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Planta care alungă țânțarii – Plectranthus amboinicus sau țânțărica. Ing. horticultor Carli Marian, designer florist la Trias Cine s-ar fi gândit că pe lumea asta există o plantă care ține țânțarii la distanță? Ei bine, uite că există, dar mai mult poate fi folosită și pentru mâncare, grație frunzelor sale aromate. Nu știam despre această plantă, dar norocul meu este că-l am alături pe Carli Marian, colegul meu de blog care ne ține la curent cu incredibilele remedii pe care le-a creat natura. Eu clar o să-mi cumpăr mai multe pentru că mi se pare extraordinar să avem o variantă naturală la soluții chimice pe care le știm. Sper că ți-am trezit curiozitatea, așa că te invit să citești textul lui Carli pe care-l găsești mai jos. Întotdeauna zilele călduroase vin la pachet cu tânțarii. Deseori seara, când vrei să stai afară la masă, duci o luptă continuă cu înțepăturile țânțarilor care nu-ți dau pace. La maturitate planta are un aspect bogat, cu lăstari curgători extrem de decorativi.

Like this: Like Loading... Related. Living Afield - Plants, Their Identification And Use. Plantago major | Broadleaf Plantain | Braids - Survival Plants Memory CourseSurvival Plants Memory Course. • Scientific Name: Plantago major • Common Name(s): Broadleaf Plantain, Greater Plantain, Buckhorn Plantain, Common Plantain, Rippleseed Plantain • Nickname: Braids • Introduced: L48 • Group: Dicot • Family: Plantaginaceae • Duration: Perennial • Growth Habitat: Forb/herb • Known Human Hazards: See Miscellaneous • Poisonous Look-Alikes: None IDENTIFYING CHARACTERISTICS: weedy / rosette of leaves / dull green, egg-shaped leaves with thick green leaf stems / elongated spikes of tiny greenish flowers each followed by a small egg-shaped seedpod with usually more than 5 tiny dark brown or nearly black seeds / seedpods split open around the middle (not below the middle) at maturity. TIME OF YEAR: blooms early summer to early fall / a single spike remains in bloom for about 2 weeks.

ENVIRONMENT: cultivated land / pastures / meadows / waste places / roadsides / lawns / gardens / bear trodden ground and other compacted or disturbed soil areas / waste places / backyards / along train tracks.

Medicinal plants

Curs%20cultivare%20cap1. Ghid Pomicultura final. Products. The Most Powerful Fruit, Filled With Antioxidants That Has 20 Times More Vitamin C Than Orange Juice, The Liver God…Its This Tiny Fruit. Ayurveda in its numerous treatments and formulations often makes use of a tiny little fruit called amla, and is commonly known as “Indian gooseberry”. This tangy seasonal fruit has been used for more than 5000 years in India in order to rejuvenate the body and strengthen the immune system. Amla is yellow and green in color and is available during the winter months, when it can grow up to 18 meters Antioxidants like vitamin C and polyphenols found in most berries, can provide protection against chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

Amla is an excellent source vitamin C, which helprs to destroy free radicals that damage cell membrane. 100 grams of Amla can provide up to 450 milligrams of the vitamin, so its juice can have up to ten times more vitamin C than fresh orange juice. Heat or air can easily destroy vitamin C, but the large concentration of this vitamin that amla contains, protect it from being completely destroyed in the process of preparation. 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. Cum producem legume din semințele proprii? Încet-încet ne apropiem de vremea semănatului, iar cu această ocazie Phlox a pregătit un material extrem de util celor care sunt la începuturi în grădinărit și nu numai. Eu zic, că toată lumea care vrea să producă legume din semințe proprii are ce învăța din seria de articole pe această temă. Aztăzi vă prezint primul episod din trilogie, care are următoarele capitole: (huni) Învăţămintele ce urmează sunt pentru cei ca mine: afoni într-ale grădinăriei; sau mai bine zis pentru grădinari de duminică.

Îmi doresc, de multa vreme, sa găsesc un “ghid” de grădinărit pentru amatori, pentru cei ca mine, care se ocupa de grădinărit după ureche – parafrazând un cunoscut blog – care au timp o data la săptămână, în cel mai fericit caz, dar, care cu ardoare doresc să – şi demonstreze că o pot face cu propriile puteri, şi anume legumicultura . Legumicultura… Cam preţios, pentru noi, ăştia, neaveniţii. Mă uit în calendar, cel lunar, desigur, și vad ca momentul mult aşteptat este aproape. 1. Sau 2. 3. 4. How To Plant A Full Shade Raised Vegetable Garden Bed–Year 2 - Shawna Coronado. Planting season is here and I have spent the last several weeks digging in the garden and building some loud-and-proud garden beds. I have had several people ask me how to “spring clean” the garden and prepare the raised beds. Above you see my full shade vegetable French Potager garden completely replanted. Below I tell you how I did it. How To Replant A Raised Garden Bed – Dig out old plant material from previous year;Kale, Parsley, and Celery overwintered and grew back.

I planted several vegetables and herbs that will perform well in full shade – lettuce, celery, parsley, basil, collard greens, and thai basil. Here’s last season’s post with a full list of vegetable varieties that do well in the shade – LINK. Special Note – Because the FTC requires it, I am letting you know that Bonnie Plants, Organic Mechanics Soil, and Natural Industries supplied the plants, soil, and soil additives I used in this garden. Lunile în Care se Culeg Plantele Medicinale - La Taifas | La Taifas. Farmacia verde a naturii ne pune la dispoziție plantele și florile sale vindecătoare încă din prima lună a anului, când se recoltează de pildă vâscul. Cei care doresc să beneficieze de proprietățile tămăduitoare ale plantelor medicinale pe tot parcursul anului, au nevoie de o listă cu numele lor și lunile în care se pot culege proaspete.

Plantele se pot păstra sub formă de tincturi, alifii, siropuri, uleiuri sau alte preparate medicinale. Citiți mai multe despre culegerea plantelor medicinale și despre metodele de conservare a plantelor medicinale. Lunile în Care se Culeg Plantele Medicinale • Ienupăr, lemn dulce, zmeur. • Vâsc. • Vâsc, plop negru. • Brusture, cerențel, crușin, lemn-dulce, obligeana, osul-iepurelui, păpădie, pir, plămânărica, plop negru, porumbar, salcâm, stejar, tătăneasă, urzica moartă. • Brusture, cătină, cerențel, cicoare, fasole, frag, ghințură, iarbă mare, ienupăr, lemn dulce, merișor, obligeană, valeriană, osul-iepurelui, păducel, pătlagină, tătăneasă.

Ultimate List of Superfoods for Smoothies: Fruits, Vegetables and More. Like to make your own smoothie recipes and just want a long list of superfood ingredients to choose from? Here’s a master list of superfoods, updated regularly. Did I miss any ingredients that you already use? Leave a comment and tell me about it so that I can research it and add it to the list! Bonus points if you include a link to a page that explains why it is a superfood. Fruits: Apples: Apples are a terrific way to sweeten your smoothie and mask the taste of many other ingredients that are healthy but don’t necessarily make for the tastiest smoothie. Apricots: Apricots are a terrific source of vitamin A, vitamin C, potassium and fiber. Bananas: I use a banana in just about every smoothie recipe because it makes a terrific base ingredient and also gives the smoothie a really good texture and mouth feel, improving the experience of drinking it. Figs: Figs are available dried most of the year and fresh during the summer and fall.

Honeydew melon: High in vitamin C. Vegetables: Berries: Tea: Completely Free, Detailed Seed Saving How-To for All Common Garden Vegetables. Vegetable Seed Saving Handbook Amaranth Amaranthus spp. Amaranth is self-pollinating, but will also cross-pollinate (possibly even between different species). Further, wild amaranths are common in most areas worldwide. Individual heads can be bagged to allow growing several varieties in proximity or to ensure that wild plants don't cross the plants you're growing.

From ½ mile (green amaranths) to two miles (grain amaranths) are needed for reliable distance isolation. Grain amaranths may need support to keep the plants from falling over as they mature because of their large, heavy seed heads. If germination is slow, lightly stir the soil's surface... amaranth seeds need some sunlight after a period of darkness to germinate. Cut seed heads when they are becoming dry and hang them upside-down in large paper bags or over tarps to collect the tiny seeds. Amaranth seeds can last for many years if properly stored, and can sprout in the garden even after several years in the soil.

Arugula Basil Beans. How to Avoid Crossing Similar Varieties of Heirloom Seeds. Vegetable Seed Saving Handbook How to Avoid Cross-Pollination Plants which can be cross-pollinated by similar varieties are still easy to save if only one variety of the same species is grown at a time (e.g., one eggplant or one pepper). If using this method, however, make sure your neighbors aren't growing different varieties of the same plant, and that wild varieties of your plants do not grow in the local area. Queen Anne's Lace is the same species as the common carrot, for instance, and will cross-pollinate your carrots—carrots you grow from the resulting seeds will not grow true to the variety you started with. 'Isolate' Seed Plants for Genetic Purity If you want to grow more than one crossable variety of a species at a time and save genetically pure seed from any of them, you can prevent crossing by 'isolating' your heirloom varieties from each other.

There are several ways to isolate heirloom varieties: Each of these methods is discussed in more detail below. Seed to Seed Caging. Arbori si arbusti meliferi. Home. ⚠ Version 1 of The Plant List has been superseded. You should refer instead to the current version of The Plant List. Search Enter a Genus (eg Ocimum) or genus and species (eg Ocimum basilicum). ? Will match a single character. * will match any number of characters. Use at least three letters in the genus name if you include a ? The Plant List is a working list of all known plant species. Collaboration between the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and Missouri Botanical Garden enabled the creation of The Plant List by combining multiple checklist data sets held by these institutions and other collaborators.

The Plant List provides the Accepted Latin name for most species, with links to all Synonyms by which that species has been known. Summary Statistics The Plant List includes 1,040,426 scientific plant names of species rank. The Plant List contains 620 plant families and 16,167 plant genera. The status of the 1,040,426 species names, are as follows: Browse. Every Thorn has its Rose: Kei Apple is both food and fence! 0inShare Share By Philip Newell The Kei Apple’s small fruit progresses from green to yellow once they ripen. (Photo credit: Global Facilitation Unit for Underutilized Species) The fruit is also perfect for jams and jellies because the natural acidity balances the required sugar added for long-term preservation.

Some, however, find the acidity to be wonderfully refreshing and eat the fruit plain. Its forgiving growing conditions make it ideal for regions not suited for water-intensive forms of agriculture. Currently, this tree is primarily used as a living fence and to provide privacy. Philip Newell is a research intern with the Nourishing the Planet project To read more about crops indigenous to Africa see: Five Vegetables You’ve Never Heard of That are Helping to End Hunger , Saffron is a Family Affair, Imbe: Africa’s Queen of Fruits, The African Yam Bean: Several Possibilities for Improved Nutrition , Ackee: West-African Expatriate , The Lare Pumpkin: Orange You Glad it’s Not Orange? How to Control Cabbageworms: Organic Gardening. Q: Last summer, my Brussels sprouts, collard greens, and broccoli plants were decimated by cabbage butterfly caterpillars. I’d like to plant Brussels sprouts this year but don’t want to lose them again to cabbageworms.

How can I protect my garden from these voracious pests? —John Barbo, Geneva, Ohio A: Very hungry caterpillars are indeed a scourge of cabbages and related crops in the genus Brassica. In addition to the velvety pale green imported cabbageworm—offspring of those fluttering white butterflies—your sprouts and broccoli may also harbor striped green cabbage loopers, diamondback moth larvae (pale green and segmented with a light brown head), and cross-striped cabbageworms (chunky with a blue-gray back and a lengthwise yellow stripe on each side). All four of these caterpillars reach about an inch long, and all four riddle cole crops’ leaves and heads with holes and droppings. 66 Things You Can Grow At Home: In Containers, Without a Garden".

Growing your own food is exciting, not only because you get to see things grow from nothing into ready-to-eat fruits and veggies, but you also don't have to worry about the pesticides they might contain, and you definitely cut down on the miles they—and you—have to travel. As it turns out, with pretty minimal effort, anyone can be a gardener. My boyfriend and I are essentially first-timers this season and so far have the beginnings of strawberries peeking out, tomatoes are on their way, the basil's about ready for a big batch of pesto, and once the last frost hits, the peppers, kale, spinach, chard, and mesclun will be on their way, too. All on a tiiiny little terrace (with the help of a little DIY carpentry). WATCH VIDEO: World's Greenest Homes: Rooftop Garden If you're up to the challenge—and it really isn't much of one—growing your own food can be so rewarding.

Here's a starter list of all the crazy things even urban gardeners, without space for a garden, can grow at home. 1. 2. 3. 4. LEACURI DIN GRADINA –pentru prevenirea si combaterea bolilor si daunatorilor (I) Daca vrem sa gradinarim in armonie cu natura este necesar sa ne amintim ca aceasta ne pune la dispozitie toate mijloacele pentru a avea o gradina echilibrata si sanatoasa. Inainte sa se inventeze substantele care se termina in “CID” ( pesticid, ierbicid, insecticid, fungicid etc.) si care in fapt denumesc otrăvuri, gradinarii observau mai mult si mai atent natura si se foloseau de leacurile oferite de aceasta pentru a-si mentine atat sanatatea familiei cat si pe cea a gradinii. Cu timpul, cred ca mai mult din cauza comoditatii sau stiu eu, am inceput sa cautam solutii mai “simple” de tratament si am apelat la substantele de sinteza cu efecte distructive asupra naturii.

Tineti minte cum se imprastia DDT –ul pe campurile de cartofi. Folosirea acestor solutii nu a facut decat sa produca dezechilibre majore in ecosisteme si sa otraveasca mediul. Dar, pana sa ajungem la folosirea acestor leacuri cred ca cel mai important lucru este prevenirea. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 10 Natural Ways to Repel Mosquitoes. When summer approaches and mosquito season comes, all my family get bitten like crazy. I like to make my own natural home made mosquito spray which is a natural bug repellent as I don’t like to use the conventional products that contain nasty and harmful chemical ingredients. Therefore I’ve brought to you natural solutions, which are the best and healthiest ways to keep mosquitoes off anyone. Mosquito bites are the itchy bumps that appear after the mosquitos use their mouth-parts to puncture your skin and feed on your blood.

Most mosquito bites are harmless, but occasionally a mosquito bite causes a large area of swelling, soreness and redness. Here are natural ways that will help you to keep the mosquitoes away: 1. Directions: Pour the witch hazel in the mixing jar and add the essential oils. 2. Another way of using essential oils is to vaporize them, and this can be done by using an oil burner. 3. 4. You can grow your own citronella plants around your yard and outdoor eating areas. 4. (1) List of companion plants. (1) List of beneficial weeds. Herb Companion Planting « Gardening Birmingham. (1) List of pest-repelling plants. Hyperaccumulators table – 3. List of hyperaccumulators. University Department of Animal Science. Flower Pictures - Anemone, Annual, Aster, Amaryllis, Alstroemeria Flowers.

Camp Food Plan: Perennial Food Sources. RHS Plant Selector. Practical Plants. The Largest Plant Identification Reference Guide - Dave's Garden. GM Crop Database. Database Search. Food Gardening Guide :: National Gardening Association. How to Grow Ground Cherries & Ground Cherry Recipes. How to Grow Ground Cherries & Ground Cherry Recipes. Top Houseplants for Improving Indoor Air Quality. Cultura de mazare boabe ecologica. "Look to the Weeds" by Diana Barker page one. Bean Plant Care & Growing Information. At least 12 reasons to plant comfrey (Symphytum officinale) in your permaculture garden. Burdock: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions and Warnings.

Burdock. Witch Hazel - 10 Amazing Healing Benefits.
