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Groupe Chronos. Open Source Ecology. DeltaSync: Home. Floating-City-Project-Report-4_25_2014.pdf. Fairphone | A seriously cool smartphone… Lumières de la Ville | Penser l'humain et l'urbain. Aquaponics How To | The Urban Farming Guys. Transcription Video.. Welcome to our phase one greenhouse aquaponics system, set up to grow 1,000 fish. We’ve got six of these tanks plumbed together, each holding various rates of growth of fish for continuous harvest. In the back, we got our vortex filters I’ll tell you about later. But, first, let’s get some basics. Aquaponics is the merging of two farming technologies–you’ve got hydroponics & aquaculture. So, the best way to learn aquaponics is to learn the principles. So, principle #1: get connected. Okay, that wasn’t a principle.

So, that poses two questions: how do you build your system to host the most bacteria? So, where do you get the bacteria in the first place? These guys right here are our vortex filters. Stage One, you wanna settle out as much of the solids as you can before you send it to your mechanical filter so you don’t have to change your filter pads all the time. Stage Three, is the biological filter. Rainforest Connection - Phones Turned to Forest Guardians by Rainforest Connection. Rainforest Connection (RFCx) transforms recycled smartphones into autonomous, solar-powered listening devices that can detect and pinpoint signs of environmental destruction activity—such as chainsaws, gunshots and animal distress calls—at great distance.

Current detection systems rely on satellites which show rainforest destruction days or weeks too late. Our system provides the world's first real-time logging/poaching detection system. We can pinpoint deforestation activity the moment it begins, while simultaneously streaming the data openly and immediately to anyone around the world. With the Rainforest Connection mobile app, any interested person from around the world can listen-in on the rainforest anytime, from anywhere. In late 2014, we will release web & mobile apps to let our backers stream the LIVE sounds of the rainforest in Africa and the Amazon. Just click Play above to hear the sounds of the rainforest as captured by the RFCx system in Sumatra. Play That's good news. Home. Site de Pétitions citoyennes d'Avaaz. Startup Assembly. Connecting the Collaborative Economy.

Zero Waste France | Accueil. Ars Industrialis | association internationale pour une politique industrielle des technologies de l'esprit. Villes en biens communs. MakeSense.

10, 100, 1000 villages des alternatives Alternatiba - Alternatiba. Accueil - COLLECTIF POUR UNE TRANSITION CITOYENNE. Mouvement Colibris.