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Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge, the godfather of caffeine. Ullstein bild via Getty Images.

Friedlieb Ferdinand Runge, the godfather of caffeine

Where the World’s Best Coffee Comes From: 12 Regions You Should Know – Why the number 137 is one of the greatest mysteries in physics - Big Think. 5 Tips to Help Entrepreneurs Successfully Manage Multiple Ventures. It's okay to work on more than one business idea if you're smart about it.

5 Tips to Help Entrepreneurs Successfully Manage Multiple Ventures

October 25, 2018 5 min read Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own. I’ve pivoted my company before, but nothing like what I am currently going through. When I started my marketing agency, it was a service-provider. Years later, it pivoted into a consulting agency. So, I’ve gone from providing online marketing services to other businesses, to consulting with in-house marketing teams, to now creating e-commerce brands and marketing them exclusively.

I’ve met a lot of great people in the marketing world, and have a circle of agency owners that I communicate with on a regular basis. Lindsay Rosenwald currently serves as the CEO of Fortress Biotech, along with being involved in several other companies and projects. Over the past couple of months, I’ve picked Rosenwald’s brain and expressed my concerns related to spreading myself too thin and putting too many projects on my plate. Fresh drinking water machine can make gallons of water out of thin air. The machines, dubbed Skywater, were created by the Skysource/Skywater Alliance, a team of sustainability experts from Venice, California.

Fresh drinking water machine can make gallons of water out of thin air

Skywater machines, housed in big metal boxes, are atmospheric water generators that condense water vapor from the atmosphere and turn it into drinking water. The machines can be powered by solar energy or the burning of biofuels. Depending on the model, they can be used for households, for farming or for emergency relief efforts. The prize, called the Water Abundance XPRIZE, was awarded Saturday by XPRIZE, a California nonprofit that runs competitions with sometimes multimillion dollars in prize money aimed at creating solutions for the world's problems.

After Becoming Largest European City to Offer Free Public Transit, They're Enjoying a ‘Revolution’ From Their Buses. It has been one month since Dunkirk became the largest European city to provide free public transportation to the masses – and it has had an amazing impact on the community.

After Becoming Largest European City to Offer Free Public Transit, They're Enjoying a ‘Revolution’ From Their Buses

All of the buses in the French city are free for visitors and residents to use. The fleet includes 140 buses, many of which run on green energy sources and have free WiFi. A Secret Superpower, Right in Your Backyard. As the verdant hills of Wakanda are secretly enriched with the fictional metal vibranium in “Black Panther,” your average backyard also has hidden superpowers: Its soil can absorb and store a significant amount of carbon from the air, unexpectedly making such green spaces an important asset in the battle against climate change.

A Secret Superpower, Right in Your Backyard

Backyard soils can lock in more planet-warming carbon emissions than soils found in native grasslands or urban forests like arboretums, according to Carly Ziter, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The Difference Between Baking Powder vs Baking Soda. I can't tell you how many times I've gone to grab baking soda, only to realize that all I have is baking powder, or vice versa.

The Difference Between Baking Powder vs Baking Soda

I end up using the wrong ingredient and my result is a sad, dense bake good. Each time this happens, I wonder how there's such a big difference between baking powder vs baking soda. But what is the difference? They're both leaveners and they both have 'baking' in their name, so how can soda and powder be so different? If you'll recall high school chemistry, you might remember that they're chemically different and they do different things. Baking Soda Jedd Marrero Baking soda is a base, which means it reacts with acid. All you need to know about GST. Throw Away Your Glasses! This One Ingredient Will Help You Increase Your Vision By 97%! - TopBuzz.

Throw Away Your Glasses!

Throw Away Your Glasses! This One Ingredient Will Help You Increase Your Vision By 97%! - TopBuzz

This One Ingredient Will Help You Increase Your Vision By 97%! SpasiqueJan 08, 2017 | 3:44 PM Aren’t you tired of going to your eye doctor and spending a lot of money on trendy glasses. D found to use a range of different accents when they 'speak', depending on waters. If anything, you’d expect them to stick to estuary English...

d found to use a range of different accents when they 'speak', depending on waters

But cod actually employ a range of distinctive regional accents when they ‘speak’, scientists have discovered. Just as Britons who live in certain parts of the country talk alike, fish may develop dialects. An Insider Shares 10 Ways Twitter Can Be M’sian Startups’ Ultimate Marketing Tool. One of the most efficient methods of sharing content as a means of marketing is through word of mouth.

An Insider Shares 10 Ways Twitter Can Be M’sian Startups’ Ultimate Marketing Tool

As a brand or startup, growing your presence on online social media platforms is crucial when getting your name out in the world. Twitter has the potential to be effective when it comes to online marketing, with over 800 Million users worldwide and 70% of Malaysian Twitter users interacting every day on the platform. Novita Jong, the Senior Sales Lead APAC from Twitter, spoke on “The Ultimate Startup Marketing Strategy” during MA2016 and listed down the ten rules on how to properly utilise Twitter as a platform for marketing strategies. 1) Define your brand identity.