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Pourquoi la BAC a des manières « rudes et humiliantes » Effective Communication. Everyone always goes on about how important communication is in relationships of all kinds.

Effective Communication

There is a whole industry of books and seminars and special classes all based on how to communicate properly and effectively in a wide variety of situations. Communication in BDSM and alternative style relationships is not just important; it can mean the difference between a rewarding relationship and abuse. Given the type of power play that can occur and the level of trust required, without strong communication, play could edge or cross into non-consenting area and break ethical boundaries.

Being able to communicate effectively, openly, and honestly with your partner about your boundaries, concerns, emotions, and state of being is a requirement for a successful alternative lifestyle relationship. This communication is equally, if not more important, from the submissive as from the dominant. The Dating App Linked To Low Self-Esteem. The very nature of the app could be depersonalising and make people feel disposable.

The Dating App Linked To Low Self-Esteem

People using Tinder have more negative body perceptions, new research finds. On top of worse perceptions of their body, men using Tinder also have lower self-esteem. Tinder is a dating app with 50 million users where you swipe left or right to like or reject matches. The very nature of Tinder — which focuses on looks and quantity of people — could be depersonalising and make people feel disposable.

Dr Jessica Strübel, one of the study’s author, said: “Tinder users reported having lower levels of satisfaction with their faces and bodies and having lower levels of self-worth than the men and women who did not use Tinder.” Single Or Married: Which Is The Most Fulfilling Life? Happy Couples Automatically Use Mental Trick To Stay Faithful. Plaisir & langage. This Is Why Some Couples Differ So Much In Their Physical Attractiveness.

Are couples who are mismatched in physical attractiveness just as happy?

This Is Why Some Couples Differ So Much In Their Physical Attractiveness

Partners who get to know each other over time tend to differ more in physical attractiveness, a recent study finds. In contrast, couples who get involved with each other soon after meeting are often much close in physical attractiveness. Professor Eli Finkel, who co-authored the study, explained: “This study shows that we make different sorts of decisions about whom to marry depending upon whether we knew the person before we started dating.If we start dating soon after we meet, physical attractiveness appears to be a major factor in determining such decisions, and we end up with somebody who’s about as attractive as we are.If, in contrast, we know the person for a while before we start dating — or if we’re friends first — physical attractiveness appears to be much less important, and we are less likely to be similar to our spouse on the dimension of looks.”

Ms Lucy Hunt, the study’s lead author, said: The Stanford Prison Experiment - Official Trailer I HD I IFC Films. Couple : dialoguer c’est bien… écouter c’est mieux. Nous sommes nombreux à nous vanter d’une ultra communication entre amoureux.

Couple : dialoguer c’est bien… écouter c’est mieux

Mais une fois que notre autre à le dos tourner, on hurle au scandale « il ne m’écoute pas vraiment…il ne m’entend pas… ». Le sexisme anti-hommes... et pourquoi il n'existe pas. Paroles de Clients. How Loneliness Affects Your Brain. Lonely people quickly move to the edges of social networks — here’s why.

How Loneliness Affects Your Brain

Loneliness makes the areas of the brain that are vigilant for threat more active, a new study finds. This can make people who are socially isolated more abrasive and defensive — it’s a form of self-preservation. This may be why lonely people can get marginalised. Professor John Cacioppo, an expert on loneliness, speaking about an earlier study on the marginalisation of the lonely, said: “We detected an extraordinary pattern of contagion that leads people to be moved to the edge of the social network when they become lonely.On the periphery people have fewer friends, yet their loneliness leads them to losing the few ties they have left.These reinforcing effects mean that our social fabric can fray at the edges, like a yarn that comes loose at the end of a crocheted sweater.” The new research, conducted by Professor Cacioppo and colleagues, compared the brains of lonely and non-lonely people.

Etats d'Esprit. Psychology of Love: 10 Studies Every Lover Should Know. Psychology of love: Brain map of love, the role of kissing, how couples come to look similar, what kills a relationship and more… “Love does not consist in gazing at each other, but in looking outward together in the same direction.” ~ Antoine de Saint-Exupéry From the initial moment of attraction to growing old together, here are 10 psychology studies that all lovers should know. 1. The attention schema theory: a mechanistic account of subjective awareness. Couple libre : peur que tu rencontres quelqu’un de mieux. On ne va pas se mettre des oeillères : l’humain est accro à la nouveauté, et le risque est grand de confondre « nouveau » et « mieux ».

Couple libre : peur que tu rencontres quelqu’un de mieux

Une des craintes qui revient régulièrement à propos du couple libre, c’est que l’autre nous quitte parce qu’il a trouvé « mieux » ailleurs. Quatre formes d’infidélité (dont trois qui n’en sont pas) New Research Shows Why Certain Behaviors Are Deemed 'Stupid' (Newser) – How’s this for a stupid study: Researchers at Eotvos Lorand University in Budapest, Hungary, set out to discover the criteria people use when determining that a particular behavior is, well, stupid, Live Science reports.

New Research Shows Why Certain Behaviors Are Deemed 'Stupid'

It turns out it doesn't exactly take a rocket scientist: Judging whether something is stupid "comes instantaneously," researcher Aczél Balázs says. "If one person calls something stupid, there's a high likelihood others will do the same thing. " In fact, the rate of agreement was 90%, the Huffington Post notes. Researchers found that behaviors deemed stupid stem from three primary conditions: Overconfidence: You thought you could, but you couldn’t. In the study, researchers gathered online anecdotes describing behaviors that had been called stupid. The Simple Questions That Really Help Depressed People. This therapeutic technique can really help depressed people, research finds.

The Simple Questions That Really Help Depressed People

A technique called ‘Socratic questioning’ can help depressed people recover, a new study finds. Socratic questioning is used by many therapists to help patients explore new perspectives on themselves and the world. Mr Justin Braun, one of the study’s authors, said: 6 Habits That Can Fight Depressive Symptoms. Psychological studies support these six fascinating ways of fighting depressive symptoms. 1.

6 Habits That Can Fight Depressive Symptoms

Change how you see the future It’s often assumed that it’s depression that causes a pessimistic view of the future. But it could be the other way around, a new study finds. Being pessimistic about the future may actually cause depression. 8 Psych Tips For Changing Yourself And Other People. Part 1: Psych tips for how to promote change in yourself.

8 Psych Tips For Changing Yourself And Other People

Interested in a psychological tune-up — either for yourself or someone else? Here are 8 tips from recent psych studies covered here on PsyBlog. The first four tips below are about how to promote change in yourself. Click through to page 2 to find out how to change other people (link at the bottom). 1. When given advice about how to change, people are often automatically defensive, trying to justify their current behaviour.

Gender Styles in Computer Meditated Communication. Deborah Tannen:Men and Women in Conversation is Cross-Cultural Communication An excerpt from "Men and Women in Conversation: An Analysis of Gender Styles in Language" by SUSAN GITHENS Lafayette College May 1991 In You Just Don't Understand: Men and Women in Conversation, Deborah Tannen -- a professor of linguistics at Georgetown University -- addresses linguistic differences as they relate to intimate male/female relations. As a student of Robin Lakoff she had been introduced to Lakoff's research on gender and language. Tannen had already written a book on conversational styles, in which she devoted only one chapter to gender differences.

Tannen claims that there are gender differences in ways of speaking, and we need to identify and understand them in order to avoid needlessly blaming "others or ourselves -- or the relationship -- for the otherwise mystifying and damaging effects of our contrasting conversational styles" (Tannen, p. 17). 5 blessures émotionnelles d'enfance qui persistent à l'âge adulte - Nos Pensées. Mécanisme de défense. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. En 2005, Ionescu, Jacquet et Lhote, dans cette quatrième réédition de 2001, font le point sur l'évolution du concept de mécanisme de défense. Prendre une décision de choix. Soigner le couple grâce aux neurosciences / Ma sexualité. Un mariage sur deux se termine par un divorce, selon des statistiques récentes.

Autant dire que le nombre de consultations de couples en crise ne cesse d’augmenter en Suisse, notamment dans la consultation de sexologie des Hôpitaux universitaires de Genève. Grâce aux récentes avancées scientifiques concernant les mécanismes conscients et inconscients sous-tendant le désir d’union dans la relation, la médecine sexuelle a progressé dans la prise en charge clinique du couple. Les recherches portant sur l’étude du lien entre deux individus augmentent.

L'attachement dans la relation de couple : une continuité de l'enfance ? This Is The Root of Happiness In Your Brain. Impuissance acquise. Page fermeture des Pages perso. Transference and Psychodynamic Therapy. Broken Escalator. SERE. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. SERE est un acronyme pour l'anglais : Survival, Evasion, Resistance and Escape, un programme des forces armées des États-Unis qui fournit au personnel militaire, aux civils et à certaines compagnies privées un entraînement pour l’évasion, les techniques de survie et le code de conduite militaire américain.

Impuissance apprise. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Les neurones miroirs vus par VS Ramachandran. Sarcasm Can Stimulate This Highly Desirable Mental Skill.