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10 photosynthesis. Photosynthesis by Brooke Wilks on Prezi. Photosynthesis. SEPUP Photosynthesis Sim. Photosynthesis. Agrium - Just for Kids - Games. Photosynthesis: Crash Course Biology #8. Plant Cells: Crash Course Biology #6. Photosynthesis: Self-Quiz. Illuminating Photosynthesis. Inside Leaf - Photosynthesis. The beautiful tricks of flowers - Jonathan Driori. In literature and music, flowers have long been associated with love.

The beautiful tricks of flowers - Jonathan Driori

The poet Pablo Neruda, for example, wrote “In the spring, love, / I want your laughter like / the flower I was waiting for.” Robert Burns penned the famous phrase “My love is like a red, red rose / That’s newly sprung in June.” (But before you get carried away with the romance, remember Whitesnake’s admonition that “Every rose has its thorn.”)