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Elora Hardy: Magical houses, made of bamboo. Gallery: 10 buildings showing the future of architecture. We’re entering a new age in architecture — one where we expect our buildings to deliver far more than just shelter.

Gallery: 10 buildings showing the future of architecture

Dezeen - architecture and design magazine. En images : les impressionnantes sculptures de sable d'un artiste new-yorkais. Ces cabanes spectaculaires perchées dans les arbres à travers le monde. L'Homme descend du singe, le singe descend de l'arbre ; et maintenant les Hommes décident d'y remonter !

Ces cabanes spectaculaires perchées dans les arbres à travers le monde

Façon beaucoup plus écologique et proche de Dame Nature que les bâtiments en béton, les hôtels et chambres d'hôtes dans les arbres se multiplient aux quatre coins du monde. La Sagrada Familia achevée grâce aux imprimantes 3D ? Le | • Mis à jour le | Par Emmanuelle Jardonnet Principale attraction touristique de Barcelone, la Sagrada Família est paradoxalement une basilique largement inachevée.

La Sagrada Familia achevée grâce aux imprimantes 3D ?

Friches urbaines : 6 exemples de reconversions réussies - Sortir. Gallery: 10 buildings showing the future of architecture. Vertical Forest: An Urban Treehouse That Protect Residents from Air and Noise Pollution. © Beppe Giardino A potted forest of trees and branching steel beams disguise this 5-story apartment building in Turin, Italy.

Vertical Forest: An Urban Treehouse That Protect Residents from Air and Noise Pollution

Designed by Luciano Pia, 25 Verde brings plants up off the ground in an attempt to evade Turin’s homogeneous urban scene and integrate life into the facade of the residential building. The undulating structure creates a transition from outdoors to in, holding 150 trees that absorb close to 200,000 liters of carbon dioxide an hour. This natural absorption brings pollution protection to its residents, helping to eliminate harmful gasses caused by cars and harsh sounds from the bustling streets outside.

The trees’ seasonal progression also creates the ideal microclimate inside the building, steadying temperature extremes during the cold and warmer months. PS I Love You: Celebrate Photoshop's 25th Anniversary with 10 Examples of Augmented Architecture. As most of us know, time flies when you’re having fun with Photoshop... but you may not have realized that today marks the 25th birthday of Adobe’s flagship program!

PS I Love You: Celebrate Photoshop's 25th Anniversary with 10 Examples of Augmented Architecture

This extraordinarily multifunctional piece of software is a staple for every creative professional, including artists, graphic designers, animators, photographers, web designers, publishers… and, of course architects. To commemorate the application’s prestigious Silver Jubilee, here are ten of the most outrageous examples of Photoshopped architecture on the net — take a break from reality, starting now… A Man Renovating His Home Discovered A Tunnel... To A Massive Underground City. August 24, 2014.

A Man Renovating His Home Discovered A Tunnel... To A Massive Underground City

Haas&Hahn: How painting can transform communities. Stunning photos from an art funhouse the size of three islands. A rainy day at the Lee Ufan Museum, a building that’s almost completely underground.

Stunning photos from an art funhouse the size of three islands

The museum is an ode to Lee Ufan, a Japanese-Korean minimalist painter and sculptor. Pictured is his “relatum—a signal” (2005). At the Benesse House Museum, Kan Yasuda’s “The Secret of the Sky” (1996) is a smooth marble outdoor installation welcoming you to lie down and stare at the timeless sky above. A gallery in the Chichu Art Museum. Filled with natural light, the space contains five of Monet’s “Water Lily” paintings and thousands of little marble pieces that shift slightly beneath your slippered feet. A corridor at the Chichu museum plays with light and concrete. A creaky funicular takes you to the Oval Building, at the top of the island. Disaster Resistance and Surrealism Make Strange Bedfellows - Architectural Craziness Insanity. Thursday, March 13, 2014, by Spencer Peterson Photo via Design Boom.

Disaster Resistance and Surrealism Make Strange Bedfellows - Architectural Craziness Insanity

SketchUp 8. Créez des maisons. D3 architectes. Visites virtuelles 360 de la France. Bienvenue à Montargis, dans le Loiret, pour cette visite virtuelle 360° du jour.

Visites virtuelles 360 de la France

Nous apercevons ici le quartier de la Pêcherie, qui doit son nom aux bateaux viviers qui s'y trouvaient il y a de cela quelques siècles, et qui acheminaient le poisson vers Paris.L'un des nombreux canaux, qui valent à Montargis l'appellation de "Venise du Gâtinais", longe le mur du Moulin de la Pêcherie qui fonctionna jusqu'au milieu du XXe siècle, pour passer sous un charmant pont de pierre (il y a plus d'une centaine de ponts et passerelles à Montargis). Evidemment, si vous souhaitez satisfaire vos papilles avec les délicieuses praslines Mazet, il faudra vous rendre sur place...

Tutoriel SketchUp Gratuit. Paris : deux ponts habités sur la Seine. Le projet peut sembler abracadabrantesque, il est pourtant très sérieux.

Paris : deux ponts habités sur la Seine

Dossier: Architecture. Design in a Nutshell. AA13 / Blog Design & Architecture / Inspiration / Tendance. Dezeen. Profiles of Selected Architects. ARCHIST CITY – Des maisons inspirés par les grands artistes de l’art contemporain. ARCHIST CITY – Des maisons inspirés par les grands artistes de l’art contemporain. A Wall That Plays Music When It Rains. Architecture for Humanity. The 10 Best architecture blogs - House & Garden - IndyBest. Accueil L'Art au coin de la rue. Google vous embarque à la découverte des gigantesques temples du Cambodge comme si vous y étiez. Si vous avez toujours rêvé de découvrir d’anciens temples enfouis dans la forêt vierge, Google vous offre cette possibilité depuis chez vous !

Street View propose aujourd’hui de visiter les recoins des temples cambodgiens, notamment le célèbre Angkor Vat. Street View Treks: Angkor Wat – About – Google Maps. Par MinuteBuzz. Une vidéo hypnotisante en "flow-motion" de Barcelone. The Minister’s Treehouse: The World’s Largest Built. Without Blueprints. The Minister’s Treehouse in Crossville, Tennessee was built by landscape architect Horace Burgess from the early 1990s through 2004. Soaring 100 feet high, the entire building wraps around seven giant white oak trees and covers nearly 10,000 square.

All of this was with reclaimed wood and without blueprints. Horace still has a growing vision for the treehouse and plans in Phase 2 to include an elevator, power, plumbing, heating, and a “Stairway to Heaven” that will twist up the span of the belfry. Rooted Tree House « World with Love. The project emerged as a place of adventure for children and a hideaway, a placeof relaxation for adults.

The organization structure of the house becomes part of the tree and building materials integrated with the oak, these were the main objectives of the project. The Rooted Treehouse, designed and built by Alicante-based Urbanarbolismo, is hidden amongst the branches and leaves of the tree as a secret escape. To minimize impact on the tree, the deck and enclosed space are held up by extra stabilizers and supports that extend down to the ground like roots.

30 escaliers en spirale absolument incroyables dont la beauté vous donnera le vertige. 50 Strange Buildings of the World. This is the original list of 50 strange buildings which has been and is being copied (stolen) by many bloggers. If you wish to post it on your blog or website, feel free to use up to 20 buildings from this list and give a proper link to our website ( as the source article. Ok, now enjoy this weird, odd, bizarre and incredible looking arcitechture! After reading it, don’t forget to check Part II and Part III. 1. Fascinating Underground Homes. 50 Most Strange and Unusual Buildings arround the World. The world is full of beautiful strange and fantastic buildings that are the examples of amazing architecture.

6 Fascinating Underground Homes That Go Above and Beyond. When it comes to cool eco architecture, some people feel like the higher up you build, the better. But don't forget to look down once in a while! There are some astonishing examples of naturally sustainable construction right under your nose - hidden underneath the ground. Come with us as we explore six fascinating examples of buried homes that you may have overlooked the first time around. Les 30 bâtiments les plus étranges du monde : L'hôtel Sheraton Huzhou en Chine.