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Treehouse. Library - Android Development. Lady Gaga "Applause" Parody. Musings by Starlight. The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe. A horrifying atmosphere can be created by playing with the imagination and expectations of the audience.

The Raven by Edgar Allen Poe

Poe introduces his horror piece with the traditionally frightening motif of darkness. Fear is a result of the unknown - that which lies in darkness - and establishing that darkness immediately is crucial to the horror text. The story itself cannot begin until it has been established that there is a setting that will permit a supernatural occurrence. The narrator then opens the door to find “Darkness there, and nothing more” (Poe 24) suggesting that the narrator expected to find something “more” waiting for him. Poe’s setting also introduces the supernatural as something estranging and new: “each separate dying ember wrought its ghost upon the floor” (Poe 8). The first two lines begin with alliteration and consonance, with “silken sad uncertain” and “Thrilled me – filled me”. The fear of the unknown in “The Raven” is cultivated in the reader’s own imagination.

Pahl, D. Vesa, Nicole.


Doctor Who. It didn't age that well, it's goofy, the premise was nothing unique for its time, and the acting was... well...

Doctor Who

British. Now that I have your attention, and quite possibly your eternal hatred, let's get to what's good about the Dr. Who Pilot. I liked it. I like Doctor Who, but come on - the series begins with an almost five minute montage. I wouldn't even quite say that it's the writing that makes the Doctor and Rose likeable - at least as far as the pilot goes. In fact, with lines like "The assembled hordes of Genghis Khan couldn't get through that door, and believe me, they've tried! " The Doctor is a Time Lord, an alien who uses a phonebooth-looking thing called a Tardis to travel through time saving humanity again and again from extinction, invasion, and our own stupidity.

The pilot for Doctor Who doesn't in any way establish an arching plot. Indeed, it will take an episode or two before it becomes clear that the Doctor and Rose have very few limitations. Good times. Why The Truman Show Haunted Me. The Truman Show terrified me.

Why The Truman Show Haunted Me

Actually, I believe its concept first began to bother me when I saw EdTV, where some average Joe becomes an instant celebrity when he airs every moment of his day on national television. The twist in the Truman show is that Truman Burbank does not know he's the star of a 24 hour, round the clock, exclusive reality TV show. If you've seen The Truman Show, you may think you know where this is going, but please hold tight, friends and readers. Jodie Foster put (at least) one thing beautifully at the Golden Globes when she said, after objecting to the idea that every celebrity should air their lives in public, "Please don't cry; my reality show would be so boring. " If an actress whom IMDB credits with 75 roles in mostly Hollywood films can say that her show would not be worth watching, I think we could all learn some humility and admit the same.

We can all examine our perspectives and see where we have been indoctrinated in one way or another.

Speculative Fiction

The Life I Lead! « Proud African child. Sitting by the window and looking out on the lawn my mind wanders and it finally settles to my life and what is there to tell of it.

The Life I Lead! « Proud African child

It really seems so uninspiring or so I thin until realize that if life is a gift from God then I have to live it wholly and appreciate the fact that I have it. Just the other day I was feeling so disgruntled over a lot of things, for instance; why am I so poor, why don’t I have a job, why don’t I have a car? Such was what filled my mind. Well, I don’t want to be poor but it is the poor who will inherit the kingdom of God.

When I realized that, I felt so relieved and I am still. Ahead of me and moving in the opposite direction was a little boy with crutches apparently cripped and moving at a slower pace than mine. Like this: Like Loading... Why I Hate School But Love Education. Join Our Community. Io9. No.


Because kids do not have any familiarity with this character. There is no name recognition. They're kids. They don't have any familiarity or name recognition with anybody. Everything is new to kids. Lift your sword! Throw in some moral lessons so that you can insidiously shape their moral development, and to assure parents that you're not just feeding them ego candy. The issue is that there is an actual fanbase for this particular character. It's the same argument I always make regarding movies based on preexisting material; do not alienate the extant fanbase, as they are a source of money who will want to see the movie, but you will lose them if you shit on their hearts.