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Open Font Library. Neen - design research project by Geoffrey Dorne - Recyclart. DesignSpotter. Non-verbal emotional experience of notification. Lost At E Minor. The Fox Is Black. Mobile Design and User Experience Resources « Enavigo. Mobile Design and User Experience Resources Templates and Design Tools inspiration and Design Patterns Pttrns – Mostly iPhoneLanding Pad – iPadMobile Patterns – Mostly iPhoneLovely UI – Mostly iPhoneMobile AwesomenessMoobile Frames – reusable wireframesiOS inspires me – icons and iPhone/iPad designsMake Better Apps – in GermanRefined Mobile – more mobile web-orientediOSpirationTapfancy – iPhoneiOS Inspires Me – iPhone mostly, iconsApp Sites – websites promoting apps and RawApp – a WordPress theme for app promotionBuilding iPhone AppsWell Placed PixelsBeautiful Pixels – app reviews with a design bentMobile Button design collectioniOS icon template for app iconsMobile Design Patterns on FlickrTheresa Neil's Mobile Design Pattern Gallery and book.The off canvas layout pattern explained and demoed Android Other Collections The website supporting the book 'Designing Mobile Interfaces' has a collection of patterns and anti-patterns Terms of Use Map Satellite BESbewy.

WDCHelsinki2012 Kauko Case video. Webbydzine | Vectors, PSD, Web Icons Free download. Ugly's Street Art. Vintage Ads Representing Modern Technologies. When you think of vintage, whether it’s about clothes, advertisements, stationary and other stuff, you imagine something that was popular in the past. The funny thing is that all of that is back nowadays and it is considered to be trendy. Vintage is not cheap and hard to get, hence lots of us want to have something to remind us of how the world used to be some time ago. But what if you mix vintage with what’s new today? Think about it, in fashion they mix vintage clothes or accessories with something new, hence creating a unique outfit in the end.

But have you ever thought about advertisements for instance. In my opinion that’s a pretty original way to advertise your products and it combines two popular trends – having something new and something vintage at the same time! Hope you find them interesting and inspiring. Vintage Youtube Vintage Facebook Vintage Skype Vintage Twitter Vintage Washing Nintendo Wii Vint.Adv.PS3 New Ex-Box! Laptop iMac Ad MacBook Pro Get it NOW! Nokia Mobile 1940′s Nokia. Dribbble - Show and tell for designers. 366 cool things. - Gadgets japonais et Arts insolites. Mark Graham Dunn. Etsy. AA13.

Curioos. WALL magazine. Likeitdesign. But does it float. H O O D. M O O D. Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe. Étapes: design & culture visuelle. Mon talk à TEDxParis Université ! Hello les amis 🙂 Bon, je prends un peu de temps pour vous publier la vidéo de mon talk que j’ai eu la chance de faire pendant TEDxParis Université. Invité à parler librement autour du design et de la thématique de TEDx Paris Université (TEDxPU pour les intimes), j’en ai donc profité pour présenter ma vision personnelle de la posture du designer et ma façon de partage.

Alors évidemment, le format de TED est particulier. En effet, c’est un exercice de style dans lequel on vient raconter un parcours, une histoire, une expérience e vie, etc. J’ai donc essayé de faire ça à ma mesure, c’était tout de même très impressionnant 🙂 Une expérience très riche pour moi, et c’est avec beaucoup de plaisir que j’ai eu à la préparer, je remercie donc toute l’équipe et notamment Halim et Gayané qui ont su m’encadrer, me faire confiance et créer un moment que je n’oublierai pas. Pour toutes les autres conférences de TEDx, je vous invite à vous rendre ici 🙂 FUTURA LE SPECIMEN ANIMÉ. IKEA Hackers. A little Market.