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Permaculturists. Permaculture Principles. Rooftop Permaculture. Perma-Culture Gardening. Permaculture. Permaculture. A Journey of Transition: Becoming a Professional Permaculture Designer - Part 3. By Dan French Photo © Craig Mackintosh This time, in Part 3 of this series discussing my journey towards becoming a professional permaculture designer, I will be talking about marketing, knock-backs and my progress since the last article.

Part 2 of this series focused on two large issues facing many of us trying to build our own business, commitment and confidence. Reflecting on these points, the pressure of these emotions is ongoing. I’m glad to report however, the series of strategies I outlined in Part 2 are helping me in both of these areas. Despite this, I am still finding that my momentum seems to ebb and flow. I found that Christmas in particular, the time most people bar all thoughts of work and concentrate of having some time off, had a significant impact. Momentum is your friend in life, particularly when starting a business, as it takes constant effort, and not only in one area.

This is what I am concentrating on at the moment. One final discussion point before signing off. A Journey of Transition: Becoming a Professional Permaculture Designer - Part 2 Permaculture Forums. OK, here we go, the second installment of this series regarding my journey to become a professional permaculture designer. In my last article I touched on who I am, what I am doing and why, and discussed some general topics which included defining my services, networking and, on a very general level, the importance of examining price structures for services.

As a result, I was contacted by a nice guy by the name of Scott Mann who runs a great podcast series called The Permaculture Podcast. It turned out we had a lot in common. He had also travelled the road of becoming a professional designer, and although he ended in a different stream of permaculture, the process he undertook led him to the path he is now on, that being sharing important permaculture information from various experts to a global audience. A job, I might add, that he’s doing very well! Commitment. Commitment is a course of action. When starting anything afresh, building confidence plays an important part. A Journey of Transition: Becoming a Professional Permaculture Designer Permaculture Forums. By Dan French Photo © Craig Mackintosh Like the title suggests, I’m going to write a few articles about my journey to becoming a professional permaculture designer… if you don’t mind? I’m doing this for a few reasons: to help me articulate and formalize what it is I’m doing; to tell others who might be interested in doing the same about my ups and downs; to gain exposure and fast track my development as a designer; and perhaps, on some sadistic level, to just put a bit more pressure on myself.

Let me explain to you why. I grew up in the Adelaide hills, on the top of the ridge where the elements are in full swing, alongside a national park. This ensured there was plenty of animal and wildlife interaction during my upbringing and lots of time spent outdoors. During my previous professional lives, I spent many moments wondering what it would be like to break the shackles of endless corporate procedures, boring reporting and restriction of action by various legislative approaches.

Permaculture 40 Hour Course. Permaculture (How to Design Systems for Sustainable, Community Living) – Bill Mollison « Only Ed. Posted16 September 2011, by Staff, Sterling Insights, Permaculture (permanent agriculture/culture) is the use of Ecology as the basis for designing integrated systems of food production, housing, technology, & community development. The objective is to produce an efficient, low-maintenance, productive integration of plants, structures & people, to obtain on-site stability & food self-sufficiency in the smallest practical area.

See also: Bruce Charles ‘Bill’ Mollison (born 1928 in Tasmania, Australia) is a researcher, author, scientist, teacher and naturalist. He is considered to be the ‘father of permaculture‘, an integrated system of design, co-developed with David Holmgren, that encompasses not only agriculture, horticulture, architecture and ecology, but also economic systems, land access strategies and legal systems for businesses and communities. THE PERMACULTURE CONCEPT – Part 1. The Lowdown and Dirty on Permablitzing. The Lowdown and Dirty on Permablitzing Details Last Updated on Thursday, 30 January 2014 09:10 Published on Monday, 10 July 2006 00:00 On this page: Permablitz Defined Permablitz (noun): An informal gathering involving a day on which a group of at least two people come together to achieve the following: create or add to edible gardens share skills related to permaculture and sustainable livingbuild community have fun Permablitzes are free events, open to the public, with free workshops, shared food, where you get some exercise and have a wonderful time.

The permablitz story Permablitzes began in 2006 in Melbourne's outer eastern suburbs as a collaboration between Permaculture designer Dan Palmer and friends and a South American community group. Who comes to permablitzes? Anyone and everyone can come to a permablitz. What happens on the day of a permablitz? Every blitz is different. The host will provide a shared lunch -- bring something if you would like to share, but you don't have to. Open Source Permaculture – help to build the most comprehensive free resource for Permaculture education. Talk, Uncategorized — By Irena Efremovska on 04/09/2012 17:37 Sophia Novack, the force behind Permaculture Media Blog and Permaculture Directory ‘What does your backyard look like right now?’

– asks Sophia Novack, a documentary film student passionate about creating a more sustainable world. It has the potential to become a thriving edible garden, but only if you’ve got the right resources. If you had expert support at your fingertips, and free resources to teach you how to grow a sustainable backyard garden, why wouldn’t you? That’s what the Open Source Permaculture Project is all about.

With Open Source Permaculture, you could have just the support you need to make that garden a reality. Permaculture is a school of design rooted in ecological ethics and principles. Photo by Southernpixel AlbyOpen Source Permaculture intends to become the most comprehensive multimedia resource of free, quality materials for Permaculture education. Why the Open Source Permaculture Project? PS. Permaculture Education. Our Permaculture Design Courses are accredited internationally by the Permaculture Research Institute in Australia.

The courses are delivered via downloads in pdf format. Students will receive emailed download instructions after payment is made (normally within 24-48 hrs). There are no homework assignments for the Introduction to Permaculture course. Students taking the Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC) course will submit homework assignments and work with instructors via email. Introduction to Permaculture Course This course covers the first section of the full Permaculture Design Certificate Course. The Introduction to Permaculture Course includes the first section (about 1/4 of the full 72-hour Permaculture Design Certificate Course, or 18 credit hours). Students who take the Introduction Course and later decide to take the full PDC will receive a discount. The Permaculture Design Certificate Course: This PDC course should supply you with enough information and feedback to:

Verge Permaculture. Waking Up! an irrestible force for change globally. Big Sky Permaculture. Living Mandala: Permaculture News. Valley Permaculture Alliance - Join us in creating a more sustainable Phoenix! Permaculture forums: gardening, homesteading and permaculture. Austin Permaculture Guild. Permaculture Forums at Permies. Indigenous Permaculture. Bats: Useful Permaculture Animals. Bats: Useful Permaculture Animals In North American culture, bats are portrayed as scary creatures. Fortunately for me, I learned at a very young age that bats eat mosquitoes; and since learning this, I have always viewed bats as friends. Most of my permaculture designs call for bat houses, but this element of the design is usually ignored by those implementing the design or is met with strange looks when I suggest the idea.

I hope this piece will explain my desire to incorporate bats into designs. Insect Control About 70% of the more than 1,000 species of bats in the world are insectivorous.1 They assist us in controlling biting insects, but their use in insect control is much broader than this. Recent research from the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama shows that bats are vital in controlling plant-eating insects. Forest Expansion and Maintenance In the tropics of the Americas, bats can assist in reafforestation. The fruit bats of India tend to maintain forests. Footnotes. Worldwide Permaculture Network. Permaculture in a Global Context. Permaculture Association. Permaculture Forums at Permies. Permaculture University Costa Rica. Permaculture Magazine. Larry Korn - Permaculture and Natural Farming Educator, Consultant, Editor and Author.

Organic Gardening Supplies and Biological Pest Control Products from ARBICO. Permaculture Institute. Permaculture Emerges From the Underground. And the trenchers, far from being , had paid $1,300 to $1,500 for the privilege of working their spades on a cement-skied Tuesday morning in late June. Fourteen of us had assembled to learn permaculture, a simple system for designing sustainable human settlements, restoring soil, planting year-round food landscapes, conserving water, redirecting the waste stream, forming more companionable communities and, if everything went according to plan, turning the earth’s looming resource crisis into a new age of happiness.

It was going to have to be a pretty awesome ditch. That was the sense I took away from auditing four days of a weeklong Permaculture Design Certificate course led by Wayne Weiseman, 58, the director of the Permaculture Project, in Carbondale, Ill. The movement’s founders, Bill Mollison and David Holmgren, coined the term permaculture in the mid-1970s, as a portmanteau of permanent agriculture and permanent culture. “It’s an ecological theory of everything,” Mr. Cody said. MR. Permies: goofballs that are nuts about permaculture. Revolutionisnow1's channel. Deep Green Permaculture. Deep Green Permaculture. This is guide to everyone out there who want to learn about creating their own sustainable, organic gardens, no matter where they live!

The focus is on practical skills and DIY (do-it-yourself) instructions that anyone can follow, articles will be added on a regular basis on a range of gardening topics and projects… so, give it a go, and hope you enjoy this site. I’ve also included a section on the design, construction and progress of my own garden, hopefully to provide ideas and inspiration to people out there of what is actually possible. Contact Details: If you have any comments, queries, feedback or requests for articles, please feel free to contact me at About Me: (Image credit: Cullen Pope) Angelo is presenter, trainer and writer in the areas of sustainable gardening and Permaculture.

Special Thanks: This site was inspired by my Permaculture teachers, Bill Mollison, Geoff Lawton and Greg Knibbs. Advertising? Why is there advertising on this site? Like this: PermaculturePros's YouTube. "Permaculture Magazine" Permaculture Reflections. Milkwood: permaculture farming and living. Green Globes: The Green Building Initiative. Green Globes is a web-based program for green building guidance and certification that includes an onsite assessment by a third party.

Backed by excellent customer support, Green Globes offers a streamlined and affordable alternative to LEED as a way to advance the overall environmental performance and sustainability of commercial buildings. The program has modules supporting new construction - Green Globes for New Construction (NC), existing buildings – Green Globes for Continual Improvement of Existing Buildings (CIEB), and Healthcare buildings – Green Globes CIEB for Healthcare. It is suitable for a wide range of buildings from large and small offices, multi-family structures, hospitals, and institutional buildings such as courthouses, schools, and universities. The program includes: Environmental Assessment Areas Green Globes Rating System To achieve Green Globes certification, buildings must: Building Certification. More Parklets Popping Up Around San Francisco. Payton Chung's flickr page/viaDeepistan National Parklet When I last wrote about parklets in July of 2011, there were fourteen parklets in San Francisco.

The city now claims 31 parklets and counting, with 39 in various stages of review. There has been a large demand for parklets in San Francisco, as evident by the amount of applications that the City Planning Department’s Pavement to Parks program has received during its three issuances for request for proposals. Parklets, small urban pocket parks, have transformed parking spaces into public places throughout San Francisco. How it Began The idea for parklets sprouted in 2005 out of PARKing Day, the annual fall day when residents reclaim a parking space for the day, by rolling out Astroturf, chairs, tables and plants to create a temporary park. The Pluses of Parklets A parklet’s diminutive size allows it to be built much more quickly, cheaply and with less red tape than a traditional park while still providing some public outdoor space. PermaCulture Design Course. Midwest Permaculture. Permaculture Baby by Niva Kay on Prezi. Sustainable Living through Permaculture Systems. The New Mind of Sustainability | Permaculture Pros.

Permaculture Videos by Paul Wheaton. Essence of Permaculture. A 16 page summary of permaculture concept and principles taken from Permaculture Principles and Pathways Beyond Sustainability by David Holmgren. It contains an introduction to permaculture, thoughts about the future of the movement and the values and use of the permaculture principles . A great way to expand your knowledge in preparation for the full length book. This pdf eBook contains interactivity that is best viewed using Adobe Reader, available from English eBook download (468k pdf) Spanish eBook download (612k pdf) Portuguese eBook download (620k pdf) Hebrew eBook download (2.2MB pdf) French eBook download (1.9MB pdf) (Visited 80 times, 2 visits today) Tags: opseedbomb , permaculture.

Permaculture shows us the path to a backyard revolution. (NaturalNews) People nowadays are feeling like their lives are spinning out of control. They worry about being able to provide the necessities for their families as food and fuel prices soar and out of control inflation looms on the horizon. Many are almost totally disconnected from nature and that which sustains them. There is a rapidly growing and revolutionary worldwide movement of citizens taking steps that lead them out of dependence on the system and to a life of healthy re-connection and nourishment.

This is the permaculture movement. There are many definitions for the holistic design system known as permaculture and the word itself derives from the combinations of permanent culture and permanent agriculture. The provision of food, shelter, water, energy and waste management are contained within permaculture design. Permaculture is the first design system in history to be based upon ethics.

Twitter Permaculturepros. Alberta Permaculture. Deep Green Permaculture. Permaculture. Bill Mollison - Permaculture Design. Permaculture. With its system of applied education, research and citizen- led design permaculture has grown a popular web of global networks and developed into a global social movement[citation needed]. The term permaculture was developed and coined by David Holmgren, then a graduate student at the Tasmanian College of Advanced Education's Department of Environmental Design, and Bill Mollison, senior lecturer in Environmental Psychology at University of Tasmania, in 1978. [1] The word permaculture originally referred to "permanent agriculture",[3] but was expanded to stand also for "permanent culture", as it was understood that social aspects were integral to a truly sustainable system as inspired by Masanobu Fukuoka’s natural farming philosophy.

It has many branches that include, but are not limited to, ecological design, ecological engineering, regenerative design, environmental design, and construction. History[edit] Several individuals revolutionized the branch of permaculture. In Australian P.A. Permaculture. Agros Cultura. Permaculture and Garden.