology is redefining traditional educational paradigms, and many schools are interested in integrating the latest technological advancements into the school curriculum. The iPad in Education: The Apps & Deployment. In an earlier post (The iPad in Education and the Questions – 1/10/2011) I began to look at how an iPad could be used in school in a 1:1 setting.

The iPad in Education: The Apps & Deployment

When I wrote the post, I had a lot of question. Some have been answered; many have not. I’m beginning to understand the market for the iPad and have a few observations. Schools and educator need to first realize one thing as I did… the iPad is a consumer product. Period. It also begs the question… “Who owns the iPad and are apps now consumable items?” Hayes Software Systems helps prepare Texas district to deploy 27,000 mobile learning devices in 3 weeks.

Hayes Software Systems helps prepare Texas district to deploy 27,000 mobile learning devices in 3 weeks.

Hayes Software Systems helps prepare Texas district to deploy 27,000 mobile learning devices in 3 weeks.

May 4, 2012 Austin, TX – Hayes Software Systems was selected to help McAllen ISD, a South Texas school district, implement one of the most ambitious, district-wide 1:1, mobile technology campaigns in the country.