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Enriched Academy. Make a Newspaper Online with ARTHR. More than 800 FREE English games and activities. Learning English - Quiznet. Playing with art & language: some personal memories - The Word As Art - Artlink Magazine. In the early 1980s I walked into what was then the Third Eye Centre in Glasgow's Sauchiehall Street and saw that the art centre shop was full of giant prints by London-based Scot Bruce McLean.

Playing with art & language: some personal memories - The Word As Art - Artlink Magazine

These prints were a wild, neo-expressionist mix of art and text. It was difficult to tell what was a mark representing an everyday object and what was a word representing that object. This was visual poetry, but it was also real poetry, for out of the pizza explosion of colour and line the eye discerned the absurdly beautiful phrase, 'A teacup, a jug, a piece of floor, a certain smile, a new front door.' The marks representing the objects were almost indistinguishable from the words that signified them. And that's about as close to semiotics as I care to go, lest the magic and mystery of the convergence of text and image be analysed out of existence. Since those days I have always had a soft spot for artists who combine image and text – although not to the exclusion of all else.

Visual Dictionary Online. Writer's Digest. Daily Quizzes to Train Your Verification Skills. Grammar Up. Grammar Up es un test de selección múltiple para el Inglés, provee más de 1800 preguntas en 20 diferentes categorías gramaticales.

Grammar Up

Grammar Up ha sido diseñada para repetir las preguntas enfocadas comunmente en el popular TOEIC (TM), exámen de suficiencia en Inglés. Grammar Up es de ayuda a los aprendices para mejorar su gramática, la selección de palabras y el vocabulario. All Things Grammar - Home. Gap Filling- 1 - Online Language Quiz - English. Free online TOEFL practice tests.

English Grammar Reference and Exercises. Learning English Grammar. English exercises - grammar exercises - learn English online. Grammar - Self-Assessment. English Tests: Test your English. What's the Correct Word Order? The Newspaper Clipping Image Generator - Create your own fun newspaper. Quizzes - HowStuffWorks. Quizzes.

Quizzes. Top 40 Quizzes on GoToQuiz. Inklewriter - Education. Education inkle is looking to bring interactive stories to the classroom, and give teachers free and simple get-stuck-right-in software to use with their students.

inklewriter - Education

From within a web-browser, the inklewriter will let students make and play interactive stories with no programming required. Why make stories interactive anyway? The way our stories work is simple: the reader is given the text of a story in a small chunks, and after each, they get to make a decision about what happens next. That could be what a character says, or does - but it could also be a deeper choice, like why a character has done what they've done, or how they feel about something else in the story. Our first project, Frankenstein, uses interactivity to explore the different facets of Mary Shelley's original novel - allowing the reader to discover different aspects of the world, follow up hints and allusions in the text, and maybe even take some narrative paths that Shelley herself considered.

Oh, and it's all free. Online Writing Lab (OWL) Contests, MFA Programs, Agents & Grants for Writers. Writer’s Digest - Writing Prompts. Write a scene that includes a character speaking a different language, speaking in a thick accent, or otherwise speaking in a way that is unintelligibe to the other characters.

Writer’s Digest - Writing Prompts

(Note: You don't necessarily need to know the language the character is speaking—be creative with it!) Describe a character's reaction to something without explaining what it is. See if your fellow prompt responders can guess what it is. The Internet Writing Workshop: Write - Critique - Learn. Free Essay Writing Guides and Samples. Creative Writing Prompts. Thirteen Writing Prompts. [Originally published May 4, 2006.]

Thirteen Writing Prompts.

Write a scene showing a man and a woman arguing over the man’s friendship with a former girlfriend. Do not mention the girlfriend, the man, the woman, or the argument. Write a short scene set at a lake, with trees and shit. Throw some birds in there, too. Choose your favorite historical figure and imagine if he/she had been led to greatness by the promptings of an invisible imp living behind his or her right ear.

Write a story that ends with the following sentence: Debra brushed the sand from her blouse, took a last, wistful look at the now putrefying horse, and stepped into the hot-air balloon. A wasp called the tarantula hawk reproduces by paralyzing tarantulas and laying its eggs into their bodies. Writing Prompts – Creative Copy Challenge — Curing Writer's Block One Fun Challenge at a Time. Writing prompts. 40 Photo-Illustrated Questions to Refocus Your Mind.

Asking the right questions is the answer… It’s not the answers you get from others that will help you, but the questions you ask of yourself.

40 Photo-Illustrated Questions to Refocus Your Mind

Here are 40 thought-provoking questions to help you refresh and refocus your thinking: Please share your thoughts with us in the comments section below. Also, check out our sister site, Thought Questions, for more photo-illustrated questions like these; and check out The Book of Questions if you’re interested in reading even more inspiring, thought-provoking questions.Title photo by: Helga Weber For all other photo credits please refer to Related 40 Questions Everyone is Afraid to Ask. Favorite Writing Prompts. Writing prompts : Photo. Writing prompts. Creative Writing Prompts. High school persuasive writing prompts. High school students can practice their persuasive writing skills with these engaging persuasive writing prompts.

High school persuasive writing prompts

Whether they’re trying to convince a friend to watch less TV, volunteer at the local food bank, or read an amazing book, they’ll find the perfect prompt below. 1. Teen Couch Potatoes Research shows that the average American teen spends up to 40 hours in front of television and computer screens each week. Do you think this is too much? 2. Many students volunteer their time to help others, either through nonprofit organizations, animal shelters, churches, or other charitable venues. 3. Your local Chamber of Commerce has asked you to create a brochure to attract visitors to your hometown. 4. Think of five unforgettable, inspirational, or life-changing books that have impacted you. Favorite Writing Prompts.