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Html. Ajax 2. Chris Casciano's Place Name Here: What Does X-UA-Compatible. So here I am a couple weeks after the IE team announced through a variety of different channels their proposal to help cushion the blow of their next browser release through the use of a META declaration and HTTP header, “X-UA-Compatible” describing what browser(s) the page and its associated styles and javascript files target.

Chris Casciano's Place Name Here: What Does X-UA-Compatible

I’ve got plenty of thoughts on why vendor extensions and related adjustments to behavior are bad. I also have some concerns over this one in particular. Extensions, and more general workarounds and hacks of all kinds [vendor driven or not] get buried into code, reused, copy and pasted, dropped in application templates, removed by accident, and generally used by people who don’t know why they’re doing it, but instead just because it works. For the moment I want to focus on the practical — what does the additional rendering mode and the ability to switch to it via META declaration mean to me as a working web developer?

300+Jquery, CSS, MooTools 和 JS的导航菜单. Js兼容来自蓝色理想 - Sam Lin. 在线编辑器 兼容Firefox,IE Demo - 梦幻之旅. 完美实现HTML在线编辑器回车单换行_绿豆牙的黑豆牙. Iframe编辑器问题..._luck star. JSINQ playground. Painfully Obvious → JavaScript. Javascript Array Fun - Rick Strahl's Web Log. A commenter – Josh - pointed out a small error in some code I posted a while back regarding a CSS property watcher component that can monitor changes in any CSS property and notify you by firing a function.

Javascript Array Fun - Rick Strahl's Web Log

The jQuery plug-in code keeps track of CSS properties and values in an array and whenever the properties monitored change an event is fired to let the event consumer know of the change and take appropriate action based on the change. My error in the code relates to how the array was declared which was: The intent was to create an empty array of the specified length, but that’s of course not what happens. JavaScript多线程编程简介. 虽然有越来越多的网站在应用AJAX技术进行开发,但是构建一个复杂的AJAX应用仍然是一个难题。


造成这些困难的主要原因是什么呢? 是与服务器的异步通信问题? 还是GUI程序设计问题呢? 通常这两项工作都是由桌面程序来完成的,那究竟为何开发一个可以实现同样功能的AJAX应用就这么困难呢? 08年 ,JavaScript总结 - Java - JavaEye新闻. Jacob Seidelin 在他的博客中写道: “2008年真是太棒了,不仅仅是因为很多厉害的人物在使用JavaScript和新的canvans元素,浏览器厂商也在竞争,试图超越对方在JavaScript方面的表现,这都证明了JavaScript的重要性。

08年 ,JavaScript总结 - Java - JavaEye新闻

以下是我的总结: Games 对于JavaScript游戏来说这一年很伟大。 使用DHTML和基于Canvas的游戏似乎有能力来接管Flash的一些领域。 还有很多在经典的旧游戏上加入了他们的新思想:Matt Hackett创作的 Spacius , Mark Wilcox 创作的 Invaders from Mars , VertigoProject创作的 RedLine Racing 和 Tetris game 。 我们甚至还看到了一些角色扮演的游戏:Andrew Wooldridge创造的Tombs of Asciiroth 和 CanvasQuest ,Pierre Chassaing创造的ProtoRPG。 2008年还出现了一些有趣的JavaScript / DHTML游戏库,最突出的就是GameJs (GameJS:超酷的Canvas游戏库)和GameQuery ,后者为jQuery库的扩展。 JavaScript Games and Web Games. 写给设计人的10个jQuery特效 - 幸福收藏夹. 最佳的addEvent是怎样诞生的[摘自网络] - A JavaScript Fancier - IT博客网. 使用javascript修复浏览器中12个常见而又头痛的问题. 使用javascript修复浏览器中12个常见而又头痛的问题,大部分都使用了jQuery的插件来处理的.


我们提倡无论何时都尽可能地使用CSS,这样我们更容易取得成功.现在浏览器对CSS的支持已经非常好,肯定足以让你用来控制你的网页布局与排版.但,即使如此,还是有某些页面元素会在不同的浏览器下表现也不一样. 如果你不了解其中的原由,请不用担心,深入一下CSS的规则并且看一下Using CSS to Fix Anything: 20+ Common Bugs and Fixes这个文章. 如果上面那篇文章对你毫无帮助,你可以使用下面12个javascript解决方案的其中之一去修复你的问题,并使你的页面看起来跨所有浏览器! Javascript的一种模块模式 @ 随网之舞. CSS, JavaScript and XHTML Explained. Separate content from presentation in order to make your website accessible to all users and devices, increase the longevity of your website (you won’t have to touch you HTML to alter the page’s layout), and enable the creating of new pages without worrying about consistency of appearance or layout. ECMAScript Language Binding. Anonymous function. Anonymous functions originate in the work of Alonzo Church in his invention of the lambda calculus in 1936 (prior to electronic computers), in which all functions are anonymous.

Anonymous function

In several programming languages, anonymous functions are introduced using the keyword lambda, and anonymous functions are often referred to as lambda functions. Javascript的匿名函数 @ 随网之舞. 一、什么是匿名函数? 在Javascript定义一个函数一般有如下三种方式: 函数关键字(function)语句: function fnMethodName(x){alert(x);}函数字面量(Function Literals): var fnMethodName = function(x){alert(x);}Function()构造函数: var fnMethodName = new Function('x','alert(x);') 上面三种方法定义了同一个方法函数fnMethodName,第1种就是最常用的方法,后两种都是把一个函数复制给变量fnMethodName,而这个函数是没有名字的,即匿名函数。 实际上,相当多的语言都有匿名函数。 二、函数字面量和Function()构造函数的区别 虽然函数字面量是一个匿名函数,但语法允许为其指定任意一个函数名,当写递归函数时可以调用它自己,使用Function()构造函数则不行。

Blog Archive » JavaScript中的作用域. » Javascript Switch Statement Quirks. Javascript: Things you should know Note: This is part II of a "Javascript: Things you should know" series.

» Javascript Switch Statement Quirks

I assume readers have an understanding of the core language. I try to cover quirks that are important, often lead to logic errors but don’t throw an error, and aren’t covered in most books or tutorials. CSS, JavaScript and XHTML Explained. We all know that JavaScript can trip you up.

CSS, JavaScript and XHTML Explained

Here are a 15 common traps that can trip you up when coding javascript. You likely know most of the code on the page, but if you keep these 15 gotchas in your mind, coding and debugging will be less of a headache: Case Sensitivity Variables and function names are case sensitive. Like mismatched quotes, you already know this. Getting Out of Binding Situations in Jav. Most developers don’t know about—or don’t care enough about—binding in JavaScript.

Getting Out of Binding Situations in Jav

Yet this single issue is responsible for a sizeable portion of the questions on most JavaScript-related support channels, and thousands—if not millions—of hairs being tortured away from developer heads every single day. Yet with a little attention to this oft-overlooked subject, you can avoid wasting your time, energy, and patience and move on to more powerful, efficient scripting. 正则表达式30分钟入门教程. Javascript Word HTML Cleaner v1.1.

This script is designed to clean the html that word outputs of all the extraneous tags that tend to mess up inserting it into a webpage.

Javascript Word HTML Cleaner v1.1

To use it, save a word document as a web page, and change the type to 'html filtered'. Then copy the source code of the outputted page into the box below. Click 'Clean' to start the conversion process. The cleaned source code will appear in the second box, and a preview of what it looks like will be displayed in the page below. Please be aware that this cleaner is not perfect, and cannot fix everything that is wrong with word's html. This cleaner has absolutely no warranty, without even the implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

Depending on the size of the file, the conversion could take awhile. High Performance Web Sites. At Web 2.0 Expo today I announce the release of Cuzillion. The tag line is ‘cuz there are zillion pages to check. It’s indispensable for people like me who are always pushing browsers to their limit trying to figure out how to squeeze out a little more performance. TIDE 2.0 beta. S Blog » Blog Archive » 背投广告代码的完善. Regular Expressions As Functions. Monday, March 3rd, 2008 • Related • Filed Under.

Cookies. Page last changed today See section 6G of the book. This script was originally written by Scott Andrew. Copied and edited by permission. This article has been translated into French On this page I give three functions to save, read and erase cookies. JSMIN, The JavaScript Minifier. The JavaScript Minifier Douglas JSMin is a filter which removes comments and unnecessary whitespace from JavaScript files. It typically reduces filesize by half, resulting in faster downloads.

jQuery API. A comparison of php json libraries. Firefox与ie 的javascript区别 - jianxiong8814的专栏 - CSDNBlog. 窥探jQuery——面向JavaScript程序员. Facebook Developers News. Michael J. I. Jackson » Shadowbox.js Media Viewer 1.0 beta. The Elements of JavaScript Style. JavaScript: The World's Most Misunderstood Programming Lang. Douglas Crockford JavaScript, aka Mocha, aka LiveScript, aka JScript, aka ECMAScript, is one of the world's most popular programming languages. GPDE Team Blog : JavaScript Memory Leak Detector. Sign in. #143264 - Pastie. New - Pastie. Prototype中文API文档. 使用 Web 标准生成 ASP.NET 2.0 Web 站点 一 - ajax,css,js,javascript,action. 最全面的脚本语言教程,特效,插件,文档库.